Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Thread

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Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th


Some guy named David Caruso appears in a 1982 film called "First Blood" coming up on Spike cable channel on Monday, April 16 at 9:00 PM (Eastern). The film also stars Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, and Brian Dennehy. Chris Mulkey, who plays Deputy Ward, also appeared in season 1 episode "Forced Entry" as Leonard Murphy. Unfortunately, the second hour of the film is up against the next new episode of CSI: Miami. Check local listings for time and channel in your area. If you are setting a VCR or TIVO, program it for two and a half hours. That means that Spike is putting 53 minutes of commercials into a 97 minute movie.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I don't exactly watch Miami for the realism. It's over the top in the extreme and some people like that, some don't
Yeah it's well known that Miami is the least realistic of all 3 CSI shows, but it still rocks! I guess I watch it partly for that reason, that it's extreme. I mena I really love watching H be Super-H... sometimes. Other times I'm like 'Yeah right, like that can happen in real life'.

And I agree, H wouldn't be H without his sunglasses.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Hey there H fans, I dunno if anyones seen this video on YT but it's HILARIOUS! It's Jiim Carrey doing several impressions of Horatio while on Letterman. Bloody funny, I thought you guys might appriciate it. Just search for CSI: Jim Carrey.

I'm pretty new to CSI Miami, gotta say, DC has an extremely sexy voice hubba hubba!
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I think 'ordinary' can make for good TV if the acting, directing and writing are up to scratch. I watched a scene in my favourite TV show last night where the main character was cleaning his teeth! Sometimes the mundane can be fascinating.
Agreed. I love to see mundane played out on screen...and I know the scene you're referring to! Loved it. :D

H is all about being OTT that's for sure. Too much of that can get tiresome. I prefer human, compassionate, vulnerable, grounded H. Super Hero H bores me rather. Same old, same old.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

^ i have to agree with some BSG fans here, about H being so OTT ;)

it`s not enough H only to put on sunglasses and make one liners. ok this is his original trade-mark, but when on the tv show stay only this part of some character, everything become ridiculous. what rocks now ?! nothing !!! ... hummm if we see mix between H care, action etc...and most important hi to have sensible reason to be like Super H i somehow can be not so critic. but this tv show and character use to be long time ago real and human and exactly this draw my attention to Miami. but now...ahh now thanks of this disappointment i can really see (find) and appraise a lot quality tv shows (like BSG and House). my standard become high and i don`t think to make compromise about H - only for his blue eyes nahh, no way
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Hrockz said:
I don't exactly watch Miami for the realism. It's over the top in the extreme and some people like that, some don't
Yeah it's well known that Miami is the least realistic of all 3 CSI shows, but it still rocks! I guess I watch it partly for that reason, that it's extreme. I mena I really love watching H be Super-H... sometimes. Other times I'm like 'Yeah right, like that can happen in real life'.

And I agree, H wouldn't be H without his sunglasses.

I agree...Miami is like an alternate universe, because the Miami that I've gone to is far from that. :lol:
Anyway, sometimes unrealistic shows such as this and (I always use this example) 'Full House' are great escapist tools for those who are sick of all the reality shows on TV...sometimes I don't like the overdramatic aspects of the CSI: Miami of today, yes, but sometimes I love the plainly unrealistic stuff.
Regarding H, though, since this is his thread, I love the character mostly for the fact that he, in my opinion, embodies a romantic view of the modern crime fighter (even though at times this view can be so distorted and sometimes appear ridiculous). You don't see detectives, CSIs, and the like, walking around in expensive designer suits, now do you? In some respects, yes, he is to be taken seriously, especially in his crusade against injustice, which is a given. However, sometimes a little straying from realism doesn't hurt (although H has been guilty from straying farther than that :lol:) However, that's part of the reason why I love H so much. Sure the Super H thing has gone too far, but you gotta love it sometimes (even if that sounds a bit contradictory). You gotta love the over-the-top sometimes.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I just love H, always have done, the character quirks are just that, quirks and they have come to be what people think of when they think of H, as a result it really has had people hate DC, but a lot of that hate is still residual from the awful press he got when leaving 'Blue' and that is still remembered no matter what else he does!

It is incredibly smart on DC's part though because he has developed a character that yeah love him or hate him people remember him and that is what an actor really wants isn't it recognition!

I personally would just love to get the old H back the one who protects his team, goes out of his way for them, goes into bat for the victims and their families, makes everyone safe...he was adorable, and he's still there, we just need to see it more :rolleyes:

Oh and a little more perring ove the sunglasses and flashing those beautiful eyes, wouldn't hurt either ;)
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I agree in a sense that he's often portrayed as over the top, contrived and very rediculous at times, but since the character has progressed or evolved, so should that balance of action, compassion, super hero-like qualities as well as his humble nature.

Right now that balance seems to be tipped toward one side and I think the character isn't recieving much justice. (No pun intended) In my opinion, it has something to do with the fact that the show has this high-profile status now, so Horatio seems to be becoming 'larger than life' in a sense. Perhaps the show's success is being reflected on its characters.

EyeHeartH said
In some respects, yes, he is to be taken seriously, especially in his crusade against injustice, which is a given. However, sometimes a little straying from realism doesn't hurt

I agree here. I love the fact that Horatio has this drive to catch and remove criminals from Miami's streets, but sometimes a cop needs something more that will draw people in, and that's where the unrealistic aspect falls into place. It's still TV, so realism isn't always going to attract people to the character. There are times where I roll my eyes at some of the things the writers have thought of or wrote, but I'm not always going to like what they come up with. They can't please everyone, right? :) There are also times where I love Horatio and others don't, so it's really personal preference.

I've always looked at it this way. If one can identify with the hero or identify with the victim, the writers are doing their job.

I personally still admire the character. I might hate the cheesy one-liners and some of the things he's done, but I admire his character as a whole and what he stands for.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I agree that CSI:Miami is over the top, but I think that's what draws so many people to it. The fact that it rarely happens in real life and they are acting it out just draws us in and it def makes CSI:Miami my favey of the three! :D

Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I have to disagree with you guys on the realism thing .. i hate it how unrealistic the show is .. i mean after all it's a show about crime! not about a blonde girl with too much make up walking around on high heels with her hair long and open at a crime scene (i'm not offending cal i love her).. i hate it .. i mean i think it's different for everyone but i watch the show because of the cases and because of the science.. i think david caruso is on of the best actors and i adore him just like all the others . i really love the show with all of my heart and that's why it makes me so sad what's happening to it .. i know that many people love the new seasons but i can't stand it .. also because of the storyline they're giving horatio and his cheesy oneliners who are just too much now ..
and i have to agree with geni! i think it has something to do with the high-profile status of the show .. maybe the writers think now the show is more popular they have to make horatio more popular or cooler .. and they make him "cooler" and "cooler" and now we see what comes out of it
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

and i have to agree with geni! i think it has something to do with the high-profile status of the show .. maybe the writers think now the show is more popular they have to make horatio more popular or cooler .. and they make him "cooler" and "cooler" and now we see what comes out of it

I agree that show does sort of revolve around H, and sometimes it can get sorta of annoying.

I like his one liners, but I do think some of them are a little...different. :lol:

Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I think the word realism is too overused in the TV world. The only thing that is real is the news or those shows like cops or e-vets..stuff like that. TV shows are supposed to be entertaining and exciting and unusual. Most of the csi shows are not playing by the book anyways. Like I have read many times that they do not interview suspects and don't solve many if any cases...that they just collect the evidence. So Horatio, Mac and Grissom as well as the others should just do that but how boring of a show would that be and I doubt anyone would have watched.

I watch all three and I like Miami the best because of Horatio. Yes the guy can go over the top and yes the stories are overdone or overused but I still find them watchable and entertaining. Of course I probably am biased because I like DC. But I didn't know him before Miami and I don't think many others did.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

You just echoed everything I was trying to say, Missing!

This is TV...This is CSI:Miami. Who cares about realism? We don't care how fake the show is! They make it thrilling and interesting! Plus, they have the best TV cast ever!

By the by, DC was around before Miami. He made some movies that were kind of busts in the theatres and things, but pfft. I enjoy all his movies!!! :D

Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I know he was around before Miami but not like he is now. NYPD Blue put him into stardome but he didn't appreciate it until awhile ago. Unfortunatly that ego killed his career for awhile but the guy is on top now. And I support him and his character for doing what they do best.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Missing said:
I know he was around before Miami but not like he is now. NYPD Blue put him into stardome but he didn't appreciate it until awhile ago. Unfortunatly that ego killed his career for awhile but the guy is on top now. And I support him and his character for doing what they do best.

I think just about everyone supports him now that he is the star of the "most popular TV show in the world". It is almost surprising to meet someone who has never heard of David Caruso. :eek:

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