Horatio Caine/DC...does anyone else find him hot?

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Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

Did someone say NYPD Blue?

Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

Ooooh - John Kelly. Every now and again, I need my John Kelly fix! Thanks Ducky for the gorgeous pic. :D
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

Oh gosh I love John Kelly! *squeals* So much like Horatio, but so different :lol:
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

There are some great pic`s here. WOW I have to say, I love that pic Ducky! :D
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

^^^ :lol: I didn`t notice the tie, I was too bush looking at his face. It`s not the best tie, but if DC wearing it can look cool! :lol:
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

THAT tie can never look cool... sorry :p :lol:

oh well each to her own.. but if I saw that tie again... oh lmao
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

Isn't it funny. As soon as someone mentions pics from NYPD Blue, I automatically think of showers. What's that all about, I wonder!?
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

THAT tie can never look cool... sorry

I don`t know why we think of showers with NYPD, I know it`s not because of our *coughs* dirty minds! :lol:
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

Just imagine him without the tie.....maybe he took it off, along with his jacket....oh oh, cold shower time!
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