Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Luce thank you again for your constant explanations and clarifications of past H&Y-related events. You H&Y Oracle you. :) *huggles* for all your efforts.

That's okay - I guess it's a labour of love! 'Oracle'? :lol: Anyway, *huggles* too. :)

HnM, wonderful update. Very heartwarming indeed. :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Thanks for the comments on the fic you guys. I figured we all needed somewhat of a 'pick me up', even if it is miniscule. :)

posted by Ducky, the one with the feathers:

I mean... they spent 3 seasons to create same storyline and then "PUFF" it's gone, they give H a new background and new women. How LAME is that? There isn't even any logic.

My sentiments exactly! This storyline, from out of the wild blue, really has us all confused, and quite frankly, upset. There was indeed shallow thinking whenver they decided to write Yelina off--which, hopefully, isn't permanent--there is definately a lot of things left unexplained and unresolved concerning her and Horatio. Some of us have even wondered if Yelina knew about Horatio's past...*sighs*
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

You know, I'm still planning to write that letter to AD someday. I mean... they spent 3 seasons to create same storyline and then "PUFF" it's gone, they give H a new background and new women. How LAME is that? There isn't even any logic. Without any questions Y goes with her "dead" husband and Ray jr thinks he is going on vacation and "puff" he sees his dad is alive and no one even tells they are not coming back. Leaving all his friends, hobbies and school like that. Stupid. STUPID!
Yep, stupid is right. Talk about insulting the fan's intelligence! If Season 3 had ended like that, but the issues you mentioned were likely to be addressed at some point in Season 4, then I could be far more accepting of it. As things are going, that's really not going to happen anytime soon. Do they really think we are that dumb? Maybe they do. Talk about appealing to the lowest common denominator type tv! :rolleyes:

Sorry , moaning again! ;)

*goes to find some more breadcrumbs to lure Ducky back before too long* :D

Sher, shallow thinking is right. Such a shame they've resorted to this. It feels like my favourite show has crashed and burned. :(
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

well hopefully the writers will soon realise that the show's ratings have dropped ( if they have) then maybe they'll bring back Yelina and the old Horatio... and send the fake one to Birmingham or something :lol:

Or I'll have him, and turn him into a butler :lol:
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

If the show hasn't crashed and burned yet, for me, it is definately in a downward spiral. I just hope the pilot can pull it up before it's too late. *another sigh*

I don't want to overload anyones fanfic reading, but I do have another installment ready. I would've added it with the other one, but it would've been beyond the league of lengthy. Anywho:
This way, people.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

This thread is great. It's a kind of therapy. We can come in here, have a moan and get things off our chests (of sorts). It helps knowing there are others out there who feel the same way. :)

I'm off to read the fanfic to get some H/Y love! :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

My sentiments exactly MD and Sher, your fanfic continues to impress very much. :)

I bring what could be considered good tidings (it's the season for it!) No, it's not that Yelina is returning (yet), but this does relate to Raymond and so I thought it relevant to our favourite couple. It does involve a spoiler though, so don't click the link if you don't want to be spoiled.

CSI Files news

**Spoiler space**

Yay! The return of Suzie and Madison! I am pleased because it relates to H's past as we know it. I know it may mean nothing in the whole scheme of things, but at least they haven't been forgotten. If nothing much else that's encouraging comes out of this season, at least we get to see part of H's former life. :D

If they are prepared to revisit this storyarc, there is always hope that they may revisit the H/Y one too.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Yep, stupid is right. Talk about insulting the fan's intelligence! If Season 3 had ended like that, but the issues you mentioned were likely to be addressed at some point in Season 4, then I could be far more accepting of it.

Indeedy! I cannot believe they actually think fans wouldn't notice. And those who don't notice, will read these boards and realise "oh yea indeed it is that way". I know messageboards can be full of crap but I'd really recommend to Miami writers that they'd take a look what fans think of this. Because it STINKS!

Anyways... I was wondering why Rex hasn't got to credits. Are they afraid they'll kick him out too and don't bother to put him to credits so they don't have to remove her like what happened with SM?

*goes to find some more breadcrumbs to lure Ducky back before too long* :D

Uh oh, you trying to get me to stay :p
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Whoop, Suzie and Madison!
Whew, I thought the writers were undergoing a bit of amnesia this season until I read that! We've only had one scene this season when they proved that they came out of their ilness for a bit (in "Under Suspicion" when Frank asked H about Yelina).
Suzie and Madison are definately a reminder of the old H, who is no where to be found this season, and this storyline definately has a lot to do with Yelina...seeing as she is married to Raymond. This is indeed rather encouraging. Thanks for the link, Luce :)!
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

well hopefully the writers will soon realise that the show's ratings have dropped ( if they have) then maybe they'll bring back Yelina and the old Horatio... and send the fake one to Birmingham or something :lol:

Why to Brummieland? :lol:
I think it would be too cruel even for fake-H to listen to brummies :lol:
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Posted by HnM: Thanks for the link, Luce !
You're very welcome. :)
Posted by Undecover Goose: Uh oh, you trying to get me to stay :p
Most definitely Ducky. The luring seems to be working! *whistles* :D

As for Frank, well yes, he should be in the opening credits, but after what happened with Sofia, maybe he thinks it's a bad omen! :(

:lol: If fake H was in Brummieland, I could visit him and work my magic powers to change him back to old H. Then, I would put him on the next flight from Birmingham Airport to Rio de Janeiro, non-stop. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

HnM, thank you very much.

You know, Harry Potter-isms all seem to fit our current state of doom and gloom. Miami has turned into Azkaban i.e. we feel like we'll never be happy again. But your FF installments are our Patronus in the face of all this hideous Dementor-ness in which we are surrounded.

Bravo! :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Thank-you, so very much Tally! I'm glad I could be what help I can during these semi-dark times.

Aw, poor fake-H. :( Hmm, maybe we can train him! Imagine what fun we'd have :devil:!
Sorry Ducky, didn't see your post. Got a little cross-eyed, :lol:!
Anywho, I think Rex is definately being hesitant with putting his name up. I know, from reading past interviews, that he was suprised with the sudden removal of Sofia (everytime I say such, I've got to cross my fingers). I think he's just giving it some time. Can you really blame him for being hesitant? Not me. :rolleyes:
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Hey, Goosey, didn't you chat up some Brummie on your recent trip across the Channel? :D

BTW, Luce for Goosey's sake, I hope those breadcrumbs were marinated in vodka. :p
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