Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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So, Wendy sort of maybe wants to be in the field, and Hodges is being forced into the field. Something about that is hilarious. Wait, come to think of it, if Hodges is in the field he'll be shot or kidnapped by the end of the season... that's not good! :lol:

Okay, so one of my ships (first [tv] one. It feels better than I thought it would. XD) finally became canon. TPTB over on NY might think that this will appease me. It won't. Since some of the PTB are the same, they need to incorporate this thing called "winning" into Wedges. I am neither patient, nor willing to acceed. *evil grin*
Wait, come to think of it, if Hodges is in the field he'll be shot or kidnapped by the end of the season... that's not good! :lol:

I think you just gave TPTB another idea! But it'd be pretty interesting to see how he'd cope in a situation like that... how do you think Wendy would treat him when he finally comes back to the lab? I think she'd probably give him a pat on the shoulder and a wicked funny one-liner.
What? That's what happens when you go into the field on CSI. I'm already counting the days until Riley figures out what it's like to be on this show- give her a real beginner's welcome, PTB! I'm sure she could handle it! :lol:

how do you think Wendy would treat him when he finally comes back to the lab?
Oo, good question. Well, if he doesn't get shot it'll probably go along the lines of "It could have been worse, you could have been shot." Although if it's something serious, she'd probably be a bit more serious, don't you think?

I think you just gave TPTB another idea!
They haven't listened to me before, why would they start now? XD
I can only imagine what the whole scenario would be like for Hodges. Sure just look at how he reacted when he got a splinter in his finger when he was out in the field with Catherine..."Man down!" Then sooked the rest of the scene and tended to his wound.

If something drastic happened, such as having a gun pointed at him and he reacting the way Nick did in the first season...getting all teary eyed and on the verge of crying, I can't see Wendy letting him live it down. Sure she'd be concerned, but I sure she'd find a little humor in it as well.

LOL...now if he actually got shot (well, grazed with a bullet) or attacked by a criminal, I could almost hear Wendy say something like; "That'll make you think twice before running your mouth to the wrong person!" Of course, in a playful, teasing sort of way...but again, deep down she'd really care.

Now I'm only looking at the humorous side to all of this. If something like that were to happen, she could very well be devastated and at the first sight of him hurry over to hug him, then probably punch him in the arm for scaring her. Then he'd give her his patented semi-grin and arched brow. Try to soak it for all it's worth, in true Hodges form, until taking it one step to far, because in the end, the man is sure to find some way to ruin a perfect moment between the two (even in his vulernable and damaged state).

So many interesting possibilities, but hard to believe something like that would ever happen...but who knows though. After all, it is TV land.
"That'll make you think twice before running your mouth to the wrong person!" Of course, in a playful, teasing sort of way...but again, deep down she'd really care.

I can totally picture her saying that... and Hodges would run his mouth to the bad guys. But of course, he can't help it... maybe Wendy should give him some pointers after she socks him on the arm when he gives her his trademark look and raised eyebrow. Oh and Hodges, try not to ruin the moment this time...
Hopefully at the very least Hodges and Wendy will be in the same part of the lab for more than half a second tonight. I mean, I don't want F/A, but at least one line of dialogue would be nice. It's been since... what, "Two and a Half Deaths"? I don't count the "For Warrick" thing, because no matter how much I laughed it didn't really mean anything.
Yeah, even though they did sit together in the premiere, I wouldn't really call that a typical wedges scene. I mean it was clever with the subtlety and all, but dialogue is now a must. A question here or a friendly ribbing there....just give us something. Tonight is the 7th episode into the new season and up until then...there's been nothing yet :(
Hopefully at the very least Hodges and Wendy will be in the same part of the lab for more than half a second tonight.

That's what we're rooting for... *crosses fingers before poking TPTB* I mean sitting beside each other at Warrick's funeral was wonderfully subtle, but we need snarky banter now. *peeks at the cast list* Damn it! Wendy's not in this one... I really think that TPTB enjoy torturing us.
*peeks at the cast list* Damn it! Wendy's not in this one... I really think that TPTB enjoy torturing us.

That's not necessarily true. She wasn't on the list for that hypnotist one, but she was in it.

"Why are you guys still in here smashing mailboxes?" "Because it's fun?" Wendy's not in it yet (hopefully she will be), but I'm still having a good time laughing at how much fun Hodges and Nick are having with this.
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"Why are you guys still in here smashing mailboxes?" "Because it's fun?" Wendy's not in it yet (hopefully she will be), but I'm still having a good time laughing at how much fun Hodges and Nick are having with this.

No such luck... which is too bad 'cause I would have loved to see the look on her face when that happened. She'd probably think that Hodges wouldn't do something like that. Guess he's just full of surprises!
*frustration* I'm so tired of this. I'm glad that they're setting up Grissom's departure so that it doesn't come out of thin air, but it seems to be at the cost of everything else. I'm not just talking about Wedges. The humor has been infrequently spread through the episodes- last night's was the most humor I think we've had for a while. Something's just... off about this season, and I can't tell what it is.
Ugh! It's pretty bad that we have to resort to these two reruns to get our fill of our two little lab techs sharing the screen together. But then, I suppose if it weren't for those two episodes, then we'd be even more frustrated because of the wait in this season for just a couple of seconds of interaction.

As much as I like Grissom, his departure is becoming difficult to take seeing it's taking time away from not only wedges, but for the rest of the cast. I sure hope that TPTB make up for this lack of lab banter with another wonderful installment from the labrats.

Okay, I thought that Wendy was suppose to be the one heading out into the field a little more this season and Hodges sticking to the lab? So far, it's been the opposite. I think I've seen Hodges outside the lab more then he's been in it so far. Not that I am complaining, because on a personal level...I do love seeing the man in that LVPD vest and I find it rather amusing that the CSI's seem to be hauling him out despite his hatred for field work, but I was so hoping to see Wendy out and about.

Wouldn't it be funny if he sparked more of an interest in being out in the field or took the field test because Wendy had! Like it would be his twisted little way of keeping an eye on her to make sure she was safe.. And of course to be close to her..
Ugh! It's pretty bad that we have to resort to these two reruns to get our fill of our two little lab techs sharing the screen together.

At least we get to see a little smidge of Wedges... I do find that tampon scene hilarious. But I'm still frustrated with TPTB about the lack of Wedges so far. I was a little surprised that Hodges is now taking to the field, but this probably has something to do with Wendy taking the field test... he probably wants to keep her company!
Wait... I thought that there was only one repeat? If we're on episode 7... and Grissom leaves on December 11, episode 10... how would we have two repeats? Or can I just not do math? (That might be a complete possibility, mind you.)

The tampon scene was hilarious. (And, mind you, no matter how much in jest it was, he did say she was cute.)

"Are you going to mock me or help me?"
"I have to choose?"

I think the whole field work thing is interesting. What would be interesting is some type of scene where Wendy makes fun of him for that exact fact. I mean, last season he was making fun of her for considering it, and now he's being drug out of the lab the do the exact thing that he was mocking. That's either really great karma, really mean writing, or both. XD
The Theory of Everything was on Saturday.....Grissom's Divine Comedy is on Thursday. That's how we got two reruns...

At least Hodges managed to say that she was cute...like you said, even if it was in a jokingly sort of way...it was probably the best time for him. In a somewhat comfortable sort of atmosphere where everything wasn't all serious between the two or filled with tension, he could say it without making an ass of himself or somehow finding a way to mess it up.

Okay! If they were to have a lip lock at some point, beit this season or whenever, how do you think it'd happen? Personally, one scenario I wouldn't mind seeing is something similar to the locker room scene in 'You Kill Me', just this time as Hodges is tripping over his own words and feelings, Wendy will just get so frustrated that she'll just walk right over to him and put him out of his misery, make the first move and shut him up. Then walk out without saying another word, leaving him speechless (a super rariety) and totally confused.
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