Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

*passes some vodka soaked breadcrumbs to MD* and of course it's Finlandia one....

it's quite good system because they say never to drink to empty stomach...now you get food AND alcohol :D

3 cheers for and one shot of Finlandia. Hmm, food and drink together in one package deal, eh? That could work well enough. To this serving of vodka soaked breadcrumbs, I would add one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil before each, er, "meal". :p
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I think those are some of Ducky's moos' calves in Tally's avatar. They're beautiful! :)

Anyway, sorry, back to H/Y! ;)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Not actually my moos. Northern Finncattle moos from Finncattle group site or something. I just want those calves :p

About H/Y... I haven't watch SPring Break for a loong time but I feel (if I remember right) that all H/Y stuff in that episode was...starnge... (it was first episode I've ever seen so :lol: ) just staring and no talk. (meaning when Y is on da phone and H looks at her)

*desperate way to make this look like on topic post* :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Ah, sorry Ducky! Thanks for pointing that out! :)

*starts thinking about 'Spring Break'* :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Erm... I'm sorry, this will be totally off topic but all this vodka and breadcrumbs talk...

We were eating lunch at school (if you can call it school) I was muching there ryebread and accidentally it went to wrong way and I just started coughing there *cries* my friends laughed and I said "bastards!" and kept coughing tears in my eyes for a few minutes :lol: for some reason people stared at me :lol:

I just wanted to share this while you keep grabbing those breadcrumbs from the table ;)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Thanks. Aren't they just beautiful with their soft marshmellow coats and eyes of liquid chocolate truffles. Moo-a-licious. Never seen Northern Finncattle before so I was chuffed when Goosey showed these pics.

Like I said to Goosey, it's such a mad thing to do to have white haired/coated cattle wandering around in Finland especially in the dead of winter.

*back to topic. However I claim an H&Y point from the "eyes of liquid chocolate truffles" remark for Y*. :p

P/S: Er, Luce, the Finnish water bird is in Undercover mode in this thread, so her call sign should really be Goosey ;) Wouldn't want anyone to to know she actually comes here and likes it as a refuge, now would we? :devil:
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

However I claim an H&Y point from the "eyes of liquid chocolate truffles" remark for Y* :p.
Have to give you that one! ;) More of the same.....


Looks down at handkerchief....


"Bind?....Bloody nose?"


"Something like that..." Could that smile be any more wriggly if he tried?
P/S: Er, Luce, the Finnish water bird is in Undercover mode in this thread, so her call sign should really be Goosey ;) Wouldn't want anyone to to know she actually comes here and likes it as a refuge, now would we? :devil:
Eeek, no, of course not! ;)
*Leaves trail of enticing breadcrumbs for Goosey and plenty of Finlandia for visitors!* :D

Oh yes, caps to be continued.........
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Wriggly with a Smile; that's a switch. Usually H is all Wriggly with Pained WPDF look from hell.

I will add one very truffly look from NTL:


..and another from "Hell Night":


...truffles aside, SM really is quite stunningly beautiful.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Wriggly with a Smile; that's a switch. Usually H is all Wriggly with Pained WPDF look from hell. :D
Exactly. I love that picture of him. At least he's managing to look at her!

Yes, she really is very beautiful. Not to sound too gushy, and not wishing to state the obvious, but she has the most gorgeously expressive eyes. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

ive been away just for a couple of days and look at these wonderful caps!! you just made my day guys :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Yay! Olly - great to see you back! :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

New pics, new fanfic from Schell (sooo tense!). Life is good. :)

Sofia is very beautiful, and she can certainly act. Those writers should be utterly ashamed of themselves.
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