Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

i know that always will have 'fight' between Canon and Fanon things, but hope this thread to not become battlefield.
Indeed and that is why we have a separate forum for shipping discussion. Before Shipper Central was created, there was some, er, very lively 'discussion' here! :lol: If we stick to discussing what has happened on the show in this thread, there should be no problems here. :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Lucy said:

Ducky, thanks for the heads up re the CBS Innertube 100th celebration feature. Must check it out. :D

AH yes :D Seems that clips are available on Innertube also for outsiders (outside of USA) but full episoders are still US only :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

OMG, I loved watching the 100th episode thing on Innertube! It's funny, but DC is really different from H if you stop and compare them (voice, attitude, etc...).
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

I loved the 100th episode party, he was so funny! :) And so sweet! :D And you're right, HC'sGirl, DC seems to be more outgoing than his sombre counterpart. For one thing, he's a very genuine and has a great deal to say. I always wonder what working with him is like. I've heard he's very professional, with a dry sense of humour, and I'll bet he's a born leader.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

What a treat on Saturday night Channel 5 Csi Lv Cross-jurisdictions followed by Csi Miami Nonstop :)got the Lv s2 on dvd loved it when H found the girl and sat with her told her who he was.never seen this ep but it was good he promised her that he would catch who ever did this and at the end turned to him with a thank you
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

I watched 'CJ' and 'MIA/NYC Non-stop' on Saturday too HC_4_my_birthday. It was indeed a treat! I quite like flicking onto Channel Five, Five US or Living TV, as there's almost always a good episode on. :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

HC_4_my_birthday said:
What a treat on Saturday night Channel 5 Csi Lv Cross-jurisdictions followed by Csi Miami Nonstop :)

How on EARTH did I miss that? :eek: :eek: I seriously gotta check my TV guide more carefully in future! :( Well, I guess I can't complain, as I have my dvds ;)

Despite the sadness of Speed's demise, it was great seeing an angry H in Lost Son. Thought he was gonna punch that guy's lights out in the scene just after the shootout :eek: and you could tell Yelina was concerned about his behaviour. I think the only time we see H like this is when he's talking to Stetler, lol.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

I'm back. I know...some are probably running away hiding.

Personally I don't know how a person in real life would be able to go though what Horatio has gone though and not be a mess. That person would need antidepressents or something to help them. Not that I believe that all problems are solved by meds. Theorpy would be needed too. Poor Horatio. One has got to wonder how much more can this poor man take. I also wonder what/who are Horatio's support system. Does he even have one?

The Good Rebecca
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Hi my first time dropping in on this thread.
Rebecca_V said:
Poor Horatio. One has got to wonder how much more can this poor man take. I also wonder what/who are Horatio's support system. Does he even have one?
If Horatio has a support system it would be his faith? Remember him going to confession in s4 opening ep. (sorry I can't remember the title) Another way he copes I would guess is from his work. That's why he always goes out of his way to catch the bad guy and is always kind and compassionate to the victims.

Agree with you that Horatio has had alot of crap thrown at him. The writers have not been kind to H at all. I hope as s5 progresses we would get to see things start getting better for H.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Welcome to the H/DC thread Hrockz! :D

I think that's a very good point about his faith. Horatio definitely has an inner strength that is to be admired, no doubt about that. When we saw him at confession in 'From The Grave', it didn't surprise me to see him at church. I can imagine that in his quiter moments, this is where he would go for peace and sanctuary (though, in that scene, he was pretty traumatised about memories of his Mother's death).

Also, at the beginning of Season 5's 'Rio' we see him kneeling at the base of the statue of Christ. Although he was in Brazil on a mission of revenge (so some might say this scene was hypocritical), he evidently has enormous respect for the Christ figure and takes inspiration from his faith.

Although at times H seems a little too much like a super hero, always saving the day, he does have saintly qualities. His resolve, his compassion and his determination to do the right thing almost always shine through. Hence, our calling him 'Saint H'. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Agree with you Luce !

Horatio certainly deserves the title Saint H. And yes I do admire that inner strength of his you mentioned.

No I don't think that scene in 'Rio' was hypocritical, I see itmore like he was drawing on his faith for the strength he needed for the task he was about to do, which in that instance was revenge.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

as much as i love u guys, can i disagree with this comment that H support is his faith. ;) ok his faith - the whole meaning of this word i agree. but if this only mean faith in God uhhh...i personally think that this become one new side of his character in S4-5. and for me TPTB only use it to make H sufferer (S4E01) or revenger (S5E01). i just don`t like they way csi miami writers try to connect H`s NY past and his revenge with the faith( one unsuccessful try to make him more...err...'earth ' :confused:). for me after i have see this so absurds S4,5 (only drug/gun dealers or terrorists) in my eyes H only look like one fanatic religious. and honestly i don`t like him and this plot line. the things for me are more seriously when it`s come to faith ...... in this case H stay fake ...hope noone get offended...this is just me :rolleyes:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

I can clearly tell that of all the characters on all 3 CSI shows that H has the most faith in God/Christ. I relate to him most b/c I am deeply religious and like to identify w/ someone who is too, even a fictional character like Horatio.
I loved him at confessions in the church in "From the Grave," and that opening scene in "Rio" with him kneeling and praying at the Christ the Redeemer statue....that brought tears to my eyes.
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