Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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Thanks for the welcome, Karu! I don't post all that often, but I have been an avid watcher for years now. I jumped on this ship, though, because I love love love relationships that are filled with snarky banter. I'm also crazy about what an unlikely couple they are. I have my fingers and toes crossed for another Lab Rats episode, so we can see some sparks fly again. I miss it.
I'm intrigued by what your two sunk ships are, karu. I call Sharing Time!

Okay, I'll spill, but only if I don't face any repercussions... *ducks* They would be PureJoy and Sandle. *pops back up* Okay, now where was I...?

I jumped on this ship, though, because I love love love relationships that are filled with snarky banter.

That's the same reason I started shipping these two... not only is the banter snarky, their reactions are hilarious. Besides, with all the insanity going on in the show, it's nice to see the banter 'cause it's something familiar that we love to see. *crosses fingers* I really hope that they have more moments together...
i think wedges is one of the few ships that actually have future, and definitely one of the most amusing :lol:

i haave to watch Labrats again.. i haven't seen it for about two weeks.. i already miss my favourite scenes
This is the type of ship that the writers and producers can literally play around with..as long as they play nice. I've read in the past that if the producers wanted a quirky plot twist or something odd to happen, they have often times written it in for Hodges, so why would they do any different with the character's interactions with Wendy? Ive said before and will say again that their type of relationship, personally speaking anyway, seems to be the most realistic. One that many can really relate to. If you can tolerate that level of the ship with the other, then there's nothing holding you back from exploring or taking the next step.
That really is the best thing about this ship. There has to be something there, otherwise they'd just give up trying to have normal conversation. :lol: There's something about this ship that makes it different than the other ships, which is pretty much that, instead of just being snarky in general, they snark at each other. It makes things hilarious and yet somehow cute at the same time.
This is the type of ship that the writers and producers can literally play around with..as long as they play nice.

I really don't get to see a pair like this very often on TV so that leaves them with a lot of potential. I think there might be something a little more in store for them as I wouldn't mind to see where this goes as long as TPTB keep those two in character. *gives TPTB a look*
Eh, I think she'll come back. She's made it to the "regulars" block, which is good news. Although she's still not in the credits, but you can't ask for too much too fast. This episode was a focus on Langston, and on how the team is moving on. Not everything can happen in less than an hour. I'm being patient.
Okay. I admit it. Being patient is not a strong point of mine. I just really like watching them together, and we've seen so little of it this season. But you're right, there's been a lot going on....so I'll try to be mature about it! :)
I'm not usually this patient, mind you. I'm sure karu will attest to that. :rolleyes: I think I'm looking at it this way: as Grissom was leaving, we saw Wendy and Hodges talking together. If TPTB had forgotten about us, they wouldn't have bothered. I'm confidant that once the show settles back into its normal rhythm, we'll have some Wedges scenes.
yep! i watched some scenes from the last few episodes on the internet and i've realized that everythings got a bit off course. i hope that we'll get some good wedges scenes soon ! like when everythings settled down..
You're right. Why wouldn't they have just had the two of them in their own labs OR in groups of other people when Grissom walked by? They must have been doing that as a sign of things to come. Fingers crossed. I want more scenes like the ones about the green blood or the tampon!
omg yes, i love those two scenes!

you know the only thing i like about warrick's funeral is the fact that hodges and wendy are actually sitting together
She's made it to the "regulars" block, which is good news.

She made it onto the special guest stars list so I'm thinking that she's working her way up to being a regular... unfortunately I checked the cast list for next episode and Wendy's nowhere in sight. *pokes TPTB* What gives? Don't deprive them of the snarky banter... it's like a daily unplanned routine for those two and you'll throw them-- and us-- off!
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