Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

^ :lol: You know, after all the bad things I've heard about S4, I swear I'm gonna start watching it with baited breath :lol: I already have a horrible idea of how H's character will have changed, etc. but we shall see. I still have the last 5 episodes of S2 and the whole of S3 to get through first :lol:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

To answer your question, Mel, Horatio had nothing but "his opinion and Jeffery's itinery" to hold him, according to his lawyer. I don't really know what that means, little help?? :confused: Horatio accused Jeffery of force-feeding Lisa demerol to kill her, so the lawyer called time on the interview. Must watch it again and take notes... if I can stop crying!

@ wibble: Be prepared for a nasty shock, is all I can say. No labwork, and plenty of gun shooting! :eek: Look what's become of our H!! :( He still delivers, of course, but it's kind of going downhill alright. The only highlight I can suggest looking out for is "Under Suspicion", great episode, and not just from a H/C shipper's perspective!! ;) :lol: And of course there's Walter Resden, so hold onto your seats!! At least Marisol makes him "happy"... hmmm... :rolleyes: It's worth it to see him smile!! :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

MiamiDade say: Yep, it all went horribly wrong when Steve Maeda left at the end of Season 3. He is a great writer/producer and really understood the character dynamics on the show so well. It's almost like the heart of the show left with him. A really great loss.

ehhh if only he can return to work again in CSI Miami *sigh* :( aslo i can`t believe that Ann D. have make some very good epis, but now act like she don`t care for this show and theirs fans.

anyway wibs u have to see S4 and to decide did u like it or not ;) i`ll love to read some of ur comment over it hehe :) and for me now u`ll goign to see the best season 3 :devil:

aslo don`t know but i always have feeling that H and Call are good friends. theirs friendship is from long time. and i like to see scene with both of them. in my head have a lot examples - and for me they always act like H is the boss who is a lot worry and careing for his team and maybe like a father for Cal. in return Cal see in H one great and real/human boss and friend at the same time....but to talk for H/C shipper uhhh... :rolleyes: ... sorry but i don`t see this...a lot times H have try to help Cal with John or this new guy in S5 relationship...this make me believe that they are only friends..
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

H's character does change in Season 4, no doubt about that. I personally found Under Suspicion rather over the top. H is supposed to remove himself completely from the case, and ends up getting involved every which way anyway. :rolleyes: There are lots of plotholes too. There are some excellent (and very amusing) reviews on this forum in the episode thread. Walter Dresden makes a convincing villain in it though.

I really enjoyed a couple of S4 episodes - Nailed and Felony Flight, which I highly recommend. H seemed more himself in these episodes too. Otherwise, he becomes very 'woe is me' and lacklustre - two things that the real H certainly is not.

Though, as Pusher said wibbs, you will see for yourself and make up your own mind all in good time. In between, you have the wonderful Season 3 to experience, so yay for that! :D

Also, it might be best if 'shipping' discussion, (ie. the discussion of pairings that some would like to see, but are not real on the show) takes place in the Great Miami Ship Debate thread in Shipper Central. Thanks. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Thanks guys for your input on Season 4 :) even though I've heard a lot of criticism about it in general terms with regard to changes within characters, I've remained spoiler-free in terms of what actually happens in each episode. So I'm gonna try and go into it with as open mind as possible once I'm finished S2 and then S3.

I have a question about S2 - I was watching The Oath last night, and I'm wondering why Stetler is investigating Horatio? :confused: did I miss the reason for this in an earlier episode or is Stetler just being an asshole because he's jealous of his friendship with Yelina? If it's something I'll find out later on, then no worries - I'd rather just stay spoiler-free as it were for now :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I'm wondering why Stetler is investigating Horatio? did I miss the reason for this in an earlier episode
You haven't missed anything wibbs. At the point that you are at, the audience is in the dark as to why. It comes to light later on in Season 2 that Stetler suspects that H is withholding critical information. I won't say any more than that as it will spoil you. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

*waves to Lucy* Happy New year!!!!!!!!!!! Not oo many eps of S4 I like. FF for obvious reasons. I did like Under Suspicion but the more H I guess tried to stay out of the investigation the more he was involved. Plus, I really don't think the lab should've been involved. As for the H/M story. Hmmm I may have been able to have dealt with it better if it hadn't been for the fact they kept M looking so gorgeous when she was suppose to have been dying. I think H cared for her in his own way but......... It was S4 where I got hooked so until I bought S1-3, I had no clue to what was happening. I miss H in the lab. Wish the writers would make up their minds as to where they're going with the plots. Wish they connect more with Horatio/Stetler. I know why Stetler hates H but wish they'd followed through about the stuff in NY. I have to admit I've enjoyed S5 better so far.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

A very Happy New Year to you too katpin! :D
katpin said: Wish the writers would make up their minds as to where they're going with the plots.
That makes two of us! Apparently, the writers abandoned the 'H's NY past' storyarc as it was too dark. These current writers really don't seem to know which way they're going!
MacsGirlMel said:
Can you PM me and tell me? I love spoilers.
MacsGirlMel, have you seen the Season 2 episode 'Big Brother'? It's just that the spoiler won't make much sense if you haven't. Thought I would ask that first. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Hey Lucy, I forgot to give ya your Happy New Year present. Hope ya like. I've gotten somewhat better. LOL

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