Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Thread

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Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Plus, they have the best TV cast ever!
As H would say, I definitely beg to differ. Don't get me wrong, I like the cast very much, but the best? No, not for me. Not by a long way. ;)

I'm rather surprised that my use of the word 'realism' led to such debate, lol. My original point was that Miami isn't about realism and never has been - and that 'ordinary' can certainly make for great TV drama when executed well.

Nice to see some discussion though. :)
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Me neither. If you take out Wolfe and get Speedy back, ok, i'm happy. :)
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I'm rather surprised that my use of the word 'realism' led to such debate, lol. My original point was that Miami isn't about realism and never has been - and that 'ordinary' can certainly make for great TV drama when executed well.

You see that? Just one little word can lead to a debate! By the by, totally agree with you. If normal, real life instances are performed properly, then those are the signs of a good TV drama! :D


P.S. Hunter, I love your icon. I laugh everytime I see it! :lol: Not only because it is clever, but because it's also true! :D
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Thanks. :) And even though it might be a little late, welcome to the forum. :)
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

This is TV...This is CSI:Miami. Who cares about realism? We don't care how fake the show is! They make it thrilling and interesting! Plus, they have the best TV cast ever!

even the cast to be good, they (most of the members) from long time can`t show theirs true/real acting talent. mainly, coz of how fake the show is this days. believe me a lot guys cares for lack of realism - (my interpretation for plot line). we can see it all around in CSI Miami forum. and if tptb scream nonstop that this tv show is N. 1 on the earth, i think that most of the peoples watch it, only coz of habit or little hope that the things can come better. i`m so sick and tired we to have only beautiful and rich victims or killers. most of the time after the end of S3 here in this threads we discuss only cast members clothing, did someone have cold etc. CSI Miami characters and thoroughly H need background. H have this so missing 'ordinary' S 1-3 and we have see so wonderfool development TV drama. so for me this shows are not entertaining from long time... when i watch it, only get angry what this monster make of it
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Pusher said:
This is TV...This is CSI:Miami. Who cares about realism? We don't care how fake the show is! They make it thrilling and interesting! Plus, they have the best TV cast ever!

even the cast to be good, they (most of the members) from long time can`t show theirs true/real acting talent. mainly, coz of how fake the show is this days. believe me a lot guys cares for lack of realism - (my interpretation for plot line). we can see it all around in CSI Miami forum. and if tptb scream nonstop that this tv show is N. 1 on the earth, i think that most of the peoples watch it, only coz of habit or little hope that the things can come better. i`m so sick and tired we to have only beautiful and rich victims or killers. most of the time after the end of S3 here in this threads we discuss only cast members clothing, did someone have cold etc. CSI Miami characters and thoroughly H need background. H have this so missing 'ordinary' S 1-3 and we have see so wonderfool development TV drama. so for me this shows are not entertaining from long time... when i watch it, only get angry what this monster make of it
amen... thanks for making exactly those points clear for me :p
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Seconded. Very well expressed Pusher. ;)

I think it's important to make the distinction between the most watched show on the planet and the best show. What we consider great TV is purely subjective. When they released the list of the Top 10 most watched shows, Miami was top. Some of the other shows on the list I hadn't even heard of. There were quite a few telenovelas (Spanish mini-soap operas I think). It proves that Miami is universally appealing, mainly due to the cosmopolitan feel to the show.

Here in the UK for example, it never features in the Top 10 most watched shows. The most popular US dramas here are shows like Lost, Desperate Housewives, 24, BSG, House, Without A Trace and the original CSI.

Sorry for drifting off topic (ie. Horatio/DC). Just wanted to clarify a couple of points. :)
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Plus, they have the best TV cast ever!
I wouldn't say the best cast, but they are a good looking cast. IMO the best looking among the 3 CSI shows.
But I agree with you Pusher that the cast have been let down by the writing.

I do believe they did try to delve into H's background in s4, maybe a little. I'd like to see more character development for H in the coming seasons and no more angst-ville for poor H.

sienna nice banner from 'Music and Lyrics'.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

OMG, I'm watching Session9 with Horatio/DC and he is looking so hot and has that sexy voice that drives me insane, but guess who else plays in the movie? Jim Brass from LV.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Hey all! :)

Just to pick up on the point made a few posts up, right now, the entire cast of Miami need a wake-up call, because the show has become very OTT, and there are several mistakes being made because of it. Continuity makes a big difference, and I'm still reeling over how much Horatio changed from the end of S3 to the start of S4. So far, things have improved a fraction, but there's still a long way to go to recapture the old H spirit from S1-3, which I really miss.

Has DC had a cold? Because people have been saying he looks a bit sick and his eyes are red... poor thing!! :(

And no 'sunnies of justice' = no show!! :lol: It wouldn't be the same without Horatio slipping them on and off every episode. It's a given with Miami, really. Just like his one-liners. 'It's as cold as ice' made me groan tho'... :rolleyes:

Ther was this hilarious video of Horatio mentioning taxes all the time. Goes something like hits:

'He's also a PDT...'
H: A Potentially Dangerous Tax Payer...


H: Jason, you should have just paid your taxes...


Frank: Think ther's any connection?
H: It's tax season...


My fave video!! :lol:

@ luvingmyHoratio: I just saw a video on YouTube for Session 9. David looked great, but the movie itself is kinda freaky! And isn't that a coincidence that Paul Guilfoyle stars alongside him! Another future CSI cast member he's been in a movie with, as well as Marg Helgenberger and John Hagen(forgot the actor's name, apologies.)

I know I shouldn't be worried about Horatio, you're all right. He is our hero, and he will survive... 'I'll survive, I will survive...' :lol: Sorry! :)
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Now I'm not happy. Damn those voices in DC's head that made him kill those guys in Session9. Though he is soooosexy even when he's killing someone, I was shocked :eek: to see that side of him.

One thing though: Does he wear contacts on CSIM because in this movie his eyes are light green and on Miami they are blue? :confused:
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

'He's also a PDT...'
H: A Potentially Dangerous Tax Payer...


H: Jason, you should have just paid your taxes...


Frank: Think ther's any connection?
H: It's tax season...


My fave video!!

Yeah, 'CSI MIAMI MOMENT OF THE WEEK #11'. I posted the link to the video in the last thread, but the Feds/Mods took it away since it wasn't CBs's video or something. But it was hilarious. :lol:

Best cast? Yes. Best good-looking cast? Yes. I just can't imagine Adam Sandler in there, acting like an idiot and shoving the pippettes (sp?) up his nose.

Horatio: As cold...as ice.
Ice Cube: *jumps on* Yo H! That's MY line!

Serisouly, that could of happened. :lol:
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

OMG, I'm watching Session9 with Horatio/DC and he is looking so hot and has that sexy voice that drives me insane, but guess who else plays in the movie? Jim Brass from LV.

That is a great movie! And I so agree, his voice is very sexy in it! :D

This is going to be the last time anyone should ever say this. Yes, DC/H DID have a cold in that epi, but now, we should talk about something important...

Any ideas?

Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

he he i love the CSI Miami clips of the week. they're great!!! and i like how they are only of his good oneliners. the best ones are from seasons one and two!!! season one is showing in the us on a&e so i get to see him say his good ones!!!! :D
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Yeah, and now they've posted the cold as ice line on there.
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