Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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but they can't just say "Well, yea they were flirting last season, but they got together five minutes ago". That would be stupid.

I don't think even that TPTB would do something like that... maybe they'll do little moments here and there. I'm sure that they'll be back to their usual bantering sometime after For Warrick. Think they'll have one of those awkward talks in the season premiere?
Bonus points to whoever gets the "You're allowed to be late, once." reference.

TPTB aren't that stupid. At least, I don't think so. Looking at how relationships have been handled before on all three CSIs, I'm slightly doubtful. However, they have enough to play with with GSR and Warrick being shot. They might leave our little ship right where it needs to be, at least until the dread aftermath lessens.

Again, though, we can have a little scene in the premiere. It's only fair after all. :rolleyes:
Hmm...Someone over on the spoiler thread said....

that at the supposed funeral for Warrick, Hodges and Wendy are to be sitting together.

I don't know how reliable THAT piece of info is, but it's something that could aid in my theory of Hodges being that shoulder for Wendy to lean/cry on. But the person couldn't verify where they got this 'spoiler' so...we'll have to wait and see on this one... but thought I'd share it with you guys all the same.
Well, I wouldn't exactly be surprised. That isn't necessarily shippy, which is why I like it. Since our WedgesPremiereTheories seem to be the same, DJ, I'm hoping that this particular spoiler is very true. Of course, now that I say that I'm realizing that I just said that I hope Warrick has a funeral... ah, well, he's not my favorite character anyway, I have to admit.

*gasp* DJ! You know what this means, right?

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I'm desperate to keep this thread as active as humanly possible until we get new material, because I'm just that lame. So I'm "bumping" the thread. Again. Whatever.

This is an excerpt from a recap of "You Kill Me", and I thought that it stated the Wendy/Hodges relationship pretty perfectly:

Hodges looks deeply chagrined and like he wants desperately to make things right, but when Wendy tells him he's the dumbest smart guy she knows, he responds with, "You think I'm smart?" Oh, Hodges. If you didn't fail so spectacularly, you wouldn't be the special snowflake you are. I really feel for the both of them here. He is crushing on Wendy hardcore but he's like the unholy lovechild of Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute so he inevitably f**ks things up anytime he makes any forward progress. And Wendy kind of digs Hodges but he's weird and kind of creepy and sometimes assholeish, so she's uncomfortable about being attracted to someone like that. So when he f**ks up she gets angrier than she would at anyone else, because she's also angry with herself for letting him get to her and for dropping her guard in those rare times when he's not being a ginormous tool. It's really funny and really sad all at the same time, and I hope those two crazy kids make it work.

I thought that that was very, very true. I think that Wendy inevitably does feel almost ashamed of herself for liking him because he can really be a jerk. However, the fact that there are "those rare times when he's not being a ginormous tool" prove that he either tries to be different around her, or that... no, that's pretty much the only conclusion I can come to.
Okay Alex...you got me slightly lost...lol! What does what mean? As for that quote you posted.....that is a rather interesting and to the point description of their relationship...where did that come from?
In case I'm not allowed to link to it, I'll send you the link via PM, DJ.

Oh, and the picture was from that interview that we were talking about a little while ago, and I mentioned that it was strange to see the guy in a suit. Were were talking about a *coughfuneralcough*, remember?

I thought that it was, in fact, surprisingly accurate. Well, not surprisingly, per se, but it was the first time that anyone had really explained their relationship in a way that I found covered all of the bases. I had always gotten the impression that Wendy couldn't help liking him, and "couldn't help" being quite literal because most of the time she doesn't want to.

But, yeah, I'll send you that link. In case you're interested, this is my personal favorite piece:

Seeing that Wendy is about to call K-Fed and hire him to beat down Hodges, Henry suggests they play another game. Hodges is all for it but he just can't let things go, so we see Wendy lying dead in a pool of blood. "Well, now that's a little passive-aggresive, don't you think?" Wendy says peevishly.
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lol....so I wasn't as lost as I first had thought. Though there is nothing to confirm the suit wearing...it would be interesting to see if that little video clip (pic) was around the same time as the shooting of 'For Warrick'.

Just a heads up and future reference...I think that pics posted are suppose to not be as big as you posted... something like 350 or 450 pixels comes to mind for max posting.
Yeah, strangely I tried to resize it about six times and it kept posting that big. So... I'll keep that in mind for next time and just hope that no moderator tries to eat me. *whistles innocently*

And, the suit thing was more of a joke.

But still. I presume that you got the link? The writer is very to-the-point about Wedges in every episode there's any form of "flirty" scene between the two, but You Kill Me was the first time I'd ever scene something like that, which just proves my thought that YKM was so blatantly flirty that it's not just something people like us notice. Which, again, means that the commentary on said episode will be very, very interesting. XD
Ah, welcome to the epitome of desperate obsession, Nicksmustache! (I say that because, hello, it's been about four months since we've had ANYTHING to talk about. XD)

That's why, if you've noticed, most of my posts have pretty much been repeats of what I said in the post before them, but with emphasis on different words. *laughs*
Hey Nicksmustache, welcome to the thread! Good to have another Wedges shipper on board...

*gasp* DJ! You know what this means, right?

I'd love to see Hodges in a suit! From what I've seen so far, he seems like a pretty casual guy... I'm sure that he cleans up good though. By the way Alex, we really have to come up with a new topic 'cause we're just repeating ourselves over and over again. Any ideas? Oh, by the way, when's the season premiere? I'm dying to see what's gonna happen...
The Season Premiere is in 10 Days, 2 Hours, 28 Minutes, and 45 Seconds. Or, you know, October 9th.

And, karu, if I had any ideas I wouldn't be continually repeating myself. Hey, I pulled out the random relationship description, and DJ found the spoiler. It's your turn. :lol: (I'm kidding. Maybe we can brainstorm ideas which would technically be new topic? Yes, I'm desperate.)
It's your turn. :lol: (I'm kidding. Maybe we can brainstorm ideas which would technically be new topic? Yes, I'm desperate.)

Hmm... my brain's in a burning turmoil right now, but I think I can come up with something. Hey, what do you think the rest of the people in the lab--the CSIs, not just the labrats-- would have to day about Hodges and Wendy? That oughta generate some thinking...
Hm. Are we going like The Office here? Side interviews? XD

Well, Henry would probably just roll his eyes and say that they need to stop flirting in front of him. I almost feel bad for him. Eventually he's just going to find a way to be the first one to escape the EvilHodgesPlanOfTheSeason so that he doesn't need to deal with

Mandy would be taking bets, obviously. Greg would copy his look from "Living Doll" when he found out about Grissom and Sara. Catherine would be nosy. Nick would laugh and be disbelieving. Grissom probably wouldn't care. Because, you know, he shouldn't be one to talk.

I don't really know. I'll put more thought into, but that's just the first thing that came to my mind with the question.
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