Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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But where is she listed? Like, site wise. Because I'm curious and I'll miss Wendy if she's not in these episodes. *laughs*

"If Jon actually took off his shirt, you'd be very surprised."
"How do you know that, Wally?"

God, this is possibly funnier than the Lab Rats commentary.

On the actual episode, am I the only one that snickered with this exchange?

"Do we get something back from Trace?"
"You always get something back from Trace."

I admit that I actually hadn't watched this episode before, and now that I'm watching I'm laughing my head off. Henry's look when they're completely ignoring him is fantastic. It's so "oh. my. GOD. *sigh*" And then Hodges mocking Wendy's field idea. :guffaw:

I should have watched this episode earlier, I just never had the time.
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LOL...not to worry ALEX...I had a good laugh at that comment and every time I hear and see that exchange between the two. There are SOOoooo many things I wanna comment on about the episode AND the commentary that it's almost to much trouble to even start...

liked the comment made by one of them...I don't know if it was Archie or Naren Shankar...about something Jon Wellner said about Hodges and Wendy's relationship....heheh...it was like watching his parents flirt :guffaw:. Then I think it was Wally that then responded that Jon's parents must have a very healthy (I think that's what he said) relationship if that's the case.

Then there was the comment about Wendy's (liz's) eyerolls and reactions to Hodges...

Oh so many things to say and comment on...so little time. I know both Wally and Liz are funny, but it was Sheeri that won the comedian award on that commentary...personally speaking anyway.

After watching that...I so want this ship to be explored even more now. Not like I didn't want it before, but this just seals the deal. Definite proof that they have great chemisty and both actors seem to like it and sound like they want it to continue. So I'll cross my fingers for a third lab tech related episode...and like you said ALEX, perhaps this time...the third time will be a charm. Maybe Hodges will FINALLY clue in and say the right thing. But if that is the episode that things finally go both their way, I hope that episode will be toward the end of the season so we can enjoy a comfortable season of entertaining lab banter between Wendy and Hodges.

I would still want to see how Hodges reacts to Wendy going in the field....if she still does. Would love to see a little drama there...lol
She's listed as a special guest star though... which is pretty awesome 'cause she's up there with the important ones. But I think it's only a matter of time before she's up with Hodges and the rest of main cast. *crosses fingers*
I'm pretty sure it's already a done deal that she's becoming one. They probably just kept the credits the same for the premiere because they were waiting for Dourdan to leave before they changed them. She's listed in the main cast in CBS press releases for upcoming episodes, which seems pretty official.
LOL...not to worry ALEX...I had a good laugh at that comment and every time I hear and see that exchange between the two. There are SOOoooo many things I wanna comment on about the episode AND the commentary that it's almost to much trouble to even start...

liked the comment made by one of them...I don't know if it was Archie or Naren Shankar...about something Jon Wellner said about Hodges and Wendy's relationship....heheh...it was like watching his parents flirt :guffaw:. Then I think it was Wally that then responded that Jon's parents must have a very healthy (I think that's what he said) relationship if that's the case.

Then there was the comment about Wendy's (liz's) eyerolls and reactions to Hodges...

Oh so many things to say and comment on...so little time. I know both Wally and Liz are funny, but it was Sheeri that won the comedian award on that commentary...personally speaking anyway.

After watching that...I so want this ship to be explored even more now. Not like I didn't want it before, but this just seals the deal. Definite proof that they have great chemisty and both actors seem to like it and sound like they want it to continue. So I'll cross my fingers for a third lab tech related episode...and like you said ALEX, perhaps this time...the third time will be a charm. Maybe Hodges will FINALLY clue in and say the right thing. But if that is the episode that things finally go both their way, I hope that episode will be toward the end of the season so we can enjoy a comfortable season of entertaining lab banter between Wendy and Hodges.

I would still want to see how Hodges reacts to Wendy going in the field....if she still does. Would love to see a little drama there...lol

*coughs innocently* Well, let me scan to that part of the episode and find out the wording, shall I?

LIZ: Jon Wellner says it's like watching his parents flirt when we do that.
WALLY: Oh come on!
LIZ: I know.
ARCHIE (I think? Maybe?): Wow.
WALLY: They've got a good relationship.

You are right though, DJ, Sheeri won a lot in this commentary.

And, I agree that the actors support this ship. I mean, when Hodges is somewhat-defensively mocking Wendy's statement about the field test and then we shift into Wendy's murder:

NAREN: This is a nice little bit of passive-aggressiveness here. You feel a little threatened, and who dies?
WALLY: Yeah, well, well, my almost girlfriend.

She's listed as a special guest star though... which is pretty awesome 'cause she's up there with the important ones. But I think it's only a matter of time before she's up with Hodges and the rest of main cast. *crosses fingers*
I'm pretty sure it's already a done deal that she's becoming one. They probably just kept the credits the same for the premiere because they were waiting for Dourdan to leave before they changed them. She's listed in the main cast in CBS press releases for upcoming episodes, which seems pretty official.

I wasn't expecting the credits for the premiere to be different, but I hadn't seen the press releases, so I didn't know. That's awesome. Press releases from CBS are very official. Thanks for the info, alynch.

On a complete side note, I love how Liz says that she wants the opening credits for Lab Rats III to be them doing the most boring things ever. :lol:
NAREN: This is a nice little bit of passive-aggressiveness here. You feel a little threatened, and who dies?
WALLY: Yeah, well, well, my almost girlfriend.


That's what got me right there! Man, I really need to listen to the commentary more often... now every time I see a Wedges moment, I keep thinking of what the actors have to say about it. I know it's gonna be hilarious though...
Yeah, that's the problem with commentary. You can't watch the episode without hearing the actors be voices in your head.

I found it hilarious that I don't remember seeing Liz's name anywhere, but she's in the episode, and Wally is in the credits, but he wasn't.
lol...yeah...I totally noticed that too ALEX...weird eh? Well the episode was a disappointment in ALL departments for me...it was just boring in general... I didn't get to see my man, Hodges, Wendy breezed by in the last 2 minutes and well, of course, no Hodges no Wedges scenes. They better make up for it next week....lol
I just... don't understand why this episode was so lousy. After last week they had so much potential, and then it collapsed. There was possibly three scenes that I actually understood/believed. And I didn't even realize that Wendy was there until she was gone, so being me that's unacceptable. :)lol:)
I think this particular topic of conversation...technically, should be had elsewhere, but I know I brought it up and I'll try and end it after my comment...lol!

The premiere was one of the best episodes to date so how can one follow up after that? It would take something spectacular. Now personally, I think the show was missing it's regular dose of snarkism from Hodges, and of course, seeing we are in THIS thread...a pleasant little Wedges scene, but that's just my opinion.

BUT...this new girl Riley...or whatever her name is, is going to be in next weeks episode and I am curious now as to how the techs respond to her...especially our two little lab geeks. I highly doubt she'll pose a threat to Wendy and Hodges' somewhat relationship, but from what I've read, it sounds like she's going to have attitude with her. 'Saucy, Sarcastic, Sassy?' Sounds like she'll probably butt heads with Hodges and more then likely annoy Wendy...LOL!

I can almost hear Wendy say after meeting her..especially if the new girl flexes the attitude right from the start. "She's like the female version of Hodges!" :lol:
I can almost hear Wendy say after meeting her..especially if the new girl flexes the attitude right from the start. "She's like the female version of Hodges!" :lol:

Oh my god :lol:! From what I've heard, the new girl could pass off as Hodges' sister. I wouldn't be surprised if Riley teamed up with Wendy against Hodges... that I'd love to see! Poor Hodges though... he's gonna have a hard time between the two of them.
karu, are you trying to institute Flack/Angell levels of snarkiness here?

I think it'd be great if Wendy hated Riley. Not that I have anything against the poor CSI, but it'd be fun to see if Wendy is naturally this evil or if it's only Hodges. :lol:
karu, are you trying to institute Flack/Angell levels of snarkiness here?

*snickers* Maybe... they do sort of remind me of Wedges.

But seriously, it would be fun to see Wendy is a feud with Riley... then we could see if only Hodges has that effect on her. Personally, I think it's Hodges, but that's 'cause he's the only one who does that to her.
Yeah, but Angell doesn't "hate" Flack. Although it'd be fun to put both ships in a room. SnarkFight!

It doesn't necessarily need to be a feud to be interesting. I just want to see if Hodges is the only one that can successfully get her so upset that she reaches the sarcastic level we've seen her in. Even if he doesn't mean to.

OT: I drove a car for the first time in my life today. Stress-full yay! Seriously. "Okay, practice some turns. Now drive from this town to your hometown, about an hour away from here."
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