Horatio Caine/DC...does anyone else find him hot?

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Re: Getting embarrassed

I was thinking briefs ... may be wrong, but from talking to a man about this he says boxers don't get stuck like that ...
Re: Getting embarrassed

Stuck? How so? Do they ride up or something? Briefs don't do anything for me. But on Horatio, I'm willing to make an effort!
Re: Getting embarrassed

:lol: this dissussion is the best on the forum I think :lol: well Horatio's underware? we could ask Yelina and she could find out for us :devil: Or I will do it, i mean for the good of all the members :p
Re: Getting embarrassed

Why thank you Leannet, if you'd be so kind...:)
and did someone really HAVE to mention 'going commando' - that's where I say 'BLIMEY'. I didn't get any work done, now I also doubt if I will get some sleep........
Re: Getting embarrassed

HC/DC in boxer shorts. What a beautiful thought that is! :devil: That must be my favourite scene in 'Kiss of Death', when he strips down to his white boxers. If only I could take a screencap of that! :D
Re: Getting embarrassed

Well, if you want to talk about Horatio's nether regions, this is definitely the best place to do it! I see another queue forming - this one to find out what under garments he prefers. Am I first in line?
Re: Getting embarrassed

Hmm, well, as you are ironing his undies, maybe you know already! ;) I think the front of this queue could be very congested! :D

I'm sure I read somewhere that DC prefers boxer shorts. Such trivia, and yet, so interesting! :devil:
Re: Getting embarrassed

So, DC prefers boxers....good to know. I love it when you can learn a little something new every day, makes life so interesting, don't you think?
Re: Getting embarrassed

Oh definitely! :D

I can't provide a boxers pic, but here's picture to sign off with. :)

Re: Getting embarrassed

That's just beautiful. It's an image I'm taking to bed with me right now....
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