Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

You're welcome - I actually missed your question the first time around and then went back to edit my post, so I think we were posting at the same time. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

lol I KNEW IT!! anyways... thnx, i think they should add more detail to that... cuz stettler was gonna come after H in the s4 premier but he didnt wen he found out he it to save his mom...
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

It would have been good to see some kind of closure to that storyline (H's subpoena in NY etc), but it seems to have been dropped. I doubt the writers will revisit this, but there's always an unlikely chance. It's rather like Madison's leukaemia - will we ever find out if she was cured by Ray Jnr's bone marrow? All these loose ends.... :rolleyes:
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

fine whatever.. dont answer my question... ill try to figure o myself...
I know that Luce already answered your question, but in case that you ask more questions like this, you should give it time. Someone will eventually answer it. You shouldn't just go posting "Nevermind i'll figure out myself", or soemthing of the like. Just give it time man.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Hey Luce I'm soooooooo frustrated by the lack of tying up loose ends with these storylines. I wish they'd continued with H/R rivalry & to see if Rick was behind trying to set Horatio up. Which I'm sure he was. I think he was behind H getting that subpoena while in NY. Plus, to tie up that storyline also. I'd also like to know about Madison. Made me mad they killed off Ray. Wished they'd explored that story with him. Like this:

H: Hey Raymond, did you know you'd fathered a child with that tweaker Suzie?

R: Uh no Horatio I didn't

H: Well, you did & the last I heard she was dying from leukemia.

R: OMG!!! Uh Horatio does Yelina know all this?

H" Of course, she needed a donor. I didn't match,neither did Suzie. You were supposedly dead. I had to tell Yelina so Ray Jr might be able to help her.

R: Was he able too?

H: I don't know. The crazy writers have left her laying in the hosp room for the last two seasons now. So I have no clue if she's dead or alive.

Wasn't trying to be mean. Just couldn't resist. Anyway the writers just left stories die. The ones that kept me hanging on cause I couldn't wait to see what might come of it.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

katpin31791 said:
I wish they'd continued with H/R rivalry & to see if Rick was behind trying to set Horatio up. Which I'm sure he was. I think he was behind H getting that subpoena while in NY.

I'm of the belief that Rick was behind the subpoena as well, because he once mentioned to H that 'A lot of people know you up there' (or something like that), which I think means that Rick was probably snooping around to find out more about H's past and tipped off the murder. I just saw the episode where Rick was trying to act like he was surprised when he asked why H was served a subpoena, but I'm not buying it.
The whole investigation into Eric's alleged marijuana use was also of Rick's doing, as was plainly explained in the episode when Rick tells H that he did it because he felt that he deserved the Lieutenantship and was seeking out his revenge. This is also most definitely the reason for the NY subpoena as well, if Rick actually did it, which I believe he did.
We haven't seen Rick lately. Perhaps there will be a big showdown ep in the future?
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

The whole investigation into Eric's alleged marijuana use
Bull plop! Bull plop i say!

was also of Rick's doing, as was plainly explained in the episode when Rick tells H that he did it because he felt that he deserved the Lieutenantship and was seeking out his revenge.
Oh SCREW YOU RICK! *jumps on and beats*
Seriously, Stetler drives me insane. Don't you ever get that feeling, where you're SO ticked, you want to strangle something? ....like a teddy bear? :lol:

We haven't seen Rick lately. Perhaps there will be a big showdown ep in the future?
Hope so! Either him getting shot in the face or him....being a complete coward and loser in fist-fight with H. :D
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Hunter said:
Seriously, Stetler drives me insane. Don't you ever get that feeling, where you're SO ticked, you want to strangle something? ....like a teddy bear? :lol:

As a matter of fact, I said, out loud mind you, some choice words to Rick after he told H that he should have received the Lieutenantship instead of H. None of them were G rated :D Rick makes my blood boil.

Hope so! Either him getting shot in the face or him....being a complete coward and loser in fist-fight with H. :D

I'd rather see H prolong Rick's suffering than see him getting shot in the face. I want to see H take out all those years of Rick's crap in the form of Rick's face running into H's fists. :lol: I would also love to see Rick become a big baby and start crying with his bottom lip sticking out. That would be hilarious.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

know what u mean EyeHeartH dont like the man myself he thinks he knows it all.That would be fun to see :devil:

just catching up with what beens going on my son lost his internet so he is using my laptop at the moment :(
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

LOVE IT! Whenever H smiles I smile, because it's so rare and greatly appreciated! Thank you grssom89, that was very nice and realy made my day. :)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

i love that pic!! wht episode is that one from?... dont mind if i copy it do ya?
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

csi_pinoy said:
i love that pic!! wht episode is that one from?... dont mind if i copy it do ya?

of course not i post to spread the hottness :D

heres another gorgeous pic swave
i have another pic wwhich im sure you ladies would love to see but im not sure that i can post it here so if you wanna peek pm me an ill snd it ya :D
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Whoa! Where did you get that PIC?!? He's smiling with the teeth and everything!! *jumps on H*

I stole the pic by the way. Duh. ;)


^^ I was talking about the 1st one. With H smiling fully. :D

But i LOVE the second one! I snatched it too! Which eppies are these from Grissom?
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