Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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I know I've asked these type of questions many times before, but here's another one......
Why in Pro Per did Horatio want to stay behind, I mean he said to be there if Ray Jnr wanted to talk... did he mean outside all night in the car - or a spare room in the house, if he did stay there all night outside, then it wouldn't matter much if Stetler was there - Horatio wouldn't know.... but I suppose Yelina felt bad if she had both of them there.

Also how old do you think Ray Jnr is?
That's a great pic Leanne! What a way to rekindle the flame.. :lol: I think I just imagined H singing the 'Rubber Ducky' song.. Haha..
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

:lol: Thanks for the pic, Leanne! H with the ducky, very cute ;)!

I thought I'd drop in a say that, despite such news as Horatio having a 'lengthy' relationship with Marisol, I have not abandoned ship. I just hope that Ann D hasn't completely forgotten herself what chemistry the two have.

I would also like to make it known that I will not be contributing to any Marisol bashing if there be any--hopefully not--just because Horatio is trying to find companionship, doesn't mean that I should hate her just because she isn't Yelina.
It may be a LONG time, before we get to see those beautiful scenes between H and Y. However long I have to wait, you'll always find be on board. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

To answer your question from yesterday Leanne, H wanted to stay outside in 'Pro Per' to keep an eye on things after the drive-by shootings. He wants Yelina and Ray to know he's there if they need him. I don't think he says "in case Ray wants to talk". If I remember correctly, he doesn't really complete his sentence (sweet, hesitant H) as he sees Rick. That was such a body blow for him. Rick has now taken H's place as protector of Raymond's family. Both Yelina and Frank knew how that must have made him feel. I love the way Y sympathetically says "Horatio". Aw. :(

I think Ray Jnr is 10/11ish, but I'm not certain.

As for the Marisol storyline, I always expected H to get another 'love-interest'. I've liked her so far, and I agree with you Sher - I hope no-one would dislike her just because she isn't Yelina. That would be rather unfair.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

:confused: :eek: :( I don't visit for ...ehhh .... a week and this is what I come to?? Bugger... Well... eehhh ummm... I guess we wish him luck and some joy :rolleyes:
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I know it's all a little disconcerting at first, but we have all have to keep up the 'optimisim meter', even if it is easier to just jump ship and forget about it.
Anyway, I feel truly wonderful having such wonderful ship-mates.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Oh, I shouldn't think anyone is jumping H&Y ship per se even though there are some that support H in a range of other "'ships", in addition to H&Y. No worries, though. Jumping the show may be infinitely easier for some, well, until tptb return to their collective senses, which may be the 12th of Never. We shall see soon enough.

But suck is suck no matter how one slices it or dresses it up. *sigh* on the current suck o'meter of 1-10, Miami's ringing up a negative 2. That's the tall and long of it. Poor Season 4 DC/H and btw, us too; so on par with a mushroom i.e. kept in the dark and force fed a steady unwholesome diet of yuck.

Cheers. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

FIRST! How dare you use a rubber duck in such a ... well I know what you've been thinking there :lol:

To my Rubber duck obsession, read this it's from my webpage. I created that story when I was 14-15. Teacher had weird looks when I tried to claim that I have a yellow rubber duck in my head.

But back on topic.

:lol: Thanks for the pic, Leanne! H with the ducky, very cute ;)!

Ooh... this looks like you are starting to pair Saint H with me :p :lol:

Erm... Of course... umm.. Undercover Goose. Undercover Goose was lured here...

To Ray JR age.. I'd thought it would be 13-14. Because in "Hell Night" the trouble kid was 16, so I don't think Ray would have been so much younger.

One day I manage to send my letter to AD. GRR!
THat's all Undercover Goose has to say.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Posted by TallyHo: Oh, I shouldn't think anyone is jumping H&Y ship per se even though there are some that support H in a range of other "'ships", in addition to H&Y. No worries, though. Jumping the show may be infinitely easier for some, well, until tptb return to their collective senses, which may be the 12th of Never. We shall see soon enough.
*raises hand* I can say beyond any doubt that I will never jump ship. Although, I don't regard them as a 'ship'. Presuming H does have a relationship with Marisol, I won't regard them as a ship either, because it will be 'real' on the show. Ships for me are pairings that fans wish would happen on the show or ones they can fantasize about. Even though H and Y were never 'together' as such, their feelings for each other were absoultely there for all to see. No imagination required on that score. I'm not a fan of the "oh I wish H was with so and so" approach just because he smiles at them, or cares about them or stands closely to them. Other people enjoy that I know, but it's not for me. I'm not a shipper in that sense. Some ships are just for fun. The H/Stetler pairing being one I enjoy! :lol:

The real 'CSI:Miami' for me is seasons 1-3. Unless, as Tally said, the writers come to their senses. We can still hope. :)

Posted by Ducky....sorry, Undercover Goose: Undercover Goose was lured here...
Who would ever do such a thing?! :D

To Ray JR age.. I'd thought it would be 13-14. Because in "Hell Night" the trouble kid was 16, so I don't think Ray would have been so much younger.
Actually, I think you're probably right about that Ducky. I'm not sure if we've ever been told Ray Jnr's age, but I would guess 12-13 thinking about 'Hell Night'.

Anyway, I liked the Rubber Duck tale. It explains alot! :p Just kidding. ;)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Tally, Luce, I agree with you on so many points that I don't think I can quote them all! ;) While I fully understand the desire to remain optimistic, and it's no bad thing, I just cannot bring myself to be positive about what is happening on the show at the moment. H/Y will always exist for me and I still hope Yelina returns. I think I might hibernate until that (possible) moment. :D

Ducky, now I understand why you call yourself that! :lol:

I also think Ray Jnr is supposed to be 12-13 approx. Alex Buck is 15 (just looked it up on IMDB).
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

FIRST! How dare you use a rubber duck in such a ... well I know what you've been thinking there

:lol: hey i'm not the one holding it with a grin on my face - We all know Horatio has a rubber fetish :lol: Remember ashes to ashes :lol: ;)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Exactly MD. Optimism is always a good thing but reality is that there is nothing significantly positive about this season, H&Y biasness aside. Just another 12 or thereabouts episodes remaining before this season and us can be put out of its and our misery. Mind you, now knowing the Stygian depths of cluelessness by this lot, it's going to get a whole lot worse by the time we get to the finale. (Psst, my siggy has it spot on.) :)

Bloody hell, Luce if we get any more maudlin, we're going to do a Titanic and break out into that Celine Dion song which WILL make me projectile toss my cookies every which way from Sunday. :)

Honestly, the scale on which Horatio as a character, has been so maligned this season, really chaps my hide. As someone mentioned over in the Miami forum, the collective miami tptb have prostituted and bastardized Horatio Caine to the point of staggering incomprehension and irreverence too I might add. With yet another lunatic stab at assembly line wannabe dollies for our H, the "Rentboy" billing becomes increasingly albeit distressingly valid. The more fool them and he. :rolleyes:

Goosey! as always great to see you fly in and drop your bombshells of avian wisdom amongst us poor unfeathered types. :p *huggles*

Ray Jr started out as 8-yrs in "Grave Young Men" and morphed to 12-yrs in "Hell Night". Alex Buck is about 15-yrs old.

Luce thank you again for your constant explanations and clarifications of past H&Y-related events. You H&Y Oracle you. :) *huggles* for all your efforts.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Right on the money, as always, Tally and MD :)! This season definately isn't what we all wanted it to be. The storylines have been fair, but not the 'genius/beautiful' episodes of seasons past. It is super hard to stick around and stay optimistic sometimes, what with Maeda/Sofia gone.

I've typed up my fanfic update from paper today. I haven't had much time to work on it since the last installment but once I started writing the words just flowed. ;)

My fanfic update
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Posted by Ducky....sorry, Undercover Goose: Undercover Goose was lured here...

Who would ever do such a thing?! :D

Anyway, I liked the Rubber Duck tale. It explains alot! :p Just kidding. ;)

Oh Duck tale does explain a lot :lol:

And what comes to luring Goose here... grr, someone had dropped (bread)crumbs (is that the right word?) on the floor and the trail ended here :mad: So I think it was done on purpose.

You know, I'm still planning to write that letter to AD someday. I mean... they spent 3 seasons to create same storyline and then "PUFF" it's gone, they give H a new background and new women. How LAME is that? There isn't even any logic. Without any questions Y goes with her "dead" husband and Ray jr thinks he is going on vacation and "puff" he sees his dad is alive and no one even tells they are not coming back. Leaving all his friends, hobbies and school like that. Stupid. STUPID!

-Ducky, the one with the feathers
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