~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother! ~

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Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Ah, Pusher, your defences have finally been breached! It only takes H in a wedding suit. ;)
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

erm... I know when episode is aired in US, it's not considered as "spoiler" anymore but it would be nice if people would cut back season 4 talk here... or at least put little *season 4 spoilers*
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

DaWacko silly question for u ... did i make something wrong or it`s was right way when i put this *season 4 spoilers* with the pics from epi. 'Shock'.... ?!!?

but u must understand that this thread like others CSI M characters threads can`t be safe from spolers, even if we write this type comment S4 warning. coz in Season 4 CSI: Miami *Spoiler Lab* can`t discuss our fav characters and theirs experience... for me this 'spolers warning' to be or not to be is so so confuse ... :confused: in Episode #4** '..' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** thread everyone write his impression from running epi, but where we can discuss ours 'heros'...here - there too is not the place... if we have to be honest all guys (95 %) in this forum go to read future spoilers... and that why after this that i try to explain u MOD`s have a lot of work to do. suppose u all are tired from saying 'pls write warning' or 'no need to write spoiler'...this is all that i want to tell. sorry for been out of topic but from day to day i go more and more confused :confused:

PS my guard still is not fall down, the writers have a lot of work to do so to make me allow H to come back near me again :lol:

I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...

this song is my gift for H wedding :devil:

It only takes H in a wedding suit
if after this have shower scene don`t give a damn if H is gay or not :lol:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Thanks pusher for the great pics. DC looked awful yummy in that suit. ;)
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

DaWacko said:
erm... I know when episode is aired in US, it's not considered as "spoiler" anymore but it would be nice if people would cut back season 4 talk here... or at least put little *season 4 spoilers*
Maybe a little spoiler warning yes (like Pusher has done above), for those who are yet to see Season 4. It's still okay to discuss Season 4 here though.

Just to confirm, you didn't do anything wrong Pusher. :)
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Uh, sorry Pusher. Sometimes I tend to read posts quite fast (it's handy when you are a mod) and I obviously skipped stuff... I'm sorry, my mistake.

Moving on...
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

PS my guard still is not fall down, the writers have a lot of work to do so to make me allow H to come back near me again :lol:
:lol: I was getting worried there for a moment!
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Ah thanks for the pics Pusher still languishing mid season 3 it is nice to see the upcoming H ;)

He seemed to be happier in this eppy and he looks amazingly fine in that suit and tie :D Good to see some smiles and grins, cause I'm afraid we won't see many more of them for a while :eek:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Hey I've been away again! And the next couple of days too :(

Anyway thanks for the pics Pusher. No time for captions now since I need to catch up on so many posts :p
But look at those pics. The ones from pic 17 onwards, you can easily imagine H without Aerosol beside him. He looked like he's walking alone without Aerosol hanging on to him.

And the tie! It's making a comeback!(maybe John Kelly really was H :eek: ) I usually like men with ties but I dunno why, I don't really fancy H(or DC) with ties. BUT! This one is much much better than the paisley tie in NYPD...I'm crossing H and DC and John Kelly again... :rolleyes:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

^I was thinking exactly the same when I watched the episode "oh no, DC with tie.... but thankfully fashion has changed from early 90s" :lol:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Is it just me or....does Eric look weird in pic number 16! He looks thinner! So much thinner! Picture fest! Awesome stuff Pusher! Looking forward to more of your spreeing. In the meantime, M have never looked more 'alive'. :lol: :devil:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Oh Casp remember she has the award of the most healthy looking cancer patient and she'll be touring South East Asia in the next few weeks so make sure to visit her when she goes to Singapore for her talk on "How to Look Dazzling When You're Months from Dying".

If Yelina's not with Ray anymore and she goes to see Horatio on his wedding day with Aerosol, will he go on with the wedding? Or not...? :rolleyes:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Wahahaa!! Oh yeah I rememba! She better not pass out while giving us her good 'ol talk.

Horatio better not! I would never have that man married to that woman because I would rather prefer Yelina to this sCamcer of a patient! She's putting on a fake show. Like this movie I watched in school of this girl who lies to everyone to get the man of her dreams.[It's called 'The Crucibles' if anyone's interested].
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

^^ oh boy casp... :lol:

i couldnt agree with you more, she seems like a nice enough person, and i respect what she is going through, but i dont see that as an excuse to be able to use someone, H is just too nice to not help her and i think its rather funny that she basically proposed to him, that kinda cracked me up! :lol:

as strong as H is, there is one thing he cant protect, himself, he gives out to evrybody else and never gets back or saves enough for himself, it was cool in earlier seasons because he was not like he is now, i dont mind H helping people, its in his nature, but i hate it when people use him

you would think it wouldnt be possible, but H just cant seem to take care of himself and i honestly dont think that he loves her, but whatever

anybody know where i can find the writers... :lol:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

It's been awhile since I've been in here. S4 H hasn't really made me want to come in here and real life has also played a part.
However, I'm optimistic about s5 and figure I'll settle right back down in my own little spot here for the rest of this season and the 'off-season'. ;) Speaking of which, who's that in my parking space?
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