Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Wow, great update Olly real intense!

A lot of the H/Y scenes are frustrating but I guess that's how 'complicated' is. There are numerous times we just want to tear down that wall of angst and hear their true thoughts and feeling about each other. Who knows, maybe after this period of seperation we'll get to hear some of that dialouge. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

When you think about it, H has never faced up to his feelings for Yelina. She was always pretty direct with him. Hopefully, as you said HnM, this is something that will be addressed in the future. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Exactly, he never has. It's always been simmering away beneath the surface. So, that in itself can give us hope. If the show has a few years to run yet, I am hopeful he will have to face it one day. Once Marisol and all the other 'love interests' they are bound to give him have gone. Come to think of it, I bet H will be involved when Y returns. More wriggling! :D

I don't know if you always read this thread, but Tally, if you're out there, were you going to post some thoughts on 'Simple Man'? I hope you don't mind me saying so, but I was looking forward to reading them. :) Or, maybe your mouse is still misbehaving! :(
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

My apologies for the later than late post on "Simple Man" scenes. Mouse, keyboard and video graphics card exhibiting a level of IT demonic possession, which would make Linda Blair so proud. I think I have most of it exorcised but this may be wishful thinking on my part.

Ok. As mentioned much earlier, "SM" was the first Miami episode for me. Plus I discovered it during summer re-runs because I didn't even know that there was a CSI spinoff set in Miami. Sad but true. So the only background information I had at the time of viewing this episode was that Horatio had a younger brother, Raymond, a cop, who was killed in the line of duty.

Up to the point of that first intro scene where Yelina walks off the elevator and into Miami Canon verse, Horatio had been ultra cool, calm, controlled and a total kick ass (as our Ducky would put it) with a deserved rating of 10 licks on the Lollipop Scale of Asskickingness.

Then we get that absolute stunner of a scene switch and a pivotal Canon verse point when he looks up from his conversation with Timmy and looks like he's been hit for a thunderous six (sweet Sachin style off a blistering Warne delivery). It’s almost cartoonish how H gets all pop-eyed. This astonishingly swift transition from Terminator to Charlie Brown is startling in its rapidity and total effect it has on Horatio.

From the ensuing dialogue coupled with the body language, it is self-evident, even to the dim-witted that there is deep-seated richly textured history with these two. It is also self-evident that of the two, Yelina is more direct and accepting of this past history and their current state of "truce" than Horatio.

This character dichotomy is intriguing in that Horatio, the tough cop turned even tougher CSI can't quite look Yelina in the eye but takes intense covert glances at her when she isn't looking. It also tickled me pink that his attempt at an excuse for missing dinner at her house was couched in his over-attention to his fingernails; it’s exactly the sort of thing one does when fibbing or when placed in an uncertain and vulnerable position.

The last scene of this episode is yet another defining moment in the Miami Canon verse. There is another surprise from Horatio. This time, he’s actually the one that takes the more direct albeit tentative steps in admitting that he wants something more….

H: I’ve been thinking about Raymond
Y: I think about him everyday. <pause>. I don’t want to go there. Too complicated.
H: What if I were to say you wouldn’t have to go there alone...
Y: Do you understand what you’re saying?
H: I do.

As soon as the dialogue sunk in, the "ain’t that a kick in the head" realization that she was his brother's widow and that he still harbored deep-seated unresolved feelings for her weighed in mightily. This revealation then placed their story in this episode into intriguing perspective by setting the stage for their storyarc and establishing the background of their relationship.

This relationship is straight up Coke unlike the current state of dilute day-old Pepsi-ness they have introduced in Season 4.

So. Not. Even. Close.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

yeah I agree the HoYay love was so much better written than him and the other chick. and I love Simple Man, also Spring Break when they check each other out :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Tally, thank you. What a great post. So perceptive and right on the money. Thanks for that. It was well worth the wait, and I hope your pc will remained exorcised!
This character dichotomy is intriguing in that Horatio, the tough cop turned even tougher CSI can't quite look Yelina in the eye but takes intense covert glances at her when she isn't looking. It also tickled me pink that his attempt at an excuse for missing dinner at her house was couched in his over-attention to his fingernails; it’s exactly the sort of thing one does when fibbing or when placed in an uncertain and vulnerable position.
Yes, it was a very natural, human response. I love how H seems vulnerable only with her. It really is very endearing.
This relationship is straight up Coke unlike the current state of dilute day-old Pepsi-ness they have introduced in Season 4.

So. Not. Even. Close.
Oh, Amen and Amen again! Some of us in the Miami Forum would agree 100% with you on that one! I was a lurker on this Board for a long time before I signed up and I have noticed how many regular Miami posters don't actually post there anymore. It such a shame, because they were the ones whose posts were the most perceptive. There are a few left, hanging in there! ;)

I saw earlier that 'House' was mentioned. What a great show that is! The quality of such a show really shows the current Miami up. CSIM has become very shallow, all style over substance and quite ridiculous in the storyline department.

I'm amazed I still watch it (not sure for how much longer). And it all looked so very promising. :(
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Mhhm. I'm beginning to wonder if we're going to have to wait for several more seasons until he culls all his courage to do what he did in SM. :p Maybe..
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Well David said in an interview with a dutch magazine that he was given a contract for 6 or 8 seasons
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Then we get that absolute stunner of a scene switch and a pivotal Canon verse point when he looks up from his conversation with Timmy and looks like he's been hit for a thunderous six (sweet Sachin style off a blistering Warne delivery).
Nice cricket analogy there Tally! ;)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

This relationship is straight up Coke unlike the current state of dilute day-old Pepsi-ness they have introduced in Season 4.

So. Not. Even. Close.

As SwanSwan_H said before me, AMEN! It's definately a wonderful way to describe what heaven we were once in and the hell we're being put through now. It just gets even more tiring to watch S4 play out. Really it is less stressful to just give up (which I'm not going to do). Gahh, I want my Coke back ;)!

Anyway, I've updated my own fic right here and am finishing up my installment of our fic. I'll post it tomorrow.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I've always preferred Coke to Pepsi! :D

Wonderful update as ever HnM. Very heartwarming. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Thanks, Luce.I usually brainstorm by myself for my next update but this time I may need some input. So, any help will be appreciated by anyone who'd like to. :)
I'm planning on doing a dream sequence later on of Raymond and Yelina's wedding. I don't feel I can do a backstory on them justice without covering that point. Anyway, what do you guys think took place?
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I think Horatio may have been the best man ( we all know that he IS the better man ) and maybe when she walked down the isle, Horatio was breathtaken bu her, and wished that it was him standing in Ray's shoes. I dunno maybe something like that.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I can imagine Horatio feeling totally heartbroken inside, even though he would be happy for them. We know that he has loved her for a long time, and how many times have we seen him let her go?

In my head, I picture an ultimate scene between them when he finally doesn't let her go. That thought isn't necessarily fanfic related. I'm thinking what I would love to see happen on the show itself. It's that very thought that keeps my hopes alive, however dismal things seem at the moment.
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