Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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has anyone heard anything about yelina coming back, or is she gone for good?
Certainly nothing official. Sofia herself has commented in an interview that, "The producers have let me know that they would want me back, but there is no time frame."

Shell, your links don't appear to be working. I think it's because you're entering 'http' twice, whereas it only needs to be entered once. eg.


I really like your banner btw! ;)

I know 'Money Plane' has aired now Leanne, but there were no significant moments. They were on screen together though, which is always good! :D
It really is. Just look at him thinking about what to say to her and gathering his thoughts. Aw. :(

I hope Yelina does come back soon. I mean, I remember in the second season, I think it was "Innocent" where Stetler was taking Yelina away and you could just feel Horatio's unwillingness to let her go but he complied. And then he made the comment about the Champagne because he only wants her to be happy, which I think is just truly heroic of him.
That was yet another very touching moment. H lets her go again. If she does return to the show, I expect he'll continue to do that, but ultimately, I'm hanging onto the hope that he will hold onto her! ;)
ROFL, I hadn't realized it had shown up yet, as I hadn't posted since I put it on there, had never made one before, thought it mighta looked foolish, and was still playing with the idea of whether to keep it on or not.
And... I'll have to remember that about the links,
Thank you on both counts. :D
posted by Palm:
I hope Yelina does come back soon. I mean, I remember in the second season, I think it was "Innocent" where Stetler was taking Yelina away and you could just feel Horatio's unwillingness to let her go but he complied. And then he made the comment about the Champagne because he only wants her to be happy, which I think is just truly heroic of him.

The last scene in the season 2 finale 'Innocent' was definately a hard one for both H and us shippers. The wave that Horatio gave Yelina was a sad one and you could tell that his smile was forced.

H wave
HnM, the story's coming along nicely indeed.

Although I must confess, I'm feeling way sorry for our dear Rick (Luce, remember this phrase?). Rick was a wonderful plot device for the H&Y dynamic when he was first introduced. Goodness knows, he's had some brilliant verbal duels with H ever since Big Brother. *sigh* even that Rick has also now gone AWOL. Guess he and the "real" H are continuing their rumblings in some alternate Miami.

schell kudos to your fic too. :)
oh wow... need to read them both right now!!!

btw, im so glad that you liked my video guys.. Leanne, your "Sugar" is so sweet, loved it so much. thx for sharing it...

finally today i saw "simple man"!! yeah well i have to admit that i havent seen season1 before and have seen a some eppys of season2 before i became a HY shipper... SO i cant remember so much about the episodes i saw.. will you guys please make your own favourite HY epiisodes lists and post em here? so i can watch out for them...

thx :cool:
Simple man is great - he's shocked to see her, and likes her presence, and their playful banter :D Also him going to her's that day - and Yelina mmessing with his emotions :lol:

Double Cap is also good, it's sweet when he's looking for her in the PD dept, and then they just smile at each other :D

I have a detailed season one guide on my site ( click mu banner) I am yet to get started to seasons two and three :D
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