Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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This ship reminded me of something that I'd noticed. Does no one call Hodges by his first name? I think I remember one time, in Lab Rats at the end. I pretty sure Grissom says "This had better be good, Dave."

This has nothing to do this thread, does it.
I've only heard Grissom call him David or Dave three times...at least I think it's three times. Obviously in 'Labrats', I believe in 'A Thousand Days on Earth' and another episode where he told Grissom that he smelt the vomit...that it was the first thing that impressed Gris....gosh what was that episode? Anyway, other then that, everyone from my understanding calls him Hodges. Even Wendy...I can't recall hearing her call him by his first name either.....at least not yet.
Even Wendy...I can't recall hearing her call him by his first name either.....at least not yet.

*laughs* That's actually what made me think of it. Do you know how great it would be if she randomly called him Dave in an upcoming episode? And how even better it would be if he didn't react?

So, DJ, how does it feel to be right, by the way?
I think he'd be in to much shock to even react. It would be like, "she called me David...what do I do?" :guffaw: Or he'd give her the same look he game her in 'Labrats' when she asked if the csi's called the disposable cell number that the miniature killer used.

What am I right about??? lol

Episode I was looking for earlier is 'Compulsion' where Grissom called him David
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Oh my God. DJ, do you remember how when we were talking about that Wallace Langham interview, and about how you wondered if the interview was when they were filming the funeral? It's the same tie. It looks like you're right:


That's what you're right about.

I was implying something when I said that he wouldn't react... :rolleyes:

But the reaction would be great, too. That'd be great, the blank quarter-smile, if she ever did call him by his first name.

*smirk* Even better if she says it in front of Henry. Could you imagine what he'd walk away thinking? "She called him by his first name. Oh good lord, it's going to be a long tenure."
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BTW: Hodges. Has. A Tie. Look who wins with the foreshadowing guesses. XD

*whistles* Hodges cleans up well! He's always been really casual on the show, but this is the first time I've seen him in a suit... he oughta do it again once in a while. I'm sure Wendy will be surprised...

Even Wendy...I can't recall hearing her call him by his first name either.....at least not yet.

I don't think she does... but like Alex says, it'd be pretty hilarious if she just called him Dave out of the blue... I'm sure it'd confuse him a little, especially if she said it in front of Henry and if the other labrats overhear it. They might be a little suspicious afterwards.
They might be a little suspicious afterwards.
Of course they would, which is why I'd find it hilarious.

Hey, there have been rumors of another lab rat episode this season... and in both of the previous ones Hodges pretty much got a giant FAILURE with his flirting skills (or lack there of)...

Anyone heard the phrase "third time's the charm"? :shifty: :rolleyes:
Hopefully third time IS a charm for the poor guy...lol...it'll be like deja vu!

It's great an all that they are pondering the thought of another Labrat episode, and i'll be super excited, but I wonder what could possibly be done this time around. Well I'd take anything if our rats are the main focus, but I can't help but wonder. I mean, Labrats was a recap show with a slight insight into the miniature killer, allowing the viewer to see the common link between all 4 miniatures and to lay to rest that Hodges really wasn't the maniac behind the madness. You Kill Me was a play off of Labrats, part to do with the love of game boards with Hodges and to have a lite and humorous episode after Sara's departure....so what would be the storyline for the next one?

Well if they decide to do another this season, I do hope it'll bring our two lovable geeks even closer together...once again.
Maybe he'll have better luck next time around... maybe he could get help from Wendy!

It's great an all that they are pondering the thought of another Labrat episode

Seriously? Man, I hope that they come up with a good one... it's gonna be pretty hard to top Labrats and You Kill Me. Still, there's so many possibilities for Wedges and the other labrats. What do you guys want to see?
OMG...the commentary for 'You Kill Me' is hilarious. A few hints of Wedges where they both kinda mention it, but the labrats in general this time around are so funny. A must see. I thought there would be a little more on this relationship, but I was still pleased with it.

It's definitely going to be hard to follow up those last two episodes, but I hope they do...I'm sure tptb can come up with something a little zany once again.
You don't know how jealous I am right now, DJ. I need to go to Target tomorrow, seriously. I hate being too young to drive. Although, I don't have a car, either, so knowing how to drive wouldn't help me at all. :lol:

I was watching "Two and a Half Deaths" because it was on OnDemand, and I had forgotten how hilarious that Wedges scene was. Oh, and by the way:

"You're lucky you're cute."

I don't care WHO wrote the episode, it's still part of continuity so I can still say it rocks. XD

Yo! Why is Wendy/Liz not in the cast list for the next three episodes? I dislike this.
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You'll enjoy it Alex...:)

I know! I have yet to find anything out on why we don't see Wendy's name on the list. I mean it is possible that she is not in the ep, but I really don't want to be that...unless, as I said that it is still a misprint. We'll have to cross the fingers and hope for the best...lol.

heehee..."you're lucky you're cute!" The typical Hodges' way of trying to get a compliment across to her....in a snarky yet playful tone. Oh one of these days that man will get it right
FYI, the reason that Wendy isn't in the cast list is because she's being bumped up to series regular. The episode guides only list the guest stars.
Really? I thought that was just one of those rumors that hates me. Awesomeness.

As soon as I finish watching the special features on Disk 5 I'm watching You Kill Me with commentary, by the way. I literally got home from school and went "Dad? You know you want to drive me to Target, right?"

Luckily, my parents love me. :lol:

I'm watching the special feature about You Kill Me, and I'm already cracking up so I can't wait to listen to the actual commentary. I'm not procrastinating, just bored. XD

EDIT: Okay, that's hilarious. I loved that entire thing, especially when they were talking about thinking up ways to kill people and Sherri was talking about how you think of ways to kill your parents when they make you angry.

The thing about Jon Wellner saying that watching Liz and Wally is liking watching his parents flirt? :guffaw:

Or, morely, the entire thing: :guffaw:

I need to watch it again to point out specifics.
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FYI, the reason that Wendy isn't in the cast list is because she's being bumped up to series regular. The episode guides only list the guest stars.

She's listed as a special guest star though... which is pretty awesome 'cause she's up there with the important ones. But I think it's only a matter of time before she's up with Hodges and the rest of main cast. *crosses fingers*
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