~Horatio's Thread #3 - Sexy Saint H and those baby blues~

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Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

It's all over now Pusher. H just sneaked ahead, but we called it a tie. ;)

I agree, it did all become a bit silly in the end. It was fun to start with, but I think we all felt it had gone on long enough.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Oh a tie, very amiecable!! I enjoyed it at first but I'm glad it's over :rolleyes:

I had a great day today, we were running DNA gel plates so I got to play CSI all moning and we got into a huge discussion about CSI, my lab mate is a Grissom fan and always mocks me about H but then I didn't realise till today one of my other class members is a CSI fan and she heard the discussion and came over to help me out defending H, in the end we managed to convince evryone how good H really was :D I was very proud :)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

That sounds so awesome Liz. Getting to discuss CSI topics with people you know. I think I always talk to myself about it. Yup, it's sad. No one here appreciates CSI Miami :eek:! I think the nearest CSI Miami pal I have is Zippy and she's in Malaysia :p. A country away! Most of you here are a continent away.. :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Liz it`s good to read that u defend H, here too have the same problem. in the TV go too many show like CSI miami..and all compare one other show or character...i always stay by H side :)

Casp no meaning from where we are we all love H and will do it, even writer to make s..t for the show or friend who go against him...

this is the reason why i love this forum, because all of u HC/DC fans here :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I discuss CSI stuff with my mom. I know some CSI: Miami fans but they just watch the show and never discuss a case with me :lol: I was pretty amazed that even my aunt loves Horatio! I never talk about CSIM with her but I know she loves Mr. Caine ;) Can you people imagine the shock after my granny admitted she watches CSIM too???? I just have to convert my cousin, then my whole family would watch CSIM :lol:

But everyone I know who watches the show loves H! It's all about the red head xD (oh and they also love Frank, this is truly the fabulous duo *g*)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Ya know, you're right Pusher. Thanks, I feel much better now :).

Yup, my brother just let slip that he really likes 'CSI' when he meant to say 'CS'[Counter-Strike, a first person game]. Hey, maybe there is hope that someone near me enjoys CSI :D.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Oh I managed to get my sister, and my housemate totally hooked. I even got my little sis addicted to this board although not H! I have to say, she is a Speedster, well I suppose you can't have everything ;)

My parents love Miami too, and my mum is a H fan so things are not too bad, I'm also working on my sister in law ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Just a flying visit! Thought I would leave a gift! :D

Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Great picutre Lucy, DC always looks good in latex gloves. :lol:

Well unfortunately I'm really the only one in my house that adores H, my mum likes to watch CSI Miami but she's not yet seen the light! :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

zippy: how tall are you? Cause I'd be also a hobbit

Well, docfrog I'm only 5'1". So that makes me a hobbit. I remember I was involved in organizing a charity run and we had a former Miss World 2nd runner-up and a model coming to support us. I took photo with them and they made me stand in between them :rolleyes:...I looked like a hobbit then, so I know how I'll look if I stand between H and Frank. :lol:

During the holidays, I watched a lot of CSI:M and I suspect my sister knows I'm crazy about H. She kept doing the 'pose' at me. It's hard for me to pretend I don't see anything... :rolleyes: And when H puts on his shades and acts cool, she'd go "wwwwoooowwww". I'd like to go "wwwooooowwww" like her too but I don't want her to tease me or know that I'm in love with H so I turned poker-face. God knows what turbulence is going on inside of me... :eek: :lol:

Casper, we're a country apart but then let's not forget our countries are small compared to theirs so actually we're nearer than they are. :D

I have a question. How do you know when this thread is going to a new thread? Something about the post count?

Ohh, I'm rambling a lot today...
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

post by ThumpyG42 :
Thread Cap
Talk CSI has a thread cap of 1000. This means that when a thread reaches 1000 posts it will be locked by a moderator, and a new thread will be started in its place. A link to the old thread will be provided in the new thread.

and this is too is interesting info :

Post by :wibble
0 Civilian
5 Victim
25 Dead on Arrival
50 Hit and Run
100 Witness
150 Prime Suspect
200 Rookie
300 Police Officer
500 Lab Technician
750 CSI Level One
1000 Pathologist
1500 CSI Level Two
2000 Coroner
3000 CSI Level Three
4000 Captain
5000 Judge
6000 Corpse
8000 Head of the Swing Shift
10000 Head of the Graveyard Shift
12500 Head of the Day Shift

sorry <font color="greenish">Lucy</font> i`m out of the topic, won`t do it again.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Hey zippy :D Great to see you again! And you were so kind to kill me with your pics in the DC thread... awwwww whatta darling you are :lol: *hugs*
If a thread has 1000+ anwers it's locked and a new one will be opened then.

My mom keeps doing 'the pose' over and over again. I'm glad that it's not that sunny in Munich these days or otherwise I fear she'd put on shades whenever she can :eek:


Ah, I see Pusher was a little faster with the explanation :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Ok thanks for the explanation. My bad for not being attentive in class :p...so does that mean there's still a long way to go for this thread to get a new name?

togoholic seems like you survived the pics. Maybe just a few ruptured veins? :devil:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

we have 18 pages...when go to 21 this is the end :)

and zippy don`t give on ur sis to go on ur head :)
i succeed to make all my familly watch and love CSI Miami :)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

so does that mean there's still a long way to go for this thread to get a new name?

Not really too far, the way we post we will be through those pages in no time, plus I quite like the name for this thread!! I wonder why :lol:

My classmate did the glasses thing at me the other day cause i told her she was being too grumpy Grissom on me and I needed encouragment, so she said "Nice job" and adjusted her glasses :lol:

But without that amazing voice behind it, it fell a bit flat, can't beat H's voice ;)
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