Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Thanks for the pic sienna. Love the intensity! :cool:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Yeah I second that as I love when he is holding the gun. He never wants to shot the guy but seems to end up doing it and then you feel bad for the guy. Exception was after Marisol's death when he seemed to be on a killing spree.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Thanks for the lovely pic sienna - just what I need to end the day before I go to bed :devil: ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Thanks for the picture sienna! That picture just put a big ol' smile on my face. :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

UnXplainedThing said:
No offence on my part. Just addin' my two cents. Sorry...

No need to apologize. I should've worded it better I guess. :D If anybody needs to apologize guess it's me so I am sorry.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

WOW sienna this pic was amazing thank you!! He has some beautiful blue eyes :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Here for you all is your medicine for the day: 5 large portions of Horatio-goodness, garuanteed 100% eye-candy, instilling a roaring appetite and will leave you feeling revitalised with a healthy glow :D (ok, I know that's lame - I'm just trying to cheer myself up after an unpleasant day).

Portion 1

Portion 2

Portion 3

Portion 4

Portion 5

In fact, I oughta recommend infinite portions :devil: :lol:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Love those pics! Thanks! Glad you put out a warning! Just had to use the shower for these, not the defibrulator. heh
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Lovely pics wibbs. Thanks! :) The second one has always been a favourite.

Hope your day gets better. :(
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

okay...I wanna talk about David Caruso/Horatio Caine so I am gonna. LOL

I picked up the season 4 DVD's on Tuesday and I watched the first 4 eppys (disk 1). So far I am enjoying these eppy's Horatio is looking good and his voice is still normal. So far I can still see some of the normal Horatio charactristics in there too. Can anyone tell me when "the change" begins to take place? (Geeze I make it sound like he is going though metopause or something)

The Good Rebecca
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

To me is when the H/M thing started. Anyone else agree?

BTW great pics Wibble. Had to go cool my face down. :lol:
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