Horatio Caine/DC...does anyone else find him hot?

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Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

I hate her for having such great hair... :lol: anyways did anyone like the scene when Horatio told Stetler to stop hitting Yelina or he'll kill him :devil: that to me was one great Horatio moment, I mean he's always gentle and puppydog sweet, but then he was a mean bulldog :D
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

haha count me in, for both.. i mean the hair thing and the stetler scene!!! :D
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

Mean bulldog!!? Great way to put it Leanne. I think Y should..should....dump Stetler!
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

I hate her for having such great hair... :lol: anyways did anyone like the scene when Horatio told Stetler to stop hitting Yelina or he'll kill him :devil: that to me was one great Horatio moment, I mean he's always gentle and puppydog sweet, but then he was a mean bulldog :D

whenever he s protecting somone he thinks is disadvanatged or victomized .. he is the bulldog .. he goes after em .. short of hitting the person . .he's come quite close a couple times though but always stopps short .. just once though i d love to see him smack Stetler hehe..even though its not "H" I still would love to see it hehe !!! :lol:
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

oh ya i guess i d better go .. introduce myself .. I migrated here from another DC group .. and i see a couple familiar faces here too :)

Cori :)
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

Hello coriluvsH! Welcome to the HC hot thread. And of cos, you'll fit in nicely!
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

welcome coriluvsH(call you cori??)

I'd love to se H hit someone.. don't really care who it is..(aslong it's not in his team or a woman, or a child...
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

HI coriluvsH!!
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

heya coriluvsH :D and welcome to the mad thread :D we are very friendly and most of the time our minds are in the gutter :devil:
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

Oh good then i will fit here nicely .. my mind joins you all in the same gutter hehehe !!! Thanks for the welcomes :)

Cori :)
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

Don't take things to exact if I may say so. Now WHY on earth or in heaven would i REALLY kill someone for not liking DC/HC and for that reason saying hatefull things... I wouldn't even have time for that cos I rather spend my time here:)
I do agree with H though by making very clear Stetler'd better not hit Y again, but I dont really like the woman. She jumps to conclusions 'oh you have a daughter and you didn't even bother to tell me' yeah yeah sure... I wouldnt bother either by still telling her then how things really are... after all the girl is her belated husbands daughter... not nice to "bigmouth" about that... So H doesnt.
Cori did I see you on another forum as well (the forum that is practically deceased if I may say so:))?
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

I think we just need to be a little careful about our choice of words. We realize you were joking, but we have to respect other peoples' opinions. I've 'met' many people on other sites that don't like Horatio/DC. I personally disagree with their views, but they are entitled to feel that way.

The Board Rules state:
"You may disagree with someone's opinion, but you may not attack the person themselves for posting that opinion."

As you say, I would much rather spend my time here amongst those who have a high opinion of HC/DC. It's a friendly place to be and we all contribute to making it that way. :)
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

Yeahey! I'd rather psend the rest of my living, breathing life here on talk CSI! Especially this particular thread plus the other HC/DC thread!

After a shooting, an interview with David about CSI Miami:

Although he admits that the show's gleaming, incredibly detailed sets are the envy of forensics labs everywhere -- including Miami -- Caruso is more about heart than hardware.

"One of the instincts that I have as Horatio Caine," he says, "is I never want to let go of the absolute, horrific nature of the loss, not only for the victim, but the aftermath of the wives and the families and so on. I don't ever want to let go of their pain, because they can't let go of it."

"One of the things we're getting to do is exercise what I call a resolve and a relief. It's not so much to just get a completion on things when we can, there's also an opportunity to provide relief for people at the end of an episode."

On a personal note, Caruso has found a whole new generation of fans. "I was in Miami the other night, and these two boys, 10, maybe 12 years old, were tracking us, yelling, 'CSI.' I waved them over, because I have my Horatio Caine cards, kind of a baseball card made up with a signature on it. I gave them that, and Margaret and I were like, 'My God, they're 12 years old.'"

"One of the really interesting Christmas gifts I got this year is that people are recognizing me as the guy from 'CSI,' and that's a big deal for me."

With filming done -- Caruso settles down to talk. Asked about Caine's habit of standing with his hands on his hips, the actor smiles and gets up to demonstrate how this differs from his previous series roles, as police Detective John Kelly in "NYPD Blue" and a prosecutor in "Michael Hayes."

"You know," he says, "that just came out of the character. Every character stands somewhat differently. It just happens. John Kelly was a hands-in-his-pockets guy, and Michael Hayes was this, hands behind his back."

"For whatever reason, Horatio Caine came out with this. It's funny you bring that up, because it's a weird little thing that took place."

Just felt like sharing. Hope it helps to understand more bout DC. :D
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