~Horatio's Thread #3 - Sexy Saint H and those baby blues~

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Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Oh it's all about the eyes, any shot with a close up of those amazing eyes and I'm a happy lady ;)

I hadn't realised how tall Frank was until that last pic, but then I don't think DC is quite 6 foot so a lot of the guys appear taller than him I think.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

oh thanks for the pics :cool:
I hope that will be nice dreams tonight ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I dream more of the H from seasons 1-3, but any H will do, even the imposter H from season 4. ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Rex is 6'4" and David 5'11½" according to imdb... but - that can't be right... can it?

And you're welcome :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Rex is 6'4" and David 5'11½" according to imdb... but - that can't be right... can it?
Yes, that is correct. ;) Rex really is very tall. He towers over DC, who, as Liz said, is almost 6ft.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I think DC is 5'11". Rex is far taller than him, so it could be right.
I love it when H is standing his ground while talking to such big guys :devil:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Oh yeah that sounds about right, I didn't think DC was quite 6 foot and Rex is really tall!! But if you watch other guys are often taller than our H.

I remember thinking that while watching the scene between Stetler and H in 'Innocent'!! :rolleyes:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I always thought Da Man was taller than our God, but that much? Cool lol Thanks for the info Lucy :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Actually, H would look taller if DC didn't hunch. I actually realized this when in one episode, he was walking beside Calleigh and she looked like she had grown a few inches taller[not including the height of her high heels! :lol:]. So, I was thinking, if I have stood beside him[dream on Casper], I would have been the same height or an inch shorter! Still, I think his hunch contribute to his sexy walk! :lol: That stride, a little movement of the shoulders and the way his head tilts sometimes. It all seems so...intriguing :).
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Rex is 6'4" and David 5'11½"

this measure of length is inch or foot....pls someone to take it to sm. (centimetre/metre 100 sm = 1 m) thanks...i can't understand..:( did anyone know how weight HC (in kilogramme pls :D 1 kg=1000 g.)

togoholic thanks for this lovely pics :)
Missing cool ava u have :)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

You're very welcome Pusher!

Here are the best duo's heights in m:

Horatio 1.82 m
Frank 1.93 m

I have no idea what H weighs :D Kinda don't care :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

"I love..."-club?

:lol: :lol: :lol: I'd go crazy again...someone's gonna put me in a straightjacket.

To me, H and Frank are both really tall. I'd feel like a Hobbit walking beside them. But then again, maybe it's fun to walk in between them. I'll feel soo soo sooo protected and safe. Unless they don't see the little hobbit running between them... :lol:
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