Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

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OMG i've been drowning in hw all night and come back and you guys try to kill me of a heart attack with all those DC pics!! all is forgiven though lol you can NEVER have too much DC!
Thanx for all the pics!
The new ones are GREAT! :D :devil:

At least there's something to compensate the fact that I missed 4 Miami episodes...
Welcome back HC_4_my_birthday. The promo pics are certainly hot like I said. I just wich he'd get out of those stripy shirt already! (Literally too :devil:)
:eek: PROMO PICs :eek: OMFG!!!! *drools* OMFG!!! Is it me or did H get hotter over the summer!? :devil: OMFG!!! *flatlines____________________/\_/\_* I'm ok!!! wow!!! I so can't wait till the new season!!!!! :eek: so much sexiness!!!!
I KNOW!!!! Those promo pics are awesome!! H is soooooooo hot in them!! He is definitly one of those guys who get hotter as they get older!!! not that he's old.
Old??? Who's old??? :lol:;):lol:;)

Old is relative, don't forget... ;) Just kidding, ilovejontogo4evr... :D

I found a couple of other new promo pics, but nothing as good as the ones already posted... so I'll just have to pull from elsewhere... :rolleyes: ... like that's hard or something... :D;)...

...OK, if he was sitting on MY couch like that... ***drools*** ... I would so just have to pounce on him... ***faints from the DC hotness*** ... :devil: :eek: :devil: :eek: ...

Enjoy Ladies!!! :D:devil:
OH......MY.......GOSH!! That last pic Horatiosangel is definitly in the top 5 hottest DC pics!!! He's soooo sexy in that pic! I wish that was my couch! ;)
horatiosangel, very sexy pic. ;) Thank you indeedy.

He looks like such a gentleman in that picture. So proper and perfect. *purrs*
ilovejontogo4evr said:
I wish that was my couch! ;)

Me too! :devil: :devil:
Great pic!! Thanx horatiosangel!! :D
Way too sexy!!

Edited to add very hot pic of DC! :devil:

Have you seen this one??
I've never seen it before! :eek:

That's HOT! :devil:
OMFG!!!!! *FLATLINE!!!!_________________* *gets CPR by DC and is revived* OMG!! :eek: do you enjoy giving me heart attacks!? Geez!!! i wish that was my couch too Ilovejontogo4ever!!!!! *drools*
I've seen that pic before Patricia it's in my CSI Miami pics collection lol it's actually really only horatio and ryan pics :) lol what can i say when it comes to DC you can never have too many pics ;)
Wow those two black and white pics of DC are really hot! Thanks for posting them, I've never seen them before.
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