Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

darx2mint4 said:
I don't usually post here, but I saw this interesting clip on David Caruso on Entertainment Tonight.

eta: It was a short clip, and the quote was "If it's possible for me to become more thin and attractive...I'm working on it" :D

Really? I like him just the way he is. I like a little grit to my guy! ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

katpin31791 said:
Hey Lucy, I forgot to give ya your Happy New Year present. Hope ya like. I've gotten somewhat better. LOL
Aw, thanks katpin! Much appreciated. :D Looks like New Zealand's Southern Alps or the Canadian Rockies. Made me think of a weekend away in the mountains with Horatio! Sounds good to me. I'm sure he's the romantic type! ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Thanks for the info re Stetler and Horatio, Luce :) Looking forward to what happens in the season 2 finale (watched Rap Sheet and Mia/NYC Nonstop last night - great episodes! thought Nonstop was particularly fab :) ). Though I was thinking about this Stetler plotline yesterday, and realised it's probably something to do with H witholding information on Ray's death. Should have thought of that sooner :rolleyes:

Poor H, I felt sad for him when he found out Yelina was dating Stetler in The Oath :( and it just made me want to cry that he was protecting Yelina by not telling her that Susie actually slept with Ray, and that Madison is Ray's daughter, not his.

To be completely honest, I'm surprised Yelina thinks H would have slept with Susie, but I guess to Yelina, it's the only possible explaination. :(
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

^ and talking re 'The Oath ' i can`t believe that Yelina say this : Stetler is simple,and this is just,comlicated. :rolleyes: Rick is simple ?! or is more simpe for Y to believe that H lie to her about Suzzy. sometimes we deny to see the reality, coz we have been wounded/outcast (re the end of Blood Brother epi - H/Y chat). also for me H prove the rule that sometimes u have to go against ur self only to protect someone for who u care. even this to lead to mistrust&disappointment from the person who is ur family/friend.

but without Stetler H character won`t be complete. somehow he make H more...real...man how have 'enemy' and must defend his team and family. also coz of Stetler we see one new side of H character.... one strong H who accept Y decision to date Rick and even try to make easier theirs relationship. but in S3 we have some very good H/Stetler epis :devil: one very good make development and continuation of this 'fight' ;) hope CSI miami writers will bring back Rick soon ...

PS as i remeber right Stetler hate H also coz of long time promotion (H is lieutenant and Rick only inside section cop)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I believe that "complicated" was referring to "Money for Nothing" where Y first time Suzie and Madison and when she asked why H never told he had a child and H just replied "It's more complicated than that"
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

You're welcome wibbs. :)
talking re 'The Oath ' i can`t believe that Yelina say this : Stetler is simple,and this is just,comlicated.
Well, her dating Stetler was pretty 'simple', as in no complications (at this point), no history, no emotional baggage. The whole H/Y relationship is full of complications, although theoretically they are ones that can be overcome. For one thing, H still has the burden of self-imposed guilt weighing down upon him because Yelina is 'his brother's wife'. He cannot act on his feelings for Yelina until he takes on his inner demons and faces up to things. There is a lot of potential mileage left in this storyarc, if the writers choose to go there.

Then, the writers introduced the Suzie/Madison storyarc to drive yet another wedge between H and Y. Yelina jumping to the wrong conclusion and H letting her believe it for so long (to prevent her from getting hurt by Ray's infidelity) was a very effective plot device. It will be interesting to see where we go from here, after the events in 'Rio'.
also for me H prove the rule that sometimes u have to go against ur self only to protect someone for who u care. even this to lead to mistrust & disappointment from the person who is ur family/friend.
Exactly and this is a perfect example of H's self sacrificial nature. :(
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

A belated Happy New Year! Hopefully this year we'll see great stuff from Horatio! And I hope it has anything to do with labcoats! :)

So Jan. 8 is the day for new episodes, great! Can't wait! Ha ha, that rhymed! :lol:

"The Oath" was great, and I was really surprised and shocked to see Yelina date Rick Stetler, Horatio's worst enemy??!! :eek: But I really enjoyed the Susie and Madison storyline. Horatio's scenes with Madison are adorable. :) Of course Yelina would assume that Maddy was Horatio's daughter, and Horatio didn't even set her straight so he could protect Ray's secret. Honour... that is a big feature of Horatio's character. He wouldn't show Ray up, he wouldn't disrespect the dead, but when Madison got sick with leukemia, it all came out in the end. He couldn't pretend anymore, so Ray Jr would give his bone marrow to save Madison. A tough choice for Horatio to reveal the truth, and for Yelina to help her husband's secret child. They both came through, I'm glad! :)

We need more stories like that again, and the writers need to make up their minds, seriously! Let's bring back Stetler(even tho' I don't like him, he brings out a side of Horatio I really want to see!), and Yelina(she is his family, and he won't be so lonely anymore!). The show would benefit a lot, I'm sure.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

It's great to see some interesting discussion in here! :) I could comment on so much, but am restricted by time.
Poor H, I felt sad for him when he found out Yelina was dating Stetler in The Oath :( and it just made me want to cry that he was protecting Yelina by not telling her that Susie actually slept with Ray, and that Madison is Ray's daughter, not his.
This was a heartbreaking scene, I agree. After all that Yelina had been through with Ray (drugs, dirty cop allegations and ultimately, his 'death'), H felt he really couldn't burden her with this as well. He sacrificed his own feelings (yet again) to keep her from this devastating revelation. Poor H....and poor Yelina too. :(
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

And we see yet more self-sacrifices from H in Innocent :( I can't quite believe what happened at the end with him, Stetler and Yelina. It must've been very hard for H to accept and be happy for Yelina when he found out she had plans with Stetler for the weekend :( yet he still smiled and wished her well, telling her to have fun.

You can tell that all H is interested in is Yelina's happiness, because he even goes so far to tell Stetler that Yelina hates champagne, and he tells him that because he wants Yelina to be happy.

Wow, H is so selfless...always putting other people's feelings first, though I don't think things can work like that forever. I think Horatio must reach a point somewhere that he becomes unhappy and weary because he never puts himself first. I don't know whether this ever happens, but he already looked pretty down when we see him at the end of the episode with the music playing, and then he gets a call out on his phone/pager.

I hope he gets the happiness he deserves eventually.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I hope he gets the happiness he deserves eventually.
I wouldn't be surprised if the writers eventually allow us to see a contented H, or at least an implication of his long term personal contentment. All the good things that happen to him get taken away, so ultimately, I feel he will be rewarded, although I would imagine this will be towards the end of the show's run. Just an inkling I have. I certainly hope this will be the case too. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

And we see yet more self-sacrifices from H in Innocent I can't quite believe what happened at the end with him, Stetler and Yelina. It must've been very hard for H to accept and be happy for Yelina when he found out she had plans with Stetler for the weekend yet he still smiled and wished her well, telling her to have fun.

and the end song from this epi Seal - Love's Divine fit so perfect with this heartbreaking scene. i admire this H 'decision' to let Y free, she deserve happiness even to be with Stetler. H stay against his feeling and make one noble gesture - to talk with Rick and in the end to wish them good time *sigh*

coz of this selfless/self-sacrifices H nature i star to like this tv show, and after csi miami writers bring in and H family i totally start to love it. but this was in the old good time in Miami (S 1-3). when i look at ur ava wibss - Chronicles of Narnia to me come one Tally comment - post-S3 Miami is now "always winter and never Christmas" . i think that Horatio already reach the last point and lose all his humaneness. i too ask my self when H will have little piece of happiness. maybe when he at last stop 'hide' from his true feeling and also open him self to the rest. :rolleyes:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

OMG, I've been away too long....hmm.., what to add to this..... *thinking* Actually, I'm kind of glad that H isn't with Yelina b/c I think Calleigh is his girl.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

And we don't prefer shipper talk here ;)
I mean... just don't take your shipper thoughts any longer in here :D (Lol, that may sound rude... sorry about that)

Even tho it has been bit Yelina-ness here also... but it was referring to H's happiness... right?

I'm sorry... I'm confusing this morning.

Have you guys btw watched 100th eppy celebration on CBS's Innertube? :D I'm always excited to hear talk from David because it's more lively than H :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Even tho it has been bit Yelina-ness here also... but it was referring to H's happiness... right?
Exactly, plus the fact that the Horatio/Yelina storyarc is written into the show as a potential romance. The storyarc exists and has been discussed and referred to as a real part of the show by several members of TPTB. Talking about Yelina and her relationship with H is no different from discussing Rebecca Nevins or Marisol Delko.

'Shipping' discussion is quite different. The 'I would like to see character A with character B' form of 'shipping', in most cases, has no real foundation on the show at this point in time, and this type of discussion belongs in the relevant thread in Shipper Central.

However, the H/Y fans do make sure that the majority of H/Y discussion takes place in Shipper Central so that this thread doesn't become too focused on that. There seem to be quite a number of us, so we try not to get too carried away!

Ducky, thanks for the heads up re the CBS Innertube 100th celebration feature. Must check it out. :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Exactly, plus the fact that the Horatio/Yelina storyarc is written into the show as a potential romance. The storyarc exists and has been discussed and referred to as a real part of the show by several members of TPTB. Talking about Yelina and her relationship with H is no different from discussing Rebecca Nevins or Marisol Delko.

yes, all this ladys are part of H character/story line. when i try to describe why i like or don`t like some part of his 'new' side, somehow the prove come with concrete scene or character. but what really irritate my is that here have some guys who only tell i love this or i hate this, without back up theirs own opinion. anyway i know that always will have 'fight' between Canon and Fanon things, but hope this thread to not become battlefield.

Have you guys btw watched 100th eppy celebration on CBS's Innertube? I'm always excited to hear talk from David because it's more lively than H

yep, i have see this vid and more like DC voice and presence. but at the same time don`t know why he look more 'old' to me without all his make-up when he play H ;)
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