Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

omg i love those pics from kiss of death i actually have them myself but always freak out when i see them
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

It's a rally cute pic though. His daughter is absolutely beautiful, and the baby is the cuddly type :). And it's nice to see DC laughing like that, Horatio is always so serious!
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Okay...is it totally wrong that I find DC totally smokin' hot with that stare he does? He could be my Dad but if he was like "Frost...I think your hot, let's get married and you can have my babies" I would totally be cool with that. LOL
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Hello Horatio and David Caruso fans! I'm a huge fan of Horatio Caine, and David in every single movie he's ever been in!! :D Looking forward to discuss our favourite Lieutenant with you all!

Omg, I'm blushing with the shirtless talk! :eek: On CSI, they rarely show their characters in a real state of undress(apart from Vegas... I forget the actual eppie, but drool!! :lol:), which is a pity!! Oh well... he finally did some lab work in the last new eppie!! :) I really do miss his labcoats! The last time he wore a lab coat was when they were blue!! And that's 3 years ago!! :eek:

Loving the caps! That one from "Kiss of Death" caught me off guard!! :devil: I was like, "Homina homina!" :lol: I actually saw him in "Rambo: First Blood", the only deputy with a conscience, and I really liked him in it! He was so handsome!! :D Shades of NYPD Blue and CSI: Miami there.

Just to go back to the Yelina discussion. I agree that she is an integral part of his life, even if it's as family and not as a love interest. I loved the scenes with Ray Jr, when he was so open and caring. Those times I miss. I think since the Mala Noches and Riaz and the whole lot, they're trying to paint Horatio as a larger than life hero, which he is, no doubt about it. Yet people may lose sight of one of Horatio's most endearing qualities: his deep caring for his family. I miss little Madison!! He was so sweet with her! I remember when she kissed his cheek! I just squealed, and said, "AWWW" for about 5 minutes!!

Here's a cap of when he first meets Madison:

Horatio and Madison

"Witness To Murder" ranks up there on my list of favourite Horatio eps and Miami eps as well. David was so good at portraying Horatio genuine caring for Eugene, and expressing infinite patience with him. That I really loved.

Bye for now!
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Welcome emeraldeyes06. We all join you on your enthusiasim for HC/DC. Thanks for the pic of the ep BB. I loved that ep. Got alot of faves. Witness to Murder was among one of them,wow the emotion DC portrayed in that ep brought tears to my eyes.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

OMG, all these pics are great! *faints* I think maybe it is OK to like David Caruso even though he's, like, about to be 51 (I feel weird for doing so but like I care!). He's so very talented and is one of my all-time favorite actors and I just can't get enough of him! :) I kind of have to (guiltily) agree with CSIFrost. :cool: :cool:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I agree his character is so serious. I think the best thing about the character Horatio is how protective of his team he is (I watched CSI Miami weekends on CBS) and caught "The Best Defense" and he walked in on Calleigh and John argueing and then John goest to leave and Horatio just stares him down.

There is an episode where he was talking to someone about family and he made the comment to the effect of that's what we all want. After that he watched the people he worked with and I got the feeling that he realized that his team is his family.

But that's just me. :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

^ I think that was Season 4's 'Blood In The Water'. :)

As to his real family, I have a feeling that Ray Jnr will feature again in the future, which could bring some interesting drama. I'm not sure if Madison will feature again, but Yelina and Ray Jnr seem to be part of the writers' long term plans (Ann D and Corey have both mentioned this), so Yay if that happens! :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Speedslady said:
I agree his character is so serious. I think the best thing about the character Horatio is how protective of his team he is (I watched CSI Miami weekends on CBS) and caught "The Best Defense" and he walked in on Calleigh and John argueing and then John goest to leave and Horatio just stares him down.

oh i love that scene !! and then he asked calleigh if she is okay or something like that i don't remember the exact words but she says that she is okay and they go on with the case. it's realy very nice how protective he is about his team.. and that scene in "blood in the water" shows it too. because at this time he really doesn't have any family but the team. yelina and ray are in brazil and nobody knows if he is in contact with susi and madison
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

As to his real family, I have a feeling that Ray Jnr will feature again in the future, which could bring some interesting drama.
I certainly hope so. Looking to the future, we need to restore some much needed substance to Horatio's character. I feel that he became less caring in Season 4, and was pretty selfish at times. His treatment of Eric for example in Nailed and Driven was alarmingly self-centred. The writers need to remember who the real H is and get back to that. We have seen signs of this in Season 5, so if they bring back some interesting storyarcs rather than inventing new, contrived ones, there is hope yet!
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