Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Yeah, all i saw was some hand holding. Not HAND holding, just a handing off. And Horatio doesn't get shot! I'm sure! Evidence is the caps! And in my gut! HE. WILL. NOT. GET. SHOT. Even if he DOES get shot, the bullet with probably bounce off. OR barely go through the kevlar he'll be wearing, so he'll get a little bit hurt.

This is the 1st ever spoiler i've done. *celebrates*
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Yep, and it didn't work. You might want to put spoiler space, sometimes the computer goes all screwy and won't let you post a spoiler. PEOPLE WHO DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED DON'T READ HUNTER'S POST ^
Just trying to help. HUNTER EDIT! :D
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

I've edited Hunter's post to fix the spoiler code. For some reason the spoiler code doesn't like it if you try to separate your thoughts into paragraphs. For it to work properly you have to type everything in one great big paragraph. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Arg, now I know why it was being mean to me. Thanks Jennifer :)
OK, yeah, it'll probably bounce off, because H is invicible (he doesn't wear a keplar, he's SuperH! Keplars are for freakin babies. (Ok, JK) But still, there is a 0.000000001% chance he'll get shot. And it'll be huge. I am so praying with everything I have that that 0.000000001% is enough. *prays*
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Thanks EyeHeartH, now I think I'm interested. Wish he could be on Time[/b] or People or Newsweek or something, but any cover story is appreciated (bessides TVGuide- though that's great as well! :D)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

I wish he would do another Entertainment Weekly photoshoot like he did for the series premiere of Miami and the NYPD Blue issue where he was on the cover. Entertainment Weekly always has good photoshoots, as does Rolling Stone.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

I doubt that H is wealthy on a Lieutenant's salary. Comfortably off, yes, but not wealthy. Afterall, he and Frank had a conversation in 'Nothing To Lose' about some real estate H had in the Keys. H needed to look to selling this in order to help out Suzie for Madison's medical expenses. Season 3 had some very interesting moments like that

ahhh the old, good and sensible Miami epis *sigh*. everything back in S 1-3 had so logical explanation not like now - i really love this part re H been forced to sell land and pay for Medisno hospital bill. thanks for remind us this Lucy ;)

Remember last night when he jumped on the side of the hummer?

i don`t know why u guys are so exciting from this H action ?! (the same reaction we have with 'Burn, baby burn' quote):rolleyes: . this epi have other more interesting things to be discuss. What about H and Clavo scenes. Did u ever have see H so helpless. (in S4 with the judge yes, but never S 1-3) He was like a dog without teeth. Clavo play and order to him like he is noone. and yep i love this part someone take H pride. After S4 H character, it was matter of time someone to put H on his place. he still is forgot who is hi. the Real H from S 1-3 never act so selfish, he even try to play God this days (with this stupid one-liners and pose). for me this S5 epis are only action/cool wallpaper packet, nothing more. even nothing near to the true H character. why i have feeling that this one who write now miami script don`t know H and Miami at all. :mad:
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

for me this S5 epis are only action/cool wallpaper packet, nothing more. even nothing near to the true H character.
Good point. Miami is very superficial to say the least at the moment. The writers evidently feel that the audience doesn't like to think anymore. I know it depends on what we as individuals find stimulating in a TV show, but personally, I need more than action and pretty colours. ;)

EyeHeartH, that's a very good pic of DC on that magazine cover - very handsome. Thanks for posting it. :D
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

EyeHeartH that pic of DC on the mag cover is just so HOT!

I love action H! In fact it's all the action stuff in Miami that makes me like it more than LV or NY. When H whips out his gun my heartrate goes up by like a million.

But I tend to agree that we need to see a more human rather than superhero H. So please let H get shot but just don't kill him. I need to know that bullets won't bounce off him. :p
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Pusher said:
i don`t know why u guys are so exciting from this H action ?! (the same reaction we have with 'Burn, baby burn' quote):rolleyes:
I don't know, it's just the way i see it, any time he does something moving fast, it's cool, because he's older than everyone else. I am a weirdo, I guess.
Pusher said:
this epi have other more interesting things to be discuss. What about H and Clavo scenes. Did u ever have see H so helpless. (in S4 with the judge yes, but never S 1-3) He was like a dog without teeth. Clavo play and order to him like he is noone. and yep i love this part someone take H pride. After S4 H character, it was matter of time someone to put H on his place. he still is forgot who is hi. the Real H from S 1-3 never act so selfish, he even try to play God this days (with this stupid one-liners and pose). for me this S5 epis are only action/cool wallpaper packet, nothing more. even nothing near to the true H character. why i have feeling that this one who write now miami script don`t know H and Miami at all. :mad:
Yeah, I emntioned in another thread how I loved the way he couldn't hit the shooter who shot Eric in one shot. H was much more vulverable this ep and taht was one of the reasons I liked him. I do agree with you on the way he was with Clavo. :)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Well, I enjoyed the ep. For once to me H didn't try to come off with any of his heroic stuff even though I'm sure he wanted to. Jumping on the side of the hummer to me was natural. He was looking for a vehicle. I know S5 still isn't anything like S1-3 was but, I guess we're never gonna see them days anymore. Times are changing I guess. *sigh* At least this time they got smart & made it a two-parter which is something they should've done with Rio.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

^ 100 % agree with ur post katpin31791 ;) this time H don`t have save the day, and even for some seconds we have a little from ours Real H - scream worry Alex name in the court after the attack. but still S5 Miami is far, far away form the quality and sensible that we have in S 1-3. ok i agree that it`s good to see action or angry H (one try for TPTB to make him more human), but somehow when they add new side in H characters forgot everything else. i just want to see epis like in 'Crime Wave' good mix between action and smart H. in meaning what happen with the H boss - who unite and defend his team, solve the crimes or take care for the victims. if i see all this back in this tv show + action (or angry) H wow he can become again my fav character :)

any time he does something moving fast, it's cool, because he's older than everyone else.
Yeah, I emntioned in another thread how I loved the way he couldn't hit the shooter who shot Eric in one shot.

man, coz of this type answers i still keep think that we watch two different tv shows. :lol: btw are u sure that in the end of '10-7' don`t have tears in H eyes ;)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

I've edited Hunter's post to fix the spoiler code. For some reason the spoiler code doesn't like it if you try to separate your thoughts into paragraphs. For it to work properly you have to type everything in one great big paragraph.

....so i just put it in one paragraph? :confused: Sorry, like i said, 1st time doing a spoiler... Kinda weird, since i'm a 'Police 'Officer'. I've been here long enough, i should know these things! *bangs head on desk*
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