Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

somebody help stupid me please! :lol:??Snake is Marisol..who is Eric's sister,Horatio's wife who has cancer but was murdered!/??[this question will answer more than I thought! :cool: :lol:]

...and anyway Horatio belongs to us as always,no matter what! ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Marisol is Eric's sister, and Horatio's late wife. Natalia Boa Vista has been nicknamed 'The Snake' around the likes of TalkCSI. ;) I hope that clears things up.

DaWacko said
Mourn for a year over someone who he knew for two months? :rolleyes:

Exactly my sentiments. It doesn't seem very plausible, and I understand the writer's need to show that Horatio has suffered because of this loss, but a year? If I knew someone for a few weeks and they died, I wouldn't lose much sleep over it, imo. Anyway, if I go further, I'll end up giving myself and everyone else a headache so I'll leave it there for now. :p

And Ducky, I have yet to re-watch season two of Blue. I know I've seen it, but that was many years ago. Ah well, I still know what happened. *passes fudge*
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

hey neteret i noticed that too ... there is something going on between them .. and i have to say i don't like it ... i'm praying that the writers won't come with some stupid storyline with natalia ... i really had enough after marisol ... and YES bring back yelina !! he needs her !!
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Didn't someone mention that such an affair would almost guarantee her demise? :( That would be such a shame!! heh-heh :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Personally, I didn't see anything between Horatio and Natalia. He acted no differently toward her than he would anyone else. That's just the way he is. *shrugs*

Although, we never know what the writers are thinking next. There are billions of possibilities for any plot in the show regardless of whether it has to do with H finding love again, or H back in the lab. :lol: (Which I want. :p)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

speed_cochrane said:
And Ducky, I have yet to re-watch season two of Blue. I know I've seen it, but that was many years ago. Ah well, I still know what happened. *passes fudge*

I just watched all four episodes :( x 1000

hee, the famous line "Asshole in white" (from To Whom the Skell Tolls) :lol:

Oh, more names Marisol = Aerosol :rolleyes:

Anyways... I start to feel H starts to have bit too big pile of those "who to protect/care for" But seriously... how can that man (even being fictional) live if every victim/co-worker makes him feel that way. By that way I mean ...overcaring. Or something.

Perhaps it's because I'm not caring person myself. :p
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

^ Yup, that big pile of 'Everyone I meet must be saved in some way'. *sigh* But he does treat everyone like that, and even moreso since Yelina left.
(And I mean that in the least shippery sense.) It seems as if Horatio has this need to care for people and it always seems like something more. Maybe that's why Marisol felt so comfortable around him, and even 'fell in love with him'.

DaWacko said
hee, the famous line "Asshole in white" (from To Whom the Skell Tolls) :lol:

:lol: Okay now I must find these DVDs.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

^Gotta love sales :D Whole thing was I think
John "You in white stop"
Andy "you in white"
John "asshole in white"

(or something)

oh it was funny scene :D

*mumbles and heads to bed*
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I just watched all four episodes :( x 1000
Aw, I find those last four episodes of JK's NYPD Blue very hard to watch too, especially the moment when he finally walked out of the precinct buliding. John came up against the system and basically had no chance, regardless of the fact that he was a great cop and did in no way deserve his demotion. :(
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

i would morn them for a while but not a whole year that just seams unrealistic. i would also remember the good times we shared .

i think that the only person who coud help H would be yelina because she would understand how H feels. This is because thay have one thing in common the greif of thinking that a loved one has died
(form my daughters brain to this list)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

^ That's a very good point about Yelina. They both (H and Yelina) have to go through the grieving process (even though they have already grieved for Raymond the first time he 'died') and I hope the writers see this as an opportunity to add some depth to the show. I really don't want to see H mourning Marisol endlessly, but it could serve as a means to an end for other more, er, promising storylines. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

*shakes head* I still can't believe they pulled the 'Ray Caine dying' thing twice. :p

The show would definitely thrive in substance if Horatio and Yelina were shown dealing with Ray's (second) untimely demise. I'd also like to see Ray Jr being brought back into the fold. - Although I see Horatio's 'family' obsession starting up again if that happened. :rolleyes:

Another thing that could add some depth back into the show, is the return of Suzie and Madison. We haven't heard from them since season three (I believe) so it could prove some very interesting storylines for Horatio. I want to know if little Madison is okay. :(

And, I always love Horatio dealing with children. Hee.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

yap i would love to see that suzie/madison storyline again ... it's been a while since we saw them ... i wanna see how madison looks like now and if she and suzie are okay now and if suzie managed her job and life with the money she got from H ...

and i really have to agree with you geni that whole ray caine dying again and again thing was a bit stupid ... and i'm happy i'm not the only one who likes horatio with children most people think it's too much ... but i love it :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

DaWacko said:
^Gotta love sales :D Whole thing was I think
John "You in white stop"
Andy "you in white"
John "asshole in white"

(or something)

oh it was funny scene :D

*mumbles and heads to bed*

Doh, the eppy name was To Whom the Skell Rolls (thought it was something like that) and the scene went

John: "Citizen in white! ... Asshole in white!"
when they ran to arrest the guy with Andy :p

Ok..Now I stop talking to myself :p
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

thanks speed_cochrane!..

^Suzie and Madison..I was watching last night the s3 episode[nothing to lose I think] when they find out that Madison is sick and he tells Yelina that she is not his daughter!...He was really good and nice in that! ;) :)
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