Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Good one Leanne! ;) I'm not even going to try and think of a Z right now, as I need to go and fill a pillowcase with pressies!

Merry Christmas to everyone! :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Z is for the Zest they bring to our lives..
Z is how Zealously involved they both are..
Z is for all the Zany times we had shouting at them to Kiss
Z is for this little Zealot to say Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday to all of you other Zealot...

Smile always HoYay mates! Love yall! :D :D :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

well I'd hate to be a know-it all Casper :D I was thinking about 10 mins for an "Z" word, then I scrolled (spelling?) down and.... there was a index of "Z" words :lol:
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

wow Casper, thanks for enlarging my vocabulary :) great job everyone.. i need to write our HY-ABC to somewhere..
and also i hope everyone had a great christmas. i myself celebrated it watching some HY moments.. LOL!!
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I can't think of a better way to celebrate Olly! :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Me neither! ;)

Wishing you all a great Christmas! I'm planning on getting Ann Donahue tipsy and filling her head with wonderful plotlines for the rest of Season 4. :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Well, Santa did bring me a digital camera, and I have been taking pictures of 'Nothing To Lose - uncut!' from my tv screen! They are slightly out of focus, but came out surprisingly okay.

I am so pleased to be able to finally share this little bit of heavenly footage with you guys! Here goes, taking it from shortly after Yelina appears at Madison's hospital room doorway, with Ray Jnr....

H: Ray, this is Madison...
Madison looks at Ray
Ray looks at Madison
Yelina, H and Ray
Cosy family gathering
Suzie looks at Yelina
Yelina gives Suzie a half smile
H and Y takes each others right hands, her left arm is linked into his right)
The grip tightens
H looks down, taking in the moment
H turns to look at Y
The final look

The last two caps are from Eve's 'Evidence Of Things Unseen Site'. I wasn't able to get a cap of Y linking her left arm into H's right, as the camera moves too quickly, and it was very blurry. The 'pause' function on my vcr is very poor, which didn't help.

Enjoy! :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Bloody Brilliant Luce! Thanks ever so much. It's like getting yet another wonderful Christmas present.

BTW, I quickly re-watched this scene from NTL episode version I recorded off tv and it is way obvious that major cutting was done. The editing is pretty bad with mighty hiccups in the flow of the scene. I still cannot fathom the reasoning behind this slash-and-burn tactic. :rolleyes:

I know it's their right hands but the prominence of the ring finger is still mighty sweet. :) Also looked like a helluva grip from H, eh? To top it off, Yelina's look and half-smile at Suzie is unbelievably full of understanding and compassion. Beautiful.

Luce, please give whomever gave you that digi cam major mongo huggles and kisses from all of us. :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Thanks so much! I'm stunned. It looks like her thumb is on top of his too. Aww! It's so intimate. I wonder if that's why it was cut? Very out of character for CSI to be so intimate.

Still, in my world, it happened. Oh yes, no doubt about it! :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Judging from the close linear row of knuckles, I'd say that's more her index finger over and about his thumb.

If not, then she has way bizzare appendages on her right hand. :)

Compliments of the Season & Happy Boxing Day, Everyone!
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Wow! Luce! You have cool TV! Erm.... I mean... thanks for posting these... now why the hell it was edited out?
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Ducky, you ARE the Deranged Miami Seer, right? How is it you don't have the scoop on this?

You really have to wonder at them editing this part out. So dumb. BTW, the left arm-right arm linking thing (Luce please, please try again to get this part. Perhaps multiple shots?) has wedding-ishness all over it; all that's missing is the clergyman!
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