Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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Best compliments to Olly. Amazing video and oh how I yearned for the little kiss in Big Brother but no matter. I positively lost count after my 15th round of watching it. Yet, I remember the goose-bumps crawling on my skin. Thank you loads! :).

Sherry, another great part there. I feel like I'm living in Fiction land.. :rolleyes:
Thanks, Tally for the compliments on our group fic :). The writers are definately turning a blind eye on H & Y. There are a million scenarios that they could use bring her back.

Olly I've seen your vid so much I've lost count :lol:! It is too wonderful for words, thanks for the treat.
Sorry guys. I've been a bit slow in adding the next installment. I will do it today, I promise.

Thanks for the kind words Tally. I didn't know I had it in me to be such a drama queen! Damn, that kiss was so close. Who wrote that bit anyway?! :rolleyes:
I don't really 'ship' anyone. Saying that though, Horatio and Yelina always tugged at my heart strings. Their feelings for each other were 'real' on the show, not a figment of the imagination. So many 'ships' seems to read into things that aren't really there. There's no denying the chemistry between these two characters. I just hope the writers have the sense to bring Yelina back. What on earth were they thinking? :rolleyes:
Hey MD. Glad to see ya here. How's NY treatin' ya? :devil:

I'm with you on this score. Luce too I bet. I've never ever envisioned H & Y as a 'ship at all. What they have is straight up Coke i.e. the Real Thing.

Their's is NOT a wannabe or a figgy or so far out in left field, Pluto is in the way, but an honest to goodness romance in the truest and best understanding of this word.

I hate to admit it but the current Horatio is a mere caricature of the the Horatio of Seasons 1 -3. Not only that, but the myopic-bound unscrupulous tptb seem hell bent on turning H into Raymond i.e. shallow and up for instant gratification of the ick kind. :rolleyes:
Yay, MD! :D ^ Ditto Tally's post! Glad you stopped by.

A definition of a 'ship' for me is probably 20% genuine affection/chemistry between the characters and 80% wishful thinking on the viewer's part. I think the writers enjoy throwing us fans a little hope now and then. We all know that at the end of the day, CSI isn't really about that. One could argue that possibly any pairing has 'potential'.

I have never regarded H/Y as falling into that category at all. Their storyarc was deliberately written to play out this heartbreaking, bittersweet romance, as Tally said, in the truest sense of the word. It was genuinely touching and poignant. I'm not saying other CSI character relationships aren't, but theirs was very special. Such a pity that TPTB have seemingly abandoned this. How I would love a few minutes with Ann D just to ask her what on earth was the thinking behind it? Interestingly, there has still been no official word, only a flimsy, throwaway line from someone about the relationship having run it's course. Please, don't insult us! I still cannot get my head around it at all. Grrrrr!
That refers to the alternative meaning of HoYay. It's basically UST between characters of the same sex ie. in this instance the poster was referring to Horatio and Stetler! Don't worry Leanne, if Yelina gets a mention in Season 4, I'll latch onto it swiftly and post anything of note in this thread! ;) *hopes for more Y references*

I imagine Sher would be quick off the mark with any news on that score too. :)
Right you are Luce, I'd scrape up every last morsel of info and post it right in here ;)!! I hope I can get that chance soon :D. The writers are definately off their rocker if they think the 'H/Y romance has run its course'. Maybe their testing our loyalty--at least I hope that's all it is. :lol:

Brilliant work on the fic, by the way! My head is still spinning... :eek:

Aw, good to see you in here MD :)! This thread doesn't have half of the posters it deserves and it's always good to see others in here.
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