Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Damn H squeezing Y's hand so tight... watch out buddy! You may break her! That wouldn't be nice, now would it?

*Ducky Wucky just woke up from her 1.5h nap at 7pm and waits for her coffee*

:lol: :lol:
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

little late but thank you so much Lucy for the caps. they are damn brilliant... thank you thank you...

*btw umm can i use that "holding hands" one on my banner??

watched "BIG BROTHER" today.. im like flying to the moon and back.. LOL :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Yay! The vodka soaked breadcrumbs worked again. :D

I swear I could look at those pics forever! She's kind of squeezing his thumb between her index finger and thumb too. It just beautiful! Thank you Channel Five. I promise I will never moan about your scheduling of CSI:M ever again! ;)
*btw umm can i use that "holding hands" one on my banner??
Olly, yes of course. I would love to see a banner using that cap. I still owe you one for my beautiful banner, which I plan to keep forever! :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Howdy :D I haven't been here for a while - with Cristmas and everything catching up with me, :D I hope we hear some news of Yelina or Sofia soon, and I cannot wait for the next eppy to be aired on Tuesday :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Welcome back Leanne. :)

I will try to get some more caps up soon btw (from Big Brother). :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Hello again Leanne. You came in just in the nick of time to catch the caps Luce made. The warm fuzzies still tingling all around me for days now. :p

Caps from 'Vengeance' and Wow was the HoYay scenes great!


Y: When were you going to tell me?
Eric: Excuse me *quickly leaves the room*
H: Tell you what?

:lol: I think the whole lab knows of the romance that goes on between them.


Y: Is Ray...still alive..?
H: There's a chance..
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Wonderful caps Casper. The scenes between them in 'Vengeance' are quite brilliant. Wriggly H yet again! ;)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Wriggly. Yes, that's the word. I wonder if it was on the HoYay dictionary. :)

He was wriggly but it was a sad wriggle. Ray is still alive and I have a feeling Yelina was upset too. Note that at the last scene where they were ouside, she had said "What are we going to do?". She said 'We'. Probably telling him that they'll need to end their little dance somehow. :(
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

He was at his most wriggly in the first 'Vengeance' scene.

In that final scene between them, when they just look at each other for what seems like an eternity - the reality of the situation is sinking in for sure. Their silences have always spoken volumes. :(
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Olly, your banner is wonderful! So matrimonial. :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Thank you Olly.

Yes. The wriggling was definitely obvious. When Y asked ,"What are we going to do?", I was really glad he picked his answer wisely instead of saying ,"He's back so you could be with him again". I know what's going to happen but I'm hoping for an inconclusive miracle. May the force be with them.. :) :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Is it alright as well if I use your caps to play around and create something?
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

wanted to wish everyone in this thread a happy new year...
[[may this year bring our Yelina back to the show!!!]] ;) lol (it just popped out spontaneously but seems like a real good wish...) tee hee hee :lol:
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