Horatio Caine/DC...does anyone else find him hot?

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HC/DC what WAS he doing with that hand?!

Just felt like sharing. Hope it helps to understand more bout DC

Thanks - yes it does. Must pass this on to my friend who has done acting classes and is always on about how people stand and discusses in depth with me about how badly H stands.

I'm here again BTW with some of my comments about spotting things on screen ... oh dear, you're gonna love this one...

The friend and I were watching Wet foot Dry foot last night looking at something else. I'd thought he was favouring his left shoulder in that (this is not the important bit BTW but has DC ever damaged it?) There's a scene where he's sitting interviewing Captain Bob (its where he says they have the boat in custody) and the way he has his left arm with the shoulder dropped and the arm resting across his thigh looks like the shoulder's been hurt at some point and he's let the muscles in it go flop as they are hurting him. It shows up as him looking very unbalanced, left shoulder down, right shoulder doing what it normally does. That's what brought my attention to it, its an odd thing to do, you normally stay balanced when you are sitting or standing.

Anyway then I spotted something else and friend and I both went **WTF**!? and went back and forth trying to watch what the heck was happening.

At about 33 minutes where H and Megan are wandering about in that large warehouse with the boat there you'll see what I mean. There is a shot from the back as they both walk away from the camera talking and there was I watching the L arm to see how it was moving and then the hand attatched to it did something most odd. He moves it behind as if he's having problems with a garment under his trousers (DVD put on pause while two watchers debate the sort of undergarments possible under that suit). He shifts his hand so he has his fingers curled to fit where its going and then seems to change his decision and lets it fall back to his side again.

Go and check it out! I'm suprised the editing people didn't spot it, I mean, I'm on a tiny screen and I saw it and they must have HUGE screens to put this stuff together. I'm also suprised DC didn't ask them to cut it out. Its funny really as apart from the hand swing there's no other cue in his body language to know (a) he's doing it (and from what people say here about his acting he seems a very body concious actor) or (b)that he's bothered he has done it.

Later in the scene he has to shift his gun as its sort of fallen backwards and he pulls it forwards again.


Still playing with DVDs, if I see anything else I shall post it here!
Re: HC/DC what WAS he doing with that hand?!

And I always thought it's just me who sees these little annoying things :lol:
Re: HC/DC what WAS he doing with that hand?!

And I always thought it's just me who sees these little annoying things :lol:

Nope, you're not the only one; to quote Jurgen (my mate who watches the stuff with me) "When they missed that they didn't take Ruth into account did they?'

Glad to be able to pass it on though ...

Right, I need bread and a packet of cold cure. Off to bed then with a few DVDs for CSI:M therapy!

p.s. Will report anything more odd that I see!
Re: HC/DC what WAS he doing with that hand?!

^:lol: :lol:

I should ask you about one scene does it make sense to you.
Episode "Speed Kills" but it's not H related so...
This just gets odder and odder ...

I think after this weekend I may be able to write an essay on Season One. I've been stuck in the flat with bunged up sore ears (had to take the cotton wool out at one point so I could hear H) but my DVD-crawling-as-therapy has brought a number of things to light.

One is that apart from Wet Foot Dry Foot they don't do long shots of anyone really - so no more revelations in S1 about hands or other body parts doing odd things I fear. That was a one off director. Pity.

After discussions with BF Garienos (he puts up with my interests bless him) who lectured me about American actors and told me to look out for method acting (and personal tics actors give their characters) I did spot one thing. Early on in S1 H has a stiff neck. When he gets stressed (this turns up four times but I can only remember two at this moment in time) he sort of twists his head to try and get a knot out. Right side of neck.

Its visible in Cross Juristictions where H and Catherine are looking at the computer for information on the insulin prescription for the perp and in Camp Fear at the end where we get the long shot back down in to the lab and H is standing in his office upset about losing Megan. Can find out the other two if you like ... I keep notes :D

Other very interesting thing (which we have already partly talked about) is what H wears under those suits. In S1 there's not much of the poor dear (he fills out a bit later on) so he's layering. In Slaughter House when he's in the coveralls with Calleigh working out how the woman got shot he's got a t-shirt and shorts on under the over-clothes. Normally the suit jacket (which is well cut but actually quite baggy) covers all sins including his gun (you can't see he's wearing it when he has the jacket on)and gives him more bulk. When he has only his shirt on you see how skinny he is this early. He is however wearing an undershirt in S1 I think, if you compare how Speed's shirt clings to his form there's definitely something under H's shirt. I had given up looking for it but in the night scene in Spring Break (when he's hugging the crying girl who got bitten) he hasn't done his top button up and you can see a white undershirt poking above his green shirt. It makes a repeat appearance under the green shirt under the coveralls when there's a team effort at the burnt out nightclub during Tinder Box. Did make me wonder about ambient temperature at the time - does he feel the cold?!

Anyway, enought rambling for now, will keep you posted about anything new ...
Re: This just gets odder and odder ...

:lol:! Well..I wouldn't think that he feels warm. But hey, that's an idea. I mean those were the earlier seasons so maybe, yeah, he was not accustommed to Miami's climate..or Cali for that matter. Notice that he was rather pale in the earlier seasons. But then, he got used to the climate and started to have some colour to his skin. Have you sighted any other under-clothes in the latest seasons hamstermoon?
Re: This just gets odder and odder ...

Nothing as yet ... am playing catch up so eventually will do something with Season Two.

Just got to 'process' Tweaks and Freaks and Body Count and then we can get going.

We are only getting Season Three over here in the UK so I'm waiting for the DVDs in November to play catch up on that too.
Re: This just gets odder and odder ...

Blimey! What a subject - Horatio's underwear! Where do I begin......
Getting embarrassed

Look ... blame H on this

He was the one who started this with that strange hand move in Wet Foot Dry Foot.

I only report what I have seen :D
Re: Getting embarrassed

I'm supposed to be working now but I'm rather busy reading all this!!! Underwear... eh..... I think I'd better go home now. Won't get any work done anyhow.
Re: Getting embarrassed

Now I'm going to have to watch that episode again! All I'm thinking about now is 'I wonder what he's wearing under that suit'?! (Is he a boxer or a brief man, does he go commando?) Questions, questions.......
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