Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Rebecca_V said:
I have the picture of David Caruso dressed up as a woman. I will attempt to post it here

Hudson Hawk
Picture edited by mod, due to the 480px guideline. ;)

I hope you enjoy this. Hee heee. I have never seen this movie but now I probably will make an effort to get ahold of a copy of Hudson Hawk.

The Good Rebecca

OMG :lol: LMAO
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I've never seen that movie before either!!what a picture :eek: :eek: :lol:!!I have to say I really prefer him with that short red hair! ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw. that's one of my faves, that ep was sooooooooooo freaking good.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Hi Liten just made the rest of my week with those pics he dose look lovley i'v got reruns of s1 at the moment :) heaven
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I liked the episode too. :)
The hospital scene was so sad. I don't like the way the doctor talked about Eugene. She was a little bit ashamed after the speech Horatio gave her.
I think Horatio felt a little bit guilty for Eugene's dead. It was noble that he paid for the funeral. Eugene had no friends before he knows H and Horatio was his only friend.

aww, I want to see something similiar again. :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Witness To Murder really was a wonderful episode. It's certainly in my top 5! :) I've always thought that the actor who played Eugene did a magnificent job, and we got to see DC really shine in this one too.
aww, I want to see something similiar again.
Me too inge. This is what I mean when I go on about how great this show once was. We just don't get episodes like this anymore. :(

Nice pics btw. Thanks! :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Oh man, 'Witness to Murder'. I'm so glad y'all brought it up. I was watching it too, and I have to say...Emmy worthy for both DC and the man who played Eugene. It was that great. (Not something you'd expect this season. ;))

So many emotional scenes, and it really brought a lot of heart to the show. It was great to see the mighty Horatio Caine falter when he was in the hospital room with Eugene. You could really hear the strain in his voice as he told him to hold on. What really got me was when Eugene asked if they were partners. :( Gosh, such a sad scene, and yet powerful at the same time. CSI:Miami in it's prime right there.

Lucy said
This is what I mean when I go on about how great this show once was. We just don't get episodes like this anymore. :(

Agreed, 100%. I have to reassure people I know that the show used to be great! If there was one episode to show that, I'd choose 'Witness to Murder' hands down. Just an excellent episode. The writing was fantastic, both cases were wonderful, the acting was top notch, and it really made one want to tune in next week to see what else they had in store. *sigh* Good times everyone, good times.

The episodes now just aren't the same. Horatio doesn't seem to carry the same dynamic that he once used to. I mean, he's still heroic and generous and caring, but there's more than one side to this penny. For now we're only seeing the over-glorified saintly Horatio Caine. The writers seem to have forgotten the go-getter, no fear, right in your face, passionate about getting that bad guy Horatio Caine. I'd like to see them concentrate a little more on H's other characteristics for a bit. (We've also seen him make mistakes. - Losing Face when he ran rough shot over the evidence. He's in no way perfect.)

Also, he used to be a man about the science.

I believe in the episode 'Losing Face', this was a great scene to show of Horatio's character:

Megan: You miss it don't you? Being on the front lines.
Horatio: The simple answer is no.
Megan: I saw you out there. Why leave something you're good at?
Horatio: You ever been at a horse race?
Megan: Life's enough of a gamble.
Horatio: Some horses, run better on a harness. And the science, is my discipline.

Now don't tell me the writers conveniently 'forgot' about that. :rolleyes: (Although they probably did) I think the harness broke around the beginning of season three. :p

And thanks for those pics liten, they're wonderful!
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

This was one of my all time faves also. The interaction between Horatio & Eugene was so awesome. If I remember correctly(correct me if I'm wrong)the thugs that hurt Eugene I think H wanted to tear them apart? Wish we still had that same H.To me in the latter pat of S4 and some of S5 he acts like a robot, no feelings. He's still great with children but, just not like it was. Weird. The one-liners have just got to go. Get Horatio back to where he once was. Going after the evidence. Making sure it adds up. I've even noticed the rest of the lab making accusations before all the evidence is in. What gives with that? OT here: Writers beware according to TVGuide Ny is starting to p ull ahead of the other two shows. HMMM guess they need to look at that. Okay guess I'm done here but please bring back the Horatio that I simply adore.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I have only been a Miami fan for just over a year now.but even i have notice that the writers have changed H's character and i don't like it

watched Dead Air last nigth saw something i haven't seen in a while H in action :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Thank goodness- a thread for Horatio. OMG, I have found a new haven short of all the threads about Greg on the CSI forum. I don't know why but I just think Horatio is, like, the coolest character on CSI.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I just love this character always cool as a cucumber. Horatio is thoughtful, caring and protective of those around him.
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