House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Feels like I'm talking to myself in here :lol:

I know House is off the air right now, but come on, that's no reason to stop talking about the hot Doctor, now is it? :D WHERE ARE YOU?!

Does anyone know of a House forum -apart from the one on Fox?
I'm on YTDAW already, but it's not very active except for the spoilers section :( :(

Some food for thought (not naughty ones, eh? :D) for you guys ... :p :p

I grabbed audio clips from Son of a Coma Guy today, and I took a few caps too ... House is VERY :devil: in that epi :eek:

I love all those close-up views of House *faints*

Jeans + t-shirt = Hot Doc :eek:
Awwww! :(
Conflict, confusion, lost in thought :confused: Love it when he does that. Slightly bending his head so that you only see his forehead, as if he was -I don't know- deep in thought
Smiling! YESSSS! :D
With that look ... Who Da Man? He Da Man! :cool:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Hmm I think 'Son of a Coma Guy' was the first or second episode I ever saw of House. I'm always a late bloomer to everything and I hate that because then I have to go and save up the money to get the previous seasons. But I am really glad that I stubbled upon House becase Hugh Laurie is just hilarious. And the show's awesome.

I am so glad that I stayed up late last night to watch all of the Late Night Talk Shows that I normally don't get to watch because of school because Jennifer was on The Late Late show with Craigh Ferguson last night and she was just adorable looking. She talked about her engagemnt with Jesse and how Vicodin is the cure for everything, or House would like to believe that. Something to that effect it was like 1 in the morning and I was pretty tired.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

speedmonkey2 said:
Hmm I think 'Son of a Coma Guy' was the first or second episode I ever saw of House. I'm always a late bloomer to everything and I hate that because then I have to go and save up the money to get the previous seasons. But I am really glad that I stubbled upon House becase Hugh Laurie is just hilarious. And the show's awesome.
The first episode I ever saw was Need To Know (2x11).

It was in the flight Paris-San Francisco on August 13 2006 :D Long distance flights always have all these channels to choose from ... I had never watched House, but I had heard a lot about it -I'm so glad I moved to the US because in France, they just started season 1 :eek: (French are the late bloomers ;))
ANYway. I think they were showing 3 episodes, but that's the only one I can remember. I think it was love at first sight -with the show and with Greg House/Hugh Laurie :p
The scenes that really stuck with me are the ones on the roof of the hospital -first one with Stacy and second one with Wilson. Oh and of course the bedroom scene :D

Now I'm an addict. I have all seasons on DVD (and DivX too), I have screencaps, audio clips, music from the show on my iPod, and I never miss an episode :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Oh man I just saw Hugh Laurie on Friends. *giggles* He was so funny. I love how he paused before putting the headphones on and I LOVE how he said "Phebes" andlet's not forget the icing on the cake with the whole "It was clear you were on a break." Friends had a lot of guest stars but I think he was one of my favorites.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Have you guys seen the new British ad for season 3 of House?

Looks great, doesn't it? :cool:

Only a week to go till next episode! I can't believe we're gonna see ...
House in underwear!!!! Apparently he wears boxers. I loooove boxers :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

:D I'm so excited! I mean, can you imagine that? WHOA. I just can't help picture him with ... OMG. It's gonna be :devil:

I think I'm gonna need a camisole during this epi. I'll ask my roommate to bind me to a chair or something -otherwise I'll go crazy. Well, she already thinks my obsession with House IS crazy, so :lol:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

speedmonkey2 said:
Oh man I just saw Hugh Laurie on Friends. *giggles* He was so funny. I love how he paused before putting the headphones on and I LOVE how he said "Phebes" andlet's not forget the icing on the cake with the whole "It was clear you were on a break." Friends had a lot of guest stars but I think he was one of my favorites.
Hugh Laurie was awesome on "Friends". :lol:


Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Don't miss the House Marathon this coming Sunday on USA!! 6 episodes in all, from 6/5c to 11/10c :cool:

And since we're all patiently *
* waiting for the Hot Doc to come back on our TV screens ... I have a little something for you guys to help you survive till Tuesday -I had a substantial amount of spare time this weekend, so there:

I like to play with my cane :D
Neck fetish

Up close and personal :p
Sleeping beauty

More to come ...

EDIT: OMG! You guys have got to see this!! *WARNING! MAJOR HOTTNESS* The new issue of Rolling Stone's got an article on Hugh. The picture is :eek:
You can find it HERE :cool:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Whoa House fell asleep with a book on his face? Missed that episode! What season was it in? (Please let it be in 2...)

I've been hearing rumors. A little birf tell me that Hugh Laurie was actually thinking of going to Med school and becoming a doctor. I think it's a rumor, but i'd like to check out for the truth. :p
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

we finally get the new season of house TONIGHT!!! i soooo cannot wait just another hour to go so ill help myself to a nice hugh pic and because im so sharing
Love it!!
Edited because i too am in love with hugh and thought GrissomFreak would like this piccie
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Whoa! A new season? Like, th 4th one?! OMG YES! *jumps up and down with grssom89*
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

season 4! i wish.
No im in the uk so tonight we're finally starting season 3 how lame is it that we are so far behind you guys but thanks hunter ill still jump up and down :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Oh my goodness I have seen that House marathon commerical like 20 times today.....ok so what if I watched USA endlessly today just to see it. I'm weird, i've excepted that now. lol. But that song that they have for the commerical has been stuck in my head all day. Does anybody know who sings it?

Me and my friend Amanda were singing it earlier and we thought that, that would be a good theme song for House. But I kinda like the one they already have. Not that they would change it or anything. Anyways I'm rambling.

I'm sure you guys will enjoy s3. I know I have.
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