Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Love to watch 'House' myself and I was estatic when Hugh Laurie won for best actor in a drama at the Golden Globes.

posted by TallyHo:
It is bloody wonderful to have the Group Fic revived. I liked that the Brothers Caine hugged despite the complicated undercurrent of radiating antagonism and tension. Nice touch, HnM. Men, especially family members, don't seem to do this gesture often enough which is a great pity. :)

It is definately great to have the group-fic going again. I've enjoyed writing with some of the most talented people I know on this site. Furthermore, the subject matter that is H/Y is always easy to write since their chemistry is so easy to see you don't even have to look for it.
I do think that the gesture of brothers embracing isn't done enough and I suppose I put that in there as part of wishful thinking. Even if there still lies tensity between the two I think it is in Horatio's character to try and be close to his brother--which I'm sure Raymond would want to--even if H is angry at him. Rather honorable.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I've posted the next part of the group fic here. Over to you Leanne. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Lovely picture from 'Simple Man'. Great episode. :)

Also, I'm very impressed with the fic. I don't think I've 'met' HoratioAndMe, but Hello from me! :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Wow, great work Luce! Your writing is always the best words in the best order :D!

posted by SwanSwan_H:
Also, I'm very impressed with the fic. I don't think I've 'met' HoratioAndMe, but Hello from me! :D

*waves* Oh, hi! It's always great to meet another fan of H/Y. I hope to get to know you a whole lot better :D.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Well, thanks for your kind words HnM. I can say the same about your writing too. :)

Nice pics liz. I really enjoyed the dvd audio commentary that went with that scene from 'Dispo Day'.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Oh yeah, there are quite a few good commentaries that mention the H and Y dynamic, there is a nice comment in Hurricane Anthony, and a wonderful bit in 'Blood Brothers' about the essence of great love stories being about loss.

So again it begs the question to TPTB, if they liked it so much why write Yelina out??
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I think the answer to that is that Ann Donahue has taken leave of her senses, hopefully only temporarily.

It really is like a betrayal. Tally and I know those commentaries back to front, and we were completely convinced that they were said with the upmost sincerity. It's almost as if Ann D got bored with H/Y and has just tossed them to one side, without any consideration to the fans, Yelina's character, Sofia, not to mention the integrity of the show. For this reason, I now take every comment Ann makes with a very large pinch of salt. *sigh*
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I completely agree Lucy.

If I put my optimistic hat on though, I sometimes think Ann has done this in order to bring Yelina back with more dramatic effect. We could be on the verge of giving up hope, and then, in a *puff* of fairy dust, Yelina's back. Ann could be playing with us, even if it is a very mean way to go about it.

I know we now have Marisol on the scene (not for long), but that doesn't mean that the real love of H's life will not be part of his future. ;)

Anyone convinced? :lol: :rolleyes:
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

....keep going Swan, you've got my attention! :lol:
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I completely agree that the concept of bringing back Yelina would defintately cause dramatic effect--and a sizeable rippple in this thread, I might add.
It's hard to keep the faith in the writers (what with season 4 doing so poorly) but I've managed to keep a little spark of belief in Ann D burning.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Haven't been here in awhile, so Hello again! Great to see you back HoratioAndMe. :D

I'm so glad the fic is up and running again, and, of course Yelina will be back. Not necessarily soon, but one day. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I think the belief here is that AD will make things a whole lot worse before it gets any better. Of course I could be giving her way too much credit with the "getting better" part. Needless to say, but I would love to be oh so wrong but in a good way.

In the meantime unbeknownst to them, they've hit rock bottom and yet they continue to dig. Ai Caramba, preserve me from wilful foolishness.

*shakes head* Barking.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I think the belief here is that AD will make things a whole lot worse before it gets any better.
Yes, I'm quite sure that will be the case. :rolleyes:

However, we have memories and hope, so all is not lost - yet. Hey, she's blowing him a kiss! :D


....and it looks as if he likes it too! ;)
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