Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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last season he was making fun of her for considering it, and now he's being drug out of the lab the do the exact thing that he was mocking. That's either really great karma, really mean writing, or both. XD

I really don't think it's a coincidence... truth to be told, I don't know how Hodges was convinced to go out on the field. Maybe Wendy sparked something. He might be curious as to what's out on the field and he's probably thinking that field work's not so bad. After all, he did find the missing items in Say Uncle. But it would be interesting if he talked to Wendy about his adventures on the field...
Wendy will just get so frustrated that she'll just walk right over to him and put him out of his misery, make the first move and shut him up. Then walk out without saying another word, leaving him speechless (a super rariety) and totally confused.

That would be hilarious. Because it makes total sense with how they are. And, of course, with how Wendy can make him shut up when no one else can. :lol: That's the fun part about our ship. It's so high school, but it actually works even though it is.
That would be hilarious. Because it makes total sense with how they are. And, of course, with how Wendy can make him shut up when no one else can. :lol:

*snorts* I think Liz was talking about doing a scene where Wendy would just grab Hodges and lay one on him. I can definitely picture him sputtering and babbling nonsense after being speechless for all of five seconds. *pokes TPTB* Go chew on that for a while.
Really, TPTB should listen to us more often. We come up with such great ideas! After all, we actually do know what the fans want... because we're the fans.

I think what you're talking about is Sarah Goldfinger's remark in the Lab Rats commentary. It would have been a joke take if I remember correctly...
Really, TPTB should listen to us more often. We come up with such great ideas! After all, we actually do know what the fans want... because we're the fans.

They ought to, don't they? Besides, we control the ratings... *pokes TPTB* Of course, they insist on being evil, but that might be able to change if we had our way.

And yeah, I was talking about the joke take... it would be so hilarious if we saw that happen. Hmm, think someone could write a scenario about it?
Now, my eyes could be deceiving me, but over on the spoiler thread, there is a preview for episode 9x09 '19 down' and there was a clip of Hodges and right after, Wendy. Could he be talking to her about what trace evidence he found? Or is it CBS's way of teasing us by putting the two clips together and it really just being from two separate scenes within the episode? If it is the two of them in the same scene (which would be about freaking time might I add), I wonder what else we will be in store for us from the labrats. :shifty:
*reads spoiler* Oh I wish... those two never get scenes together anymore. I hope that tonight's episode changes that. I've just seen the promo and I didn't see anything, but then again, Canadian promos are probably different so I'm just gonna watch and see. *crosses fingers*

Seriously, even if we've gotten nothing, you couldn't seriously believe that I'd let this ship go, did you?

Anybody have any thoughts on whether or not we'll get more Wedges after Grissom's departure? I believe we might... most of the season leading up to now has been a lead-in for why Grissom would leave CSI, and I think that after he does a lot of shelved plotlines will come back. (By "shelved plotlines", I mean everything from ships to those people called "characters". XD) I think we'll get something soon.

*watches "19 Down" promo* Hey, wait a second, whoever wrote the transcript for the promo wrote "Mandy Webster" instead of "Wendy Simms"!
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Anybody have any thoughts on whether or not we'll get more Wedges after Grissom's departure?

It's possible... Wendy might come out of hiding then. I've missed the snarky banter and I'm slowly doing into withdrawal. And I think that they miss each other as well. Snarky banter has become a daily staple now. *pokes TPTB* There had better be scenes in the future!
Episode's not over yet, but I'm doubting anything further in the next ten minutes.

I'm glad that they at least talked to each other. That's more than we've gotten for about the entire season, so at least now I feel a little bit better. Of course, it could've been a little more fun for shippers like us. There was a look Wendy gave him... it might have been my imagination, but I smiled.
There was a look Wendy gave him... it might have been my imagination, but I smiled.

Come to think of it, she did give him a look, but I couldn't figure it out. I'll have to go back and take a look... but at least we've got them talking to each other again, which is more than we can ask for at this point. I just hope there'll be more little moments in the upcoming episodes.
If I remember correctly, the look was sort of a "Oh... he's upset with Grissom." If I was going to geek out, I'd make it "Aw... he's upset with Grissom. It's kind of hilariously cute." But that wouldn't work. I would never say that.

It's not like I'm a shipper or anything. :shifty:
*dusts thread off*

Okay, with Petersen's little interview on the right side of the page, this is the second time I read this...and from two different sources.

While David Hodges (Wallace Langham) keeps his distance from the man replacing Grissom

Could this mean, he'll spend more time around Wendy?? Will she pick up on this and attempt to comfort him? Personally, I think it would be a great time for something to start between them seeing we've been without basically since the beginning of this season. I"m not saying that if something starts, that it should be flaunted in the viewers face, but I wouldn't mind the pair being there for each other...more so Wendy for Hodges seeing he seems to be taking the news of Grissoms departure harder
Aw, poor dusty thread. It's not that we don't love you, we just have nothing to talk about...

I can see Hodges sulking in Wendy's lab to avoid the new guy. It'd be fun, because I can see Wendy at first teasing him about it, and then realizing what's bothering him. Like, I can see her bugging him about why he's in her lab, and then after she knows why just letting him stay there.
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