Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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This is hysterical. I loved the episode, and thought I'd check in to see if anyone noticed that our two rats were together in Wendy's lab and, well, apparently several people did. I am also hoping that it's a sign of things to come. Finally!! :)
lol...yeah it's kinda funny that a 2 second silent scene together to spark such speculation, such discussion over possible scenarios. Well over due, but I guess good things eventually come to those who wait...but we've all been waiting for so long.

I wonder what he could have been saying to her. What she said back and could she even cheer him up.

I'm curious! Hodges isn't suppose to take to kindly to Langston, especially in the early episode(s), I wonder how Wendy will respond to the man? Will she take to him, frustrating Hodges or will she too be a little apprehensive toward the man in the beginning, as well! I know she likes everybody given her personality and she tolerates/likes Hodges, but will Hodges demeanor somehow influence her view of the new guy?
My guess is that Wendy will be somewhat indifferent to Langston. On one hand, she likes annoying Hodges, and her personality would prevent her from disliking him. On the other hand, she has some sort of odd like/hate relationship with Hodges, and there's a possibility that she won't particularly like Langston because of how upset he apparently is.

This is hysterical. I loved the episode, and thought I'd check in to see if anyone noticed that our two rats were together in Wendy's lab and, well, apparently several people did.
Oh, dandylion. We notice everything. :lol:
thank you so much for the information :D
the pictures make me kinda curious, i wanna know what they're talking about, but yeah he's probably talking about grissom's leaving, she looks so worried and i don't know.. she's listening to him so seriously.. it's adorable.. they always look at each other in this special kind of way.. somehow i'm relieved to see that again!
they always look at each other in this special kind of way.. somehow i'm relieved to see that again!

Yeah, I've noticed that too. I don't know how to describe it but you definitely get this feeling when they do it. You know what it kind of reminds me of? Like they are two guilty people keeping a very 'special' secret from all the others sometimes. Of course you don't see it all the time, but it's there when the timing is right. :shifty:

But then...maybe it's just me...lol
But then...maybe it's just me...lol
There seems to be a lot of that going around lately. *g*

Well, when it comes to the looks, my guess is that that's the actors being all "Dude, writers, we had fun with the scenes, and now we haven't been in the same room. Stop being annoying. The shippers will kill you." :lol:
yeah probably :)

what i also noticed is for instance wendy, she always has this weird:

"I don't know whether to like him or not. but look at him. i don't like him! but then.. aw what was that? NO .. i don't like him! it's impossible i mean.. my gosh he looks cute today.. no he doesn't he isn't allowed to look good it's HODGES"

thing going on..

and he's always like:

"wendy! please be honest .. i know you like me too. why don't you just say it, why do you have to deny your feelings.. i mean i know you like me too.. but actually you're annoying me get out of my way, no wait did i just think that?"

you know what i mean?
*laughs* Well, I suppose that's true. Very discombobulated thoughts there, but I like it. I posted this on this thread before, but it was a while ago and it's very similar to what you just said. It's a snippet of the recap for You Kill Me, right after Hodges says the stupidest line to say ever if a woman is yelling at you, "You think I'm smart?":

Oh, Hodges. If you didn't fail so spectacularly, you wouldn't be the special snowflake you are. I really feel for the both of them here. He is crushing on Wendy hardcore but he's like the unholy lovechild of Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute so he inevitably f**ks things up anytime he makes any forward progress. And Wendy kind of digs Hodges but he's weird and kind of creepy and sometimes assholeish, so she's uncomfortable about being attracted to someone like that. So when he f**ks up she gets angrier than she would at anyone else, because she's also angry with herself for letting him get to her and for dropping her guard in those rare times when he's not being a ginormous tool. It's really funny and really sad all at the same time, and I hope those two crazy kids make it work.
Yeah, the recapper for The Recapist has good material. Too bad its parent company has decided to stop paying its recappers so they're all leaving. *curses*


I think it's interesting that we've been saying that one of the reasons we haven't gotten any Wedges fun is because TPTB have been focusing on Grissom before he leaves, and in his last two episodes they finally talk. In 19 Down, Hodges completely ignored Grissom and talked directly to Wendy, and in One to Go they're talking as Grissom leaves. It really is interesting to think about how the last time before this that we saw them anywhere near each other (sitting next to each other, thank you very much) was at Warrick's funeral, the beginning of Grissom's burnout arc.

It's just... interesting, you know?
I'm hoping that we'll get more scenes. I miss their banter. I've been putting all of my CSI ship love into Flack/Angell, and it's getting borderline obsession. I need to spread out my shipping, so we need more Wedges stuff. :lol:

I wonder if it's telling that two of my CSI-based ships, the ones that I ship the most, are both based on people that have perfected snark.
Hey dandylion, welcome to the thread!

"I don't know whether to like him or not. but look at him. i don't like him! but then.. aw what was that? NO .. i don't like him! it's impossible i mean.. my gosh he looks cute today.. no he doesn't he isn't allowed to look good it's HODGES"

thing going on..

and he's always like:

"wendy! please be honest .. i know you like me too. why don't you just say it, why do you have to deny your feelings.. i mean i know you like me too.. but actually you're annoying me get out of my way, no wait did i just think that?"

I know what you mean... they sort of have that push and pull magnetism that I keep finding in old 1940s Hollywood films. *ignores weird looks* Hey, you know what, they kinda remind me of Spencer Tracey and Katherine Hepburn... well at least when it comes to the snarky banter. Speaking of which, I hope that TPTB will consider giving them a little more screen time together 'cause two of my ships already sank and I want this one to stay afloat!
Oh, don't worry about weird looks, karu. I grew up on movies like Hatari and Casablanca, and on The Lone Ranger. (Along with Wishbone. Just sayin'.)

I'm intrigued by what your two sunk ships are, karu. I call Sharing Time!

Hopefully we'll get a scene in the next episode. I'm voting that their interaction as Grissom was leaving was a good sign, and a bit of foreshadowing. We'll see.
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