Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

the only positive thing is that Horatio met Yelina in Brazil. ;)
Indeed, that was the only ray of sunshine in an otherwise very grim storyline.

I think that the whole contrivance that was the H/Marisol storyarc did H's character little justice. He may have appeared happy, but the storyarc was so misguided, poorly conceived and unbelievable that I for one was delighted to see an end to it. Corey Miller has said that some aspects of Season 4 worked well, some not so well. H/Marisol can most certainly be filed under the latter, Corey. ;)
CSIgirl3 said: any kind of a serious intimate relationship always seems to hurt him instead of benefit him
Ah, but love can be a very complicated thing, especially on TV shows! ;) I would say that H has benefitted from all of his relationships on the show. Yes, he has also been hurt, but this plays right into the hands of H's self sacrificial nature. He afterall manipulated the situation so Yelina had to go to Brazil with Ray and Ray Jnr. If H had been thinking of his own happiness, he could have orchestrated things quite differently, but no, as always, he had to do the right thing, sacrificing his own feelings in the process. As speed_cochrane said:
Maybe he's afraid that he'd be selfish in wanting to be happy?
Very much so I would say. :(
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

It really makes me sad to think that Horatio is destined to be alone. Every relationship he's been in has ended in death or disagreement, i.e, Yelina was married to his brother, Rebecca made a poor decision that went against his ethics, Marisol died, give the man a break! :mad: I agree that the whole vengeance was very OTT, yet very dramatic. He killed for love, and that is bravery, I admire that, but all his "feuds" shouldn't end in death. Grim storylines are not my cup of tea. Revenge is sweet, but I don't want him to seek it all of the time. Last season it was fitting, but the writers need to try another angle now!

I will have to agree with you aswell, speed cochrane, he is so selfless and so giving that he doesn't want to take what he wants from anyone. He wants to give back constantly, and he always gets his heart ripped open. Sometimes, I want to shake him and say, "Be selfish! Take what you want! Think of yourself!!" That will probably not happen in the near future, because I won't be taking any trips to Miami... :p
Anyway, S5's not over yet, so let's keep up the optimism. I would like to see a mix of hardman H and caring open H please, a nice balance. I'd be a happy camper then!! :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

He afterall manipulated the situation so Yelina had to go to Brazil with Ray and Ray Jnr. If H had been thinking of his own happiness, he could have orchestrated things quite differently, but no, as always, he had to do the right thing, sacrificing his own feelings in the process.
Very well put and accurately perceived. This was indeed H's ultimate sacrifice, leaving his heart in pieces. This chapter is far from over though, thankfully. :)
Pusher said: I don`t have any wish to try defend his character
Currently, neither do I. The H from the first 3 seasons yes, but now, the writers need to win me over all over again.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I really wish there was someone out there for Horatio b/c I think he deserves to be happy. He's such a sweetheart and always puts everyone ahead of himself that I think it's time he does something for himself for a change. After all, Horatio Caine should get the best b/c he is the best. :) :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

in al the time I have been watching Miami never missed an ep until last night there was a film on which clashed with it so i had to miss out seeing S4 Ep24 :(
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I agree with you on both posts, HoratioCainesGirl. Even if I go without CSI: Miami for a prolonged length of time, I start having dreams about it! And if ever I see sunglasses that even resemble Horatio's SOJs, I fall into a trance, and I try 'em on!! :D People tend to give me strange looks then when I start quoting him then! :lol: "We... never... close..."

And Horatio deserves to get the best, definitely. If there were more people like Horatio Caine in the world, it would be such a better place!!

Here's a scene that literally blew me away when I first saw it! From "Curse of the Coffin", it's the big bang of the season!

Lt. Horatio Caine...




"Burn, baby, burn..."

Gotta love him!!
:D :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I don't usually post here, but I saw this interesting clip on David Caruso on Entertainment Tonight.

eta: It was a short clip, and the quote was "If it's possible for me to become more thin and attractive...I'm working on it" :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Here's a scene that literally blew me away when I first saw it! From "Curse of the Coffin", it's the big bang of the season!

as much as i like this H quote 'Burn, baby, burn...' somehow the whole scene was just blahhh...H in his past was in bomb squad and i miss this good epis where hi make the explosivesb harmless like in '10-7' or ' Loosing Face'. also this 'Going for a ride, Frank' - four minutes from CSI M building to the end of the town is wow... a lot ridicule moment...not like in epi 'Crime Wave' where H really risk his life in one mine/detonation building so to save man. this i can call cool moment and won`t forgot Eric afraid face or H big grin in the end of this scene.

After all, Horatio Caine should get the best b/c he is the best

for sure H need the best partner with who he can pose near to the elevator and take congratulation for saveing the day :lol: for me H deserve the best after hi stat again to work with his team...what happen with this H who solved complicated crimes. as i remeber long this ago everyone go to ask him for help with case or what about the epis when he defend (unite) his team.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

what happen with this H who solved complicated crimes, as I remember long this ago everyone go to ask him for help with case or what about the epis when he defend (unite) his team.
It would seem that the H you are referring to is currently (still) AWOL! I used to absolutely love his character, but since the woeful Season 4 hit our screens, I have been completely underwhelmed by him.

The writers are to blame, not DC's acting. The storylines have been so over the top and superficial that it is hard for me to care about him anymore. I need to care about the characters to like a TV show, and I live in hope that the writers will turn things around. *sigh*
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Hopefully Lucy, 2007 will bring us better luck. Back in the earlier season, Miami was more raw, more focused on the science, but now Miami has now become a highly packed action show. I miss the old storylines when they dealt with character development and human nature. I believe that since Season 3 and Speedle's death, the team have drifted apart. Tim's death had a massive impact, and I don't think any of them were ever really the same again, Horatio included. I miss the old camraderie they used to have, they were a lot closer before. I miss those days. :(

@ Pusher: It was very OTT, but I only liked it because Horatio was in it, and he was so cool in dealing with the bomb. That catchphrase just fitted it perfectly. I find myself saying it all the time now!! :lol:
"Crime Wave" was so much better, definitly, when he saved the woman in the bank, brought all the people into the vault, and escaping the collapsing building. That was one of my favourite Horatio eppies of the season! He earned the title of hero. David did such a great job, really powerful stuff.

In the S1 episode, "Ashes to Ashes", Horatio did something that really made me fall for his character. He was so determined, so set on finding justice for the girl, Lisa, and her unborn baby. When he looked at the 7 week old embryo under the microscope, and had to step out into the corridor, I felt my heart break, for the child and for him. That really affected him so much, and his compassion really hit me. When he showed Jeffery the image of the baby on her second birthday, I actually started crying. Horatio vowed to bring Jeffery down for what he did to Lisa and her baby. The picture of the girl, and David's powerful performance, did nothing to lessen the impact that scene had on me. He was amazing.

HORATIO: Before you go ...

(Horatio stands up and joins them.)

HORATIO: I wanted to ... show you ... a photograph.

(He shows Jeffrey a photo of a blonde-haired little girl.)

HORATIO: Take a look at that. Do you know who that is? That's your daughter.
This is what she would have looked like on her second birthday had you not
killed her and her mother. Know this, my friend. Every year on this child's
birthday I am going to haunt you. I am going to be all over you till I get what
I need to put you in jail. Understand? Do you understand what I'm saying?

Transcript from Crimelab.nl
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I can't find a review for that one...why didn't they have enough to arrest him?
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I used to absolutely love his character, but since the woeful Season 4 hit our screens, I have been completely underwhelmed by him.
Yep, it all went horribly wrong when Steve Maeda left at the end of Season 3. He is a great writer/producer and really understood the character dynamics on the show so well. It's almost like the heart of the show left with him. A really great loss.
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