Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?
Ahhh...that isn't from CSI: Miami but I guess DC just has great chemistry with kids...that's one thing I'd like to see more of this season, the old H we all know and love- the one who comforts dying victims, assures ones just hanging on they'll be Ok, saying "If you need anything..." and being fantastic withg kids. Some great exaples- 'Hurricane Anthony,' with Marty, Horatio just looked so drained and sad, and then he was still strong enough to handle the case well and assure the wife that her husband only wanted the best for her and the family. Another great one- 'Body Count' when he found the girl -Emma, right?- and he just kept calling her name and the whole time my eyes were glued the screen and I couldn't breathe and I just kept thinking 'I love you Horatio, I love you Horatio...' Then when he confronted Stuart Otis he was still calm and wonderful as he saved yet another life...Now it seems like he's out to kill, he didn't have to shoot Clavo (but I guess they had to end it sometime) This has been mentioned a million times before but i'll say it again, especially because A&E is recycling through season 2 material (s2 is the only season I haven't seen every ep in) and i get to see tons of Speed and the Horatio I miss...I saw 'Hard Time' the other day and he was, again, brilliant. *sigh* Sorry for the super-duper long post, and sorry for being OT before, Geni.
^And actually, Lora, I heven't read every RT. I couldn't there were like a million! But I know the general story and I got a ton of laughs the day I discovered it.

Here's to a great thread, everyone. And a piccie or two to celebrate!
All from 'Hard Time,' which has been ranked among my fave episodes, and definately one of my favorite season 2 episodes. *raises juice box* So here's to a great new thread (I feel like it's New Years!)