Horatio Caine/DC...does anyone else find him hot?

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Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

:lol: :lol:! One eye closed! Sherry! That is one hilarious image you just put in my head! :lol:! But very cute. Ahhh dang it..I can't post any pictures cos I'm outside..I'll post some later. :)
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

How about different colour contact lenses, Mmmm a really bright green. :D *sighs*
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

OoH! Green. He loves green. Hopefully not something drastic or aweful like red! What bout something soft like hazel or brown. He looks great in soft colours. :D
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

:lol:! *stops Olly* I know he's worth dying for but not this way. Gotta put him on your list of, "People I wanna meet plus date plus get an autograph and get a picture and hang out BEFORE i die"..Got that Olly. Muahah..
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

wellCasper, you have decided ittime for me to die..
*dies after looking at the last pic*

I don't care if I die.. keep the piccies coming
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

oh man I love them.. specieally tough guy in action...
hey I reserected(sp?) :lol: you do have the power CAsper.. :p
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

*shakes head in humble reply* Nono. He gives me the power to enlighten your day. It's him! Blame him!*points accusingly at H's pics* Muahaha.Sunnies
I'm on a piccy spree..is it obvious? Muahah..
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

oh it's obvious CAsp.. but I don't mind.. I LOOVE the sunnies.. and you might be right.. he might give you some power.. :p :lol: I might have added this one befoer but I love it.. so here you go
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

Ooh, the 'tough guy in action' pic is just before he throws his beloved sunnies on the floor! :lol: 'Murder in a Flash' is one of my favourite eps from Season 3. :D
Re: HC/DC is Definitely Hot!

he throws the "sunglasses of justice" on the floor?!??! OMG.. I haven't noticed that.. omg... he can't do.. YOU can't do that H.. omg.. shame on you...!!
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