Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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It's as if the writers want to wipe the slate clean from the last 3 years. I don't think that's a good way to treat the fans
Agreed. I don't mind new storylines and a fresh approach one bit, but it's essential to combine that with what has gone before. We are nearly half way through Season 4, and there's been little to inspire me. I will always keep the faith in Horatio and Yelina though. :)

Brilliant fanfic update HnM. :D
I haven't seen one episode of the season four - it lacks any intrest for me. Except DC, but somtimes when they change his character, I can't even watch it for him, lets hope that Yelina comes back - then I can start watching again :D
You know I'm not sure, Olly made the banner so she can probably tell the both of us unless someone else knows. :)

i think it's from "body count".. no i dont think, im sure :D
and Sher, im so loving your story...
I haven't seen one episode of the season four - it lacks any intrest for me. Except DC, but somtimes when they change his character, I can't even watch it for him, lets hope that Yelina comes back - then I can start watching again :D
There have been moments where we've seen the old H. Generally though, he seems lacklustre. Like he's just going through the motions. He needs Yelina! ;)
Whilst, we’re on this subject (begging indulgence from Mods)...

It's not just about the capricious guillotining of the H&Y dynamic. This is also about the "make-my-teeth-ache, the writing and storylines have been so bugger all pathetic" this season i.e. they've taken our Miami and re-configured it into a grotesque parody of what was so brilliantly built up in seasons 1-3. An "Et tu Brutus, do-over", it must be said. Add to this maelstrom, the utterly unconscionable treatment of Sofia and complete lack of regard for the Miami support fan base.

But the coup de grace of this litany of evils has to be the transmogrification of our Horatio into an entity, unrecognizable, ill conceived and incomplete. Alas, an entity so diametrically opposed to the Horatio of yore, a Horatio whose tenacious connection to a discerning viewership, stemmed from the intriguing dichotomy of the blistering over-the-top superhuman crime fighter and that of the wistful vulnerability of his unfolding storyline with Yelina. It is Yelina and the intimate complexities of their relationship, which confers legitimacy upon Horatio as a believable card carrying member of the Human Condition.

Horatio may be a hero but he's a damned flawed one. Indeed, it is Horatio’s saving grace that when he's emotionally battered and bruised, we see him bleed and die a little, just like us mere mortals.

*returning soapbox to the shed*
I've just read some spoilers about Horatio and I am seriously about to abandon ship, who in there right minds would come up with such a thing? :(
Oh Tally. :( You don't need me to say how much I totally agree with you on every single point made. *sigh*

What hurts the most (and baffles too) is that Ann Donahue seems to think that the show had taken H/Y as far as they could go. :confused: I'm sorry, but their storyarc was her creation. She could do anything she wanted with this, presumably. It is an act of extreme artistic betrayal, as things stand.

Just to add insult to injury, I've just found out that:

According to Ann D, Caine will get romantically involved with the sister of subordinate CSI Eric Delko (Adam Rodriguez). Says Donahue: "The relationship is going to go far. And it's going to leave Horatio a changed man." (From 'TV Guide')

*Another very heavy sigh*

Whatever! :rolleyes:

Leanne, I know how you feel. This is just yet another angsty thing for H to go through this season. Next season it will be something/someone else I imagine. There's still every chance Yelina will return, so don't lose hope completely. Sadly, for me, the damage has been done, however much I would love Sofia to return to the show. :(
This sucks! :rolleyes:

I suppose we all expected H to get a new 'love interest'. Don't give up on H/Y though. I still believe she is the love of his life. She's not there right now. She will return, I'm sure of it. :)

*shakes fist at writers*
Yeah, it may sound really sad and pathetic, but I am soo down because of what I have read. :( but now I think about it, Yelina had a love intrest - Stetler, it lasted a year.... and we still had HoYay, maybe when he finishes with the wee sister, as he is a changed man he realises that life is too short - and when/If Yelina comes back he decides that he must make a go of them.

Or am I just blabbering to myself :(

Edited I don't know why but something possessed me to write to CSI:Miami complaining about the lack of Yelina.
Good for you Leanne. I wrote to them too, as I was so disappointed and mad (though I tried not to sound mad!).

You are not sad, pathetic or blabbering in my opinion. We care about these characters a great deal and we (the fans) deserve a whole lot better than we are getting. Grrrrr.


I'm just speculating here, and I've just posted this in the Miami Forum, but I wonder if Eric's sister, Marisol, might die. :( That would certainly leave Horatio a changed man.
yeah but wasn't his last one murdered? If that didn't change him.... but maybe it did, that's why he's weird and non-old- Horatio like. Does anyknow know about her condition then, I don't want to sound mean, but is she going to die soon? Or in a while?
Oh yeah, please add to the list their unmitigated FIBBING in thought, word and deed.

I'm amazed that they have DC so well muzzled over the absolute shambles that is "Horatio Caine" and just about everything else this season. Then again, I guess they are holding the check book, so if they say "JUMP!", he pretty much has to meekly ask, "How high?". Oy! They've hit rock bottom and STILL they continue to dig.

RENTBOY, indeed.

Stevie Maeda, PLEASE COME BACK! They SUCK canal water without you.
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