Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

I did see the 100th episode, I have to say it's rare to see David in the spotlight, or is that just me?

Horatio is an honorable person, he takes life and death very seriously.

P.S. I'm really glad that they put the CSI: Cross-Juristiction in the CSIM S1 box set!
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

No offense taken Pusher. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

But I tend to agree with HoratioCainesGirl and Luce on this point about H's supposrt system. Until we see a real person H actualy goes to about all the crap thrown at him, we'll have to assume it's his faith.

Of course I would like to think that in the past s1-3 and hopefully in the futre of s5 Yelina was/would be part of his support system.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

thanks for ur understanding Hrockz ;)

hehe i agree with the last part of ur post :D yes, this i can call one real and great support system - his family :) through all S 1-3 epis when H have involve emotionally with kids or victims it always was coz he 'past/history'. he is so worry and careing for the rest, coz he was in theirs place and know exactly what they feel and need...yep this i can name 'Saint H' - the one who make the pain go away. for my regret H have take so much negative emotion&experience, so maybe now someone else have to save him :rolleyes:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Yup Pusher I always enjoy Saint H's scenes with kids cos he's so caring and compassionate to them.

You know what they say, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger which whould be the case with Horatio. :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger which would be the case with Horatio.
Very much so, I would say. :)

I do see your point Pusher, about faith suddenly becoming a theme with H in Seasons 4 and 5, and how this served to make him look even more like a martyr for the cause. I just get the feeling that as H is an intense man and a deep thinker, faith could well be a part of his psyche. I don't know that this is the case for sure, but I just have an inkling from what we know and understand about him. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

.. :cool: ..He needs someone to save him..sometimes you think that Horatio is someone you can't come close to and help him,but from what we've known he is a wonderful man and nothing near a ''cold'' man!>..He just deserves somebody to save him..

and since you were talking about Stetler ,I was watching Pro Per[I think!] the other night,and you could feel that H felt so uneasy about the whole Stetler and Yelina thing..not an H/Y shipper but you could just understand that it was something he wasn't expecting ;)..
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

The scene near the end of 'Pro Per' is heartbreakingly brilliant. I really liked the way Frank could sense that Horatio was hurting and uncomfortable. Very subtle but so effective. :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Sorry but I don't remember what happened in "Pro Per'. Could someone kindly refresh my memory?

Yup it's all those qualities mentioned in all your posts that makes H so alluring.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

^ the little boy who was witness to his mom murder stay in Y house for protection (H have ask her to keep the boy safe). the bad guys somehow find him and try to kill the kid - they attack and shoot at Y house. in the end everything was ok, but H was worry for Y and Ray Jn. and ask Y can he stay through the night at her place for more safety...., but at the same time Rick come out of the door .... and H just look so broken...*sigh* the whole scene was so intensive (both Y and H act so uncomfortably)...alos H try to make joke but u can see in his eyes the pain...even Frank was feel a lot worry for him....
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Thanks Pusher I remeber that ep now. That was how H found out about Yelina and Stetler.

H usually masks his emotions well but on that occasion it must have affected him so deeply that we could see that he was hurting.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

no no it wasn`t how H found out about Yelina and Stetler - he understand only that they live together. in epis 2x01 Blood Brothers Rick ask did Y is free. after this we in epi 2x20 The Oath find out that Y and Stetler dateing .... ;)

yep, i agree that H can 'hide' his feeling very well. and that`s why for me sometimes he look somehow distance. but we all know what noble and great man is H. and talking re 'Pro Per' i love the end - he stay with the boy till his uncle (or whatever) come to take him. even H have 'steal' one evidence (kids mom necklace/cross :confused:) and give it to the boy - so he to have memory from his mom...wow this is my Real H :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Yup Pusher that's the compassionate H I like too :)

And thanks for clearing things up. I got my eps mixed up.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Those were great eppies alright. :) Caring and compassionate Horatio... *love-filled sigh* :D

Another eppie where he gave back evidence to someone which was a reminder of the victim to them was in "Losing Face" from Season 1. He found Al Humphries' wedding band embedded in the wall, and he put it in an envelope to give to Al's wife. Awww... so sweet. Even if it was a piece of evidence, he knew he had to get it to Al's wife, as a reminder of her husband. Bring back more stuff like that please!! Although, I suppose if he gave back everything that was a reminder of victims to their families, there'd be no evidence left!! :lol: That would be if it went a bit too far!! :D But anything's better than stoic, gun-shooting Horatio any day! :rolleyes:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

ahh i havent been in this thread for friggin AGES! it's strange though, cause i recently just bought the whole seaosn 1, and 1st half of season 2. mainly just so i could have them!

but also, to see the old H, the real H! i havent seen any recent eps of seaosn 5, i only saw up to about the 4th ep, so i missed the return of labwork! :eek:

it's strange, i've recently been thinking that H should really get back into the lab. or at LEAST take his kit out on the field?!

I'd heard that labwork didnt' agree with DCs eyesight or something, but that shouldnt have stopped working out in the field with teh latex glove!porn and whatnot ;)
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