Horatio Caine/DC...does anyone else find him hot?

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Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

you can actually here them.. I mean in the eppy.. ? omg I need to see that one again... :p :lol:
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

Ooh, the 'tough guy in action' pic is just before he throws his beloved sunnies on the floor! :lol:'Murder in a Flash' is one of my favourite eps from Season 3. :D
:lol:! Yeah. He threw his sunnies on the floor. I bet he regretted it later on. :lol: It's one of my faves too but Season Two has more of my favourite episodes. Wish there was a rerun.*sighs*
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

Lovely pics! A girl can have too much of a good thing - then again, maybe not when it comes to DC! :D
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

Haha! Glad you did Leanne..What better way to express with meaningful pics..besides, I've got nothing else to fess up except the fact that he's hot.. :lol:! Which I'm sure everyone here thinks so too.. :)
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