~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother! ~

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Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

categorically here between Horatio and Ray Jn. have strong connection. after all Ray Jn. is H own flesh and blood. and when i say this to my mind come again this soup in S4 and if the writer want to go this way they can add explanation that Horatio is Ray Jn. father - this time i promis to take theirs story seriously :lol: but back to the topic H/Rj...love all scenic between them two. like the way H act with Rj...hi don`t try to replace his dad but succeed to take boy respect toward him...as i remember we all for the first time see H and Rj in epi ' Grave Young Men' - Ray jn. was have some problems at school (the kids ridicule him for his dead dad who was dirty cop) and H talk to him..so sweet chat they have ...H: It's not important what people say about us. It's only important ...what we know inside about ourselves....heh i miss this family

and for the epi 'Hell Night' that Liz mention this was cool story...H defend Ray J all the time and a little respect the boy with strict voice ....for me H will be gerat dad :p...but i have notice that Ray Jn. too have try to 'defend' his friend. they was bad kids and try to get him into trouble but this not importan, for me this Ray Jn first reaction is sign that when he grow up will be like H...my fave part of this chat in the end of this epi was
Rj: You never come around anymore. H: Well, buddy, um...I guess I'm just trying to give
your mom some space. She doesn't need space. You know what we need, you and me? We need a fishing trip. Rj: Really? H: Yeah.
this all show that this is H family and this miss me a lot in S 4 :(

and at last will say some words for 'Whacked ' when Ray J. call H, coz his mam have 'fight' with Stetler...this mean that H is the hero for Ray J. hi is the only one who can help him...but in the end when everithing was ok (Stetler go off) H don`t forgot to talk with Ray J. ehhhh *sigh* why the writer don`t bring them (Rj and Y) back at CSI M show.. :(

EAT zippster ur post remind me epi 'money for nothing' where Madison was anxious for H coz he have blood on his shirt and ask her mam Suzi to go to CSI M building to see again H ... isn`t this was cool ?! :)

Luce i can`t believe that u use this word "Damn" :lol:

Oh damn
The club 'bout to close in a minute
Can I get your number baby
So you and I can go get in it
Let me come and pick you up
And go take you out
Can I get your number baby
So I can show you what I'm all about
What I'm all about
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Thanks for the pics. Sure do miss H from S1-3. :D Miss the way he looks, smiles, ;) oh dog just miss him altogether. :lol:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

All the pictures! Excellent. Erin :eek:, that pic is just.....freaky! :lol:

Don't you know Pusher, this generation's language has gotten to her :lol:! And they're conquering her mind! Hehe...this side of Luce is very much unpredictable.
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

:lol: Hehe. I guess I can be unpredictable! ;)

I know I wished you a Happy Birthday in the Misc Forum Casper, but Happy Birthday again!! :D Though I think it may well be about 4am your time as I post this message!

A belated Birthday picture for you.....


From marghelgenberger.com
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

All the pictures! Excellent. Erin :eek:, that pic is just.....freaky! :lol:

Don't you know Pusher, this generation's language has gotten to her :lol:! And they're conquering her mind! Hehe...this side of Luce is very much unpredictable.

ooh Happy Birthday :)
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Oh hey Casp happy birthday, my friend :D

And Luce great pic!! H looks really small compared to Delko here, I hadn't really noticed that before, but that is a lovely expression he is sporting ;)
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

I know I'm late, but Happy Birthday, Casper! :D
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Lol! Thank you everyone! :) As my belated birthday gift to all of you, I Photoshopped this..


Hehe..it's not much but I had nothing better to do. I hope you like it. And thanks for the pic Luce ;).
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

You're very welcome. He has a heavenly aura around him in your pic Casper! See, he really is Saint H afterall, he just needs rescuing from season 4! :D

*Plots how we can rescue Saint H* :cool:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Wow, lovely picture Casper. :)

Form an orderly queue for those who whish to participate in the rescue of H from season 4! :lol:
I'm going in as Wonder Woman! :eek:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

wow! Happy belated birthday!
and, i just watched Open Water...
ok i do apologise right here right now. but i didn't mind Marisol so much in this episode, at the end, H was so happy!

and i was smiling and everything! BUT, that didn't stop me noticing that he made no response to her clinging on to him...
gah! i dunno anymore, i am just so excited about Shock now!!!
another fab entrance!
yummy profile
cute hair thingy
she made him smile okay?!it's too cute!
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Nice pics L2MS. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for happy H, I just don't like this whole storyline at all. I would rather have repressed, forlorn H and a convincing storyline, than a smiling H and an unconvincing storyline. That's just me though, and I'm glad you're enjoying the episodes. :)

I'm curious about end of season, though not excited. I am, however, rather excited about possible developments in Season 5. ;)
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Man oh man, we have barely started with S4 and Season 5 is already starting somewhere! *smacks forehead* Sometimes I just wish I had a fast-forwarad button and get to the juicy parts! :lol:

Thanks much for those pics Stef :). I've seen that cap where M leans into H. Uhm, not happy bout it but what I say is like white noise to the writers. They never heed our advises. *sighs*
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Blimey, those eyes are gorgeous :)

Oh it's been a while since we had a queue, rescueing H, let me see..
He will need a good few hugs to take away all that pain and angst, now that is a job I would pay to do :lol:
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