Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

EyeHeartH said:
If anyone has a chance to pick up a copy of the February issue of Cigar Aficionado, you're gonna love who's on the cover:


*squee* Awesomely fantastic....comb over? XD DC's hair so so combed! It's all neat and boyish like. *shrill giggle* And he's holding a cigar! Love the jacket, but the shell pink tie doesn't go to well with ihs hair or jacket. Shoulda went with black or something. (and then theres the title on the mag 'DAVID CARUSO - The new Kind of CSI'. It should be God of CSI!)

Awesome, thanks for the magazine picture EyeHeartH!
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Hunter said:
I've edited Hunter's post to fix the spoiler code. For some reason the spoiler code doesn't like it if you try to separate your thoughts into paragraphs. For it to work properly you have to type everything in one great big paragraph.

....so i just put it in one paragraph? :confused: Sorry, like i said, 1st time doing a spoiler... Kinda weird, since i'm a 'Police 'Officer'. I've been here long enough, i should know these things! *bangs head on desk*

Yup...just put everything into one paragraph. ;) And no worries, it takes time to learn your way around sometimes. That's why we're here to help you out.

Now...I've been meaning to type a proper review of the episode, but I wanted to watch it again first. I'm a bit under the weather so I haven't yet had time, but I will agree that it was very interesting to see Horatio not in control of a situation for once. I promise I'll post a longer reply in a couple of days over in the episode thread.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

I'm a bit under the weather so I haven't yet had time, but I will agree that it was very interesting to see Horatio not in control of a situation for once. I promise I'll post a longer reply in a couple of days over in the episode thread.
Sorry to hear that Thumpy. :( Hope you feel better soon. :)

I also like the thought that H is not in control for a change. He always seems to resolve everything so seemlessly and that can get a bit tiresome. I like to see characters like Clavo or Stetler get under his skin. It makes things so much more interesting - and we always know that H will ultimately save the day in the end. It's written in the constitution. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Yup...just put everything into one paragraph. And no worries, it takes time to learn your way around sometimes. That's why we're here to help you out.
Thanks Thumps!

I'm a bit under the weather
Oh wow. Me too! But i hope you feel better Thumpy.

but I will agree that it was very interesting to see Horatio not in control of a situation for once.
Woah woah woah. What episode are YOU talking about? Either it's new or missed it.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Nice to see you in here Thumps, though I'm sorry you're not feeling so great and hope you feel better soon :)

Speaking of Stetler, I watched Crime Wave this afternoon (wow, what an episode! it was like a Day After Tomorrow-esque action movie rather than a CSI Miami epi :eek: :lol:), where we see that Yelina has been hit in the eye by Stetler :eek: It was a bit un-nerving hearing Horatio's "if you do that again, I will kill you" line...it's kind of scary knowing the Horatio that we all love - the gentle, sweet guy who will stop at nothing to see justice done :cool: although Rick looked a little concerned at the end of that scene, like he knew Horatio would carry out his threat because he knows he wouldn't have said that to him if he hadn't meant it. Stetler also knows what Yelina means to Horatio, and that H can report him to the authorities for abusing Yelina. Nice to see Stetler looking uncomfortable for a change :devil:

Great tension in H's action scenes, particularly the one where he is escaping the hotel in his Hummer :eek: One thing I didn't see coming was his relationship with Rebecca :eek: where did that come from? am I losing my marbles or just didn't pick up on something in previous episodes? I actually had the impression they didn't like each other very much :eek: Oh well, perhaps someone can enlighten me on this :lol: One thing I wonder is whether he's embarking on this relationship with Rebecca to try and block out his feelings for Yelina and the fact that she is in a relationship with Stetler? Hmmm...*thinks about heading to the H/Y thread again*. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Hope you feel better soon Thumpy. *hugs* :)

wibble said: One thing I didn't see coming was his relationship with Rebecca :eek: where did that come from? am I losing my marbles or just didn't pick up on something in previous episodes?
Lol, it was rather out of the blue wibbs. I think your marbles are safe from being lost! :D I would say there seemed to be a slight attraction between them in 'Hell Night', but nothing that would suggest they were about to start dating! At the time, many of us were rather shocked at this sudden turn of events. I guess we just have to assume that there were off screen developments. ;)
One thing I wonder is whether he's embarking on this relationship with Rebecca to try and block out his feelings for Yelina and the fact that she is in a relationship with Stetler?
A most definite possibilty I would say. Plus, he has an attraction to brunettes. ;) I always felt that Rebecca wasn't really quite his type personality wise though - a little too driven by ambition and not enough compassion. However, she certainly put a spring in his step judging by that big grin on his face at the end of the episode!

This has to be my favourite part though:


H: I'm going to say this to you once. If you ever touch her
again, I'm going to kill you. :devil:

MD, I completely agree that characters like Rick and Clavo make things far more interesting. H needs a nemesis, and I do rather like him when he is a little rattled. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Nice pic Lucy. I always love the 'little talks' he has with Stetler.

One thing I wonder is whether he's embarking on this relationship with Rebecca to try and block out his feelings for Yelina and the fact that she is in a relationship with Stetler?
Probably so. There was the whole thing about Yelina being H's sister-in-law and the fact that Yelina had a child by Ray. Maybe H thought that alone would be weird, so he tried to forget about his feelings for her. I'm sure Ray Jr. would think it weird too that his uncle was dating his mother.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Thanks for the cap Luce! I wish H would say that...

H has a lot of nemises (es?), try everyone. :lol: Nah, everyone except his team, and Yelina. That's about it.

Ehck. The Stetler and Yelina thing. *shudders* Don't get me started. I just read the fic of H and Yelina, but stetler's always being an ass, as always.
Yeah that's true, it would be weird for your uncle to date your mother. *shrugs* Not like you can do anything about it. You're a kid.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

lmao that is so true... he cant do anything, hes like wat 13 no or somethin... its his fault his mthers not happy... lol but i think H was beig to nice and just cring about ray jr.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Thanks everyone. :)

Hunter said:
Woah woah woah. What episode are YOU talking about? Either it's new or missed it.

I'm talking about 'No Man's Land'. ;) Horatio was not in control of the situation when Clavo sent him into the bank to withdraw that money. He had to do as Clavo ordered as a woman's life was at stake and you could see that it was eating at him something awful.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

EyeHeartH that pic of DC on that magazine cover is so great....he actually looks good in a tie, kinda surprising since he never wears them in pics that I've seen.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

I agree...I like him better tieless, top buttons unbuttoned, especially when he's wearing striped shirts!!! :D
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Hunter: I wish H would say that...

actually, H say exactly this quote under the pic that Lucy post ;)

EyeHeartH: I'm sure Ray Jr. would think it weird too that his uncle was dating his mother.

i have a lot doubt that Ray Jn. will be weird of the fact that one day his uncle and mom can date (re S 1-3). we have epi 'Hell Night' and Ray Jn. quote 'You never come around anymore...She doesn't need space.' re Y/Stetler relationship. also in epi 'Whacked' when Ray Jn. call H coz his mom and Rick again have fight...all of this make me believe that the kid and H have strong connection, they are use to be very close...but can`t deny that now after epi 'Rio' and Ray Jn. teenage years will have some misunderstanding/problems if something like this come out ...

MiamiDade : I like to see characters like Clavo or Stetler get under his skin. It makes things so much more interesting

ur so right here ;) i can`t compare Clavo and Rick, they are different H`s enemys, but surely can say that i love them. H need such 'negative' characters around him, so to see him angry or helpless. yep this way the things in Miami are ways more interesting , not like S4 plot line for H thoughtless/ridiculous personal vengeance.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

That is indeed the exact quote from 'Crime Wave'. ;) One of my very favourite H quotes ever!
H need such 'negative' characters around him, so to see him angry or helpless. yep this way the things in Miami are ways more interesting , not like S4 plot line for H thoughtless/ridiculous personal vengeance.
Very much so. I like to see H a little vulnerable at times. It makes him so much more human and endearing.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Hey Thumpy hope you're feeling better. *hugs* to ya. Aww Lucy you made my day with that pic you know that don't ya? You know I'm drooling here now don't ya? LOL Thanks sweety.
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