Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Don't worry about it MacsGirlMel. :) The only thing you started was a discussion in a thread that hasn't been very active lately. It's about time this place got moving again. :)

Tabloids I guess, remind us about how we can't trust everything we read. And besides, even if David is the way the tabloids make him seem, no one's perfect. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

People tend to forget that celebs are just as human as the rest of us. They have the same right to privacy as we do. Just wish reporters would leave them alone.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I think reporters should get their facts rigth first before they print storys like that it seems to me they don't care what they write just as long as it get in the papers and that really makes me mad
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Guys...Geni (speed_cochrane) and I have discussed this and we'd like to try to discourage the posting to tabloid/gossipy style articles if we can, as these articles rarely prove to be true and could potentially be hurtful.

We also like to encourage respect for the actors/actresses' private lives.

Thanks for understanding everyone. :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

MacsGirlMel said:
I don't know if this is okay but delete it if it isn't.

link removed by mod

It's also on TV Guide if you hit the blogs page under 'join the discussion'. Like I said, the mods can delete it if it shouldn't be here, I'm not sure if it's okay or not.

OMG, I don't believe a word of that crap! People will say anything these days!
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

OK, understood :)

I just saw the drag pic....They SOOOOOOO should do that on the show LOL. The team would have a field day with undercover H in drag ROFL They'd never let him forget it.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

topic change: ;)
I read that he did lab work!
that's so great.
He shot a gun, didn't he?
I have to search for some caps.
Did he wear a lab coat? :D

I'm also excited what the future episodes will bring for Horatio. I think that he maybe won't have a personal storyline this year. last year was rough for him, so he needs a break.
but there's one special personal storyline I want to see. ;)
and I'm sure he doesn't need a break from this storyline. The name starts with a Y. :lol:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

inge said:
Did he wear a lab coat? :D
I don't think he did. He was in his usual dark jacket and shirt. ;)
there's one special personal storyline I want to see. ;) and I'm sure he doesn't need a break from this storyline. The name starts with a Y. :lol:
Now there's a subject that gets my attention inge! :D He's had enough of a break from this storyline, that's for sure. We're having to be very patient, but eventually, we'll see it back again, I'm fairly sure of that. Here's to hoping! I know that when that happens, my interest in Horatio will be somewhat restored. :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I'm not so sure it I want this "interest" to come back into the storyline b/c I'd kind of like to see Horatio with Calleigh instead.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

^ suppose u can`t deny that when Y was in this tv-show somehow H character was a lot more different then now in S4-5. near Y, H was more human and real. well this is my own opinion. but i miss stammer and blush H. also what more i have notice is that a lot no H fans, prefer & like H when he is around (take care) for his family ;)

DaWacko said:
Lucy said:
inge said:
Did he wear a lab coat? :D
I don't think he did. He was in his usual dark jacket and shirt. ;)

But there was latex gloves involved :D

awww u guys forgot to say that H make some paper work too :D hehe i still don`t believe what i saw this week epi :devil:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Thanks for the info Lucy, DaWacko and Pusher! :)

sorry, I don't want to start a shipper discussion with my previous post. :(
I never wrote that I want to see them as a couple (I do, but wrong thread). fact is, Yelina is a part of Horatio's life and therefore she is a personal storyline for him. it's not a secret that I want to see her in the show again and this is why I wrote I want to see a Horatio and Yelina storyline on the show. whatever it will be. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

sorry, I don't want to start a shipper discussion with my previous post. :(
You didn't inge. ;) You were referring to something that is very much a real part of the show (as in written into the show, alluded to by writers etc) and it is fine to mention it. We weren't discussing it in any great depth, so no worries. :)
Yelina is a part of Horatio's life and therefore she is a personal storyline for him.
Indeed, plus the fact that there is a history there - they have known each other for many years, and therefore she is very much part of his personal life, past and present.
Pusher said: also what more i have notice is that a lot non H fans, prefer & like H when he is around (take care) for his family ;)
This is very true. When Horatio interects with Ray Jnr, Suzie, Madison, Yelina - we see his human, and at times vulnerable side. To many fans, these scenes make him a far more likeable character.

Anyway, getting back to last Monday's ep, we need to see those latex gloves again soon Ducky! :D
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