Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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Although it'd be fun to put both ships in a room. SnarkFight!

I love my snarky couples... that doesn't mean that I want Hodges and Wendy to scrap all the time. I'm happy with the bantering and I'm sure that Hodges doesn't rile her up on purpose... he's still a little clueless about it.

By the way, congrats on driving a car for the first time!
So far no Wendy. I'm very unhappy by this. Although I do have to mention one thing that I noticed:

Dear TPTB. Random Guest Star isn't allowed to call Hodges "David". Not Love, Alex
:( Last week...only Wendy, this week only Hodges (not that I mind seeing the man cause I love him to death), what are the writers doing to us...really? I actually had my hopes up a little when Hodges appeared in the early stages of the show that perhaps we'd see some kind of interaction, even if it were just Wendy standing next to him in the break room when introduced to the grief counselor, or engaging in their own conversation when Riley passed the group of them leaving after all introductions were made....but nope, nothing. Grumble, do we have to wait again until next week?

Although, it was about this time last year that Hodges 'accidentally' tossed out the comment about Wendy's upper extremities...lol...then it snowballed from there on him, leading to his board game figurine of her.

:( Last week...only Wendy, this week only Hodges (not that I mind seeing the man cause I love him to death), what are the writers doing to us...really?

No Wedges this week too? Aw man! *pokes TPTB* You know, it's more than okay to start the Wedges interaction right now... I think enough time has past. You don't need to go for full-out moments, we'd be happy with snarky banter. After all, there aren't many people who do it better than those two...
I think Wendy might be in this one. I may be projecting but it sounds like her with the "If she wanted to kill someone there are easier ways to do it" comment. *crosses fingers hopefully* Come on, PTB, you know you want to give me some of that rawhide you've been hogging for yourselves. :lol:
So Wendy is totally in this weeks episode and outside of her lab....well, the lab. LOL, and inside the morgue with doc. Will we be blessed with a little Wedges scene this week seeing this is indeed the 4th episode of the new season and only in one scene did we see Hodges and Wendy together and that was the premiere, and they didn't speak to one another. I'm suffering from lack of lab banter between the two. Could this be the episode, they were hinting around earlier on in the summer about Wendy supposedly heading out into the field with Grissom? I'm curious now
*rushes in* I'm late! I'm so sorry... between physics labs and psych papers, I haven't been able to drop in yesterday. But I'm here now... *shakes head* Anyways, where were we?

Wendy's in this one? About time... I hope they have a little snarky banter. It would be a little boring if they did it all the time, but it's perfect in little doses. Hmm, Wendy out in the field... I'd like to see that sometime, though I think that Hodges might get lonely in the lab.
*pokes head in* Hey ya'll. No, my computer is not fixed yet. I'm on the very slow desktop in my den. *pokes computer quizzically* This thing doesn't even have a USB port. :lol:

Well, let's think about it. Wendy in episode... Hodges in episode... Wendy AND Hodges in episode... the only thing left is Wedges in episode, right? So maybe that's this week? Right? *looks pointedly at writers* There better be?

Ahem. Anyway:
1) I totally put "Let it Be" in the spoiler box before.
2) I liked that Wendy wasn't in the same four walls we've been seeing her in. Liz can play the "I just found something weird but I don't want to admit it because it sounds like I'm being accusative" really well.
Well, let's think about it. Wendy in episode... Hodges in episode... Wendy AND Hodges in episode... the only thing left is Wedges in episode, right? So maybe that's this week? Right? *looks pointedly at writers* There better be?

No Wedges this week... but it was great seeing Wendy out of the DNA lab. She's really stepping up, though I can't help but think that TPTB are hinting at something more for her. If they are, Hodges is gonna miss her bad... not that he'll make it obvious.
No Wedges this week...

I was talking about maybe there would be Wedges this week, but I don't know because I missed the episode. (One part "I got caught up in my book" one part "I really hate Lady Heather")

Hm. TPTB were doing so well last season, too. *sigh*
Hm. TPTB were doing so well last season, too. *sigh*
You're right Alex...they were doing so well last season with subtle little Wedges scenes...Cleverly added into the mix of things, yet this season, well, we all know there's been a lack of those scenes. I've come to the conclusion that its all due to the Grissom centric storyline and his gearing up to leave as to why we haven't seen much of anything else. Hopefully that'll change after the tenth episode and we'll get a chance to see what they really meant about the ship heating up.
I've come to the conclusion that its all due to the Grissom centric storyline and his gearing up to leave as to why we haven't seen much of anything else.

That's actually one of my problems with the storyline. I mean, I know that they're setting up his departure, but there ARE other characters that should have been affected by what happened with Warrick.

It's just weird that there were so many scenes, not just Wedges, that were so good last season, and this season it seems like TPTB are determined to make up for the lack of Emo!Grissom after Sara left the first time.
Hm. TPTB were doing so well last season, too. *sigh*

But they've been doing a decent job at separate characterization. We got to see them both out in the field and I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who wanted to pat Hodges on the head after he got that splinter in his finger. Think Wendy might have teased him about it when he came back?

But seriously, I hope that we get even a smidge of Wedges this week... *crosses fingers before poking TPTB*
I wonder what ever happened to the talks of Wendy possibly going out to a scene with Grissom? Was it just an idea tossed about that will amount to nothing, or will that happen just before Gris leaves and have Hodges react somehow to it, which in the long run kick start another season of their interacting? Will Hodges be in a state of distraught over the fact that his mentor or sorts has left? If so, will Wendy be there to call him on it in a playful manner or comfort him? So many questions, so little answers.

IMO, so far this season there really hasn't been much in the way of spoilers and story lines gearing up.
If so, will Wendy be there to call him on it in a playful manner or comfort him?

I think she probably would... no one else is gonna do anything about it and I think there could be a potential Wedges scene in that. Besides, I'd like to see Wendy nudge him to try and get a smile out of him... it might not work, but Hodges might let out a chuckle. You never know.
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