House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

speedmonkey2 said:
Oh my goodness I have seen that House marathon commerical like 20 times today.....ok so what if I watched USA endlessly today just to see it. I'm weird, i've excepted that now. lol. But that song that they have for the commerical has been stuck in my head all day. Does anybody know who sings it?
The song is "Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor)" by Robert Palmer.

You can watch the trailer for the House Marathon on the USA site, HERE. :cool:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

GrissomFREAK, I understand that you're excited about the new episode, but please add more content to your reply, because this is considered spam. Thank you.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Sorry about that :)

I made two new montages/collages whatever you wanna call them

Close your eyes ... ;)
Tongue Porn Heaven :p

I am SO excited about tomorrow's episode -even more excited that I usually have a class from 7pm to 10pm on Tuesdays so I can never watch House *talk about bad luck :devil:* and it was CANCELED! woo-hoo! :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Great collages :lol: you're very patient :p

Question: I saw a video on youtube and there are some things I really don't know where they're from, thought you could help me guys :D

Well, the scenes are:
1.- House has his pants down, he's in front of Cuddy.
2.- Cuddy and House are together sitting in front of a piano :D.

What episodes are those scenes from?

Thanks a lot!!! :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

...Hmm...I'm not sure what episode those are in. But I do remember the first one you asked about. I believe its in s2 some time. Because House told Cuddy that his leg is hurting extremely bad so he asks for drugs. And he pulls his pants down to show CUddy what his leg looks like and says that he is in pain.

Oh man I had the biggest brain fart today. My friend Tiffany was like "I can't wait for House tonight." and I was like "....That's on tomorrow. Tuesday you weirdo. Not Monday." and she was like "...Katie it is Tuesday." So then I got all excited.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I begin to like that show very much. I really love House's sayings. Always so great, awesome and funny. :D

And I like Wilson very much. So cute.

Today the new episode 'House vs. God' has been aired. A great epi.

Sadly there's been no winner at the end. :lol:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

CalleighWolfe said:
1.- House has his pants down, he's in front of Cuddy.
Skin Deep (2x13)

2.- Cuddy and House are together sitting in front of a piano :D.
All In (2x17)
But it's not a scene from the episode ... I found the picture (promo). Either it was cut from the final version, or it happened behind the scenes.

Two other promo pics -same episode, same scene

Cute couple :D
Hugh + tux = deadly :eek:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I thought tonight's episode was quite dissapointing. The plot of him having met the marine in his dreams before, was pointless. Non of the plot actually sucked me in as it usually does, I hope that this was a one time bad episode and not the begining of the end.

However this episode had two saving graces: 1. The Cameron/Chase relationship and 2: the scene with House and Cuddy at the end.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I was totaly in love with tonights episode lol.

Damn Damn Damn that Mr. Spencer has really been working out, Jen is a lucky women to do scenes like that with him, and of course being engaged to him.

And House in the bathtub = me fainting.

Cameron is...well she cant hold her erges lol.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Loooooved that episode. I mean - PARTY TIME = House + underwear = WOW :p :p

- The bathroom scene: House taking a bath *YUM!* and inserting that catheter *Gawd that must hurt! :eek:*

- The scene with Cuddy. Hehe that was fun. "You couldn't get hired at a blood bank!" LOL

- When House walks in on Chase and Cam in the closet LMAO The little smile on his face when he walks out -priceless :D

- "I haven't peed in 3 days!" :lol:

- At the clinic when he's examining the patient with OCD who can't stop drinking and shaking that water bottle -"Stop it!" :lol: :lol:

I agree, the whole dream thing with House dreaming about the patient, was pretty weird -thank God, we had the underwear/bathtub scenes ;)
We didn't really learn anything about House. Can't beat the awesomeness of House's hallucination in The Reason :cool:

Plot-wise, this epi was DEFINITELY not the best of the season ... BUT I'd say it was saved by the underwear :lol:

So I say, well done, Hugh! Just show up in underwear whenever the plot is kinda crappy, and everything will go just fine, no one will notice anything :lol:

PotW: not the most interesting case to say the least ... and vaginosis in his MOUTH??!! YUCK! :eek:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I watched that episod again. I am totaly in love with it :lol:

So many great moments. Poor Chase, why is it that House respects Chase but wants bad things to happen to him.

Cameron was also a little bit to harsh on Chase when they were talking with Foreman and he was right in the room.
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