Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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Hey all, I figure if you're Wedges shippers than some of you have got to be Wendy fans so I thought I'd let you know I got Wendy added to the character list on fanfiction.net
Hey RACHEL...that is great to hear. All I can say is that it was long overdue. I mean they still had Mia and Terri on the list and neither are even there anymore...Wendy deserves her own spot over there on FF with her relationship with Hodges (and for those who think otherwise) Thanks for the heads up
Hey all, I figure if you're Wedges shippers than some of you have got to be Wendy fans so I thought I'd let you know I got Wendy added to the character list on fanfiction.net

Hey Rachel! That's great news... and it's about time. I've been looking to see if she was on the character list ever since You Kill Me.

Ha! Hodges getting slapped. That'd be hilarious, if only because he'd be, like, "What did I do?"

*snickers* I can just imagine the look on his face... he'd have this shocked dumb-founded expression with wide eyes. I think it might me a while before he figures out what he did wrong. Hodges may be smart but that doesn't mean he can't be clueless!
There is an interview on the side here of talk, with David Berman and he mentioned that there are rumors of another 'lab tech' centered episode this upcoming season. I wonder what that will mean for our two lab techs? Will we see more drama between them like we did in 'you kill me'? Only this time, Hodges doesn't make a total ass of himself in front of Wendy. :lol:
I'm glad there's another lab tech centered ep. They're always a lot of fun. I wonder what they could do this time, though?

Only this time, Hodges doesn't make a total ass of himself in front of Wendy.

Aw, but that's half the fun!
lol....that's why is said 'total'.....sure he can make an ass of himself but not totally as in 'complete' that he ruins things. Every time he does, I feel he inches a little closer to the edge when it comes to Wendy and one of these days could risk losing her.

Got a ff posted over on FF. Grieving For A Good Man is what its called if interested....I am not a writer by any means, but I hope you enjoy it should you take the tie to look at it....Of course it Wedges related.

Tonight's the night ...yay
Quote: Only this time, Hodges doesn't make a total ass of himself in front of Wendy.
Aw, but that's half the fun!

I'd love to see that though... you can't help but be sympathetic when you see him like that and half the time, I think Wendy wants to hug him. Hmm, I wonder how he'd react to that...
I'm such a horrible person. We're supposed to be feeling the depression and when I see Wendy the first thing I think is "Wedges? Maybe?" *sigh*

Oh look, they do sit next to each other at the funeral!
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You're not a horrible person Alex... I was looking for a Wedges moment when I wasn't stunned about what happened to Warrick. They do sit next to each other... but I do like the fact that TPTB decided to do just that. After all, this episode's for Warrick. But I'm pretty sure we might be seeing a little Wedges in the next episode... *crosses fingers*
Yes the premiere was for warrick, it was an absolutely amazing episode and all the actors involved did phenomenal especially in the last scene, and even though this is the wedges thread, I'm kinda glad now that the only time we seen them together was when they sat beside one another. I think any other way of either of them grieving and seeking comfort in each other would have been less effective...even though I wrote my fic that way.

She could of sat next to anyone, but she didn't...partly thanks to tptb, and for that, Wendy sat next to her future beau. I think it's some sort of foreshadowing to their future relationship for this upcoming season.

But watching that scene a couple more times the next day, there is one quick shot that pans from Hodges to Wendy and I must say, they really look like they'd make a really nice looking couple out of the lab and out of their lab coats. I tried to nab a cap of it, but Hodges was out of the camera angle by the time it reached Wendy.
Well, then I'll just have to find a way to combine the two shots, won't I? That's my new job. XD

I agree with you all. The fact that they were sitting next to each other is enough for me. Something that I noticed is that Mandy, Archie, and Henry (that was him, right? i didn't get a good enough look at the scene; I need to watch the episode again) were together in the breakroom, looking upset, but Wendy was just sitting in her little cubicle room staring blankly at her desk. And Hodges was working, like always.

I just realized that I'm rambling off-topic. So I'm going to shutup now.

The screencap thing didn't work too well. I don't know, it was hard because of Henry in the background, he was very inconveniently placed in terms of lining up the two caps.


BTW: Hodges. Has. A Tie. Look who wins with the foreshadowing guesses. XD
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good attempt, but I think it's going to be a job for photoshop and the unfortunate removal of Henry...lol. But I still say they look like a good couple. Sure we knew that already from their working together in the lab, but again as I already said, this confirms what they'd look like together outside of the lab.

So with that being said, I wonder what is in store for the pair in next weeks episode. I do hope that Wendy is in it. Seeing the character list over in the new "A Happy Place" thread, I didn't see Liz's name listed. Could very well just be a misprint, and I hope so but if not...we'll have nothing to discuss involving Wedges for next week.
I fail at Photoshop, badly. I don't know how to use it. XD

So with that being said, I wonder what is in store for the pair in next weeks episode. I do hope that Wendy is in it. Seeing the character list over in the new "A Happy Place" thread, I didn't see Liz's name listed. Could very well just be a misprint, and I hope so but if not...we'll have nothing to discuss involving Wedges for next week.

I hope it's a misprint. Wendy has quickly become a favorite character of mine, so I wish she was in the episode even for that. I'm starting to get bored with the lack of things to talk about here. Not bored as in "i'm leaving the site", bored as in "my creativity doesn't cover making things up in order to make a thread active that really hasn't had anything to be active with for four months".
I can totally see what you mean by the comment though. Nothing for the past 4 months only speculation etc for these two and now that the season has started...well. Like I said and I as well hope it's only a misprint.

lol, if yer bored Alex, you can always check out my fic and tell me what you think. I'm no writer, but I like it and it's Wedges related...and I didn't use a beta, so there could be some minor errors...oh well...:lol:

Grieving for a Good Man

I've already started on the second chapter, but when that'll be done...we'll have to wait and see, but I am going to incorporate what we did see of the premiere into it ...
I'll check it out if I have time, DJ. I don't usually read fics, only one or two per year in my saved file are ever actually read. It's not that I don't want to read them, it's just that I forget about them and then when I remember I don't have time. But I digress.

Even though we haven't had much of anything for four months, we aren't a sunk ship, and no matter how hard some might want to, you can't deny that there's something there. That's one of the things that I like about Wedges. We win, no matter how much Hodges fails, because every time he does we just get more proof that Wendy likes him. *laughs*

Oh my God. DJ, do you remember how when we were talking about that Wallace Langham interview, and about how you wondered if the interview was when they were filming the funeral? It's the same tie. It looks like you're right:

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