House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Calihan said:However this episode had two saving graces: 1. The Cameron/Chase relationship and 2: the scene with House and Cuddy at the end.
Oh my! How could you forget about the underwear? :rolleyes: ;)
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Seemed like a weird episode last night?? Was he hallucinating because he couldn't pee or what?

I did like the Cameron and Chase stuff and they are cute as a couple.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Thanks a lot GrissomFREAK!!! for the explanation and the pics ;), man we're in s2 here so those episodes are near for me *dances*

Oh, and what was the scene between House and Cuddy last night??? :confused:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

CalleighWolfe said:
Thanks a lot GrissomFREAK!!! for the explanation and the pics ;), man we're in s2 here so those episodes are near for me *dances*
You're welcome :)

Oh, and what was the scene between House and Cuddy last night??? :confused:
Well, basically we learn that ...
One night they slept together and he gave her everything she wanted :p lucky woman :D

I got caps from the epi (don't click if you don't like spoilers)
Puppy dog eyes
Mayday! Mayday! We've got a problem! *ahem* HE's got a problem. I don't. That scene? Totally fine with me ;)
All wet *@srdfWOOWs#!!^^@OMfg@!!* and sexy :eek:
There's a hawt geek in my bathtub! :lol:
Aaahh! Release! :D
Hehe :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

My favorite part fro Tuesday's episode would have to be..

Cameron: No, you'd do House and Wilson before I do Chase.
Chase: She did me once
Foreman: She was stoned!

Oh man the way he said 'stoned' just cracked me up. I also liked it when House walked in on Chase and Cameron and he was like "Sorry I'm just looking for an over sized trash can" or something to that effect. lol.

But I think the part of the episode that cracked me up the most would have to be when House asked if the guy had been in any porno's. *sighs* That's the House I know and love.

And plus seeing Hugh in his boxers was a plus.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

OMG!!! Loved the House/Cuddy thing!!! I can't believe it!!! *dances* thanks guys!!! :D

Oh, well, hre I am with another question :p

Where does these scene come from??? What episodes are they from?? :confused:
1.- Cuddy is having dinner with Wilson in a restaurant.
2.- House yells at Cuddy through a glass door: "You can't stop our love!!!"
3.- House points a red laser to Cuddy :D

Thanks a lot guys!!!! :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Number one is from "Forever"
I forgot what episode number 2 is
And the third one is from "Finding Judas"
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

CalleighWolfe said:
2.- House yells at Cuddy through a glass door: "You can't stop our love!!!"
That's from Lines in the Sand (3x04) :)

Loved the scene with Cuddy, too. Loved the smile on his face at the end :D

Cuddy: That ship sailed long ago House, get over it.
House: If you're still referring to your ass, I think that 'supertanker sailed' would be a more precise metaphor.

:lol: :lol:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

OMG!!! Thanks for all your help guys :D :D :D I really appreciate it :D

I have another question (really??? :lol:), where can I find big House promo pics??? where can I find captions???. Since there are many sites with promo and caps from CSI I thought you'd know about House's sites too :D

Thanks a lot!!! :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

^^ Thanks :D it's so amazing that page!!!

Gonna use one of the pics as my wallpaper :devil:

Is there any new spoilers??? I read...

... House is gonna have a dog :lol:, I'd really like to see that :p :lol:
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