Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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Sorry, CSI_Kat, I'd forgotten.

I hope you're feeling better, karu.

If CSI manages, in one year, to kill Warrick, lose Grissom, fail GSR, make casting mistakes, AND screw up Wedges, I might just scream. For a very long time. I know that one of them is definitely coming true, but if "they" somehow manage to pull all of them, my friends will avoid me for a week because I'll be so royally pissed off. Hopefully they'll do something right and treat Wedges the right way. TPTB seem to support it, so here's to hoping that they support it in a way that makes everyone happy and stays true to the characters.
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Hopefully they'll do something right and treat Wedges the right way. TPTB seem to support it, so here's to hoping that they support it in a way that makes everyone happy and stays true to the characters.

True, and like Billy and Jorja, Wally and Liz do get to have a little input into how their characters should be, or react...etc when reading through and filming different scenes. What's good about Hodges and Wendy...like we said before...their characters haven't really been explored up to this point unlike Gris and Sara where their back stories is already known to the viewers. And because of that, they were somewhat limited to certain scenarios with their characters. Wedges is still fairly open for almost anything.
You're right, DJ. It's easier to make futures when you aren't tied to histories, which might sound odd but it's true. (I know how hard it is, I write a lot and sometimes write character histories that get changed 100 times before I'm done chapter one...)

Since Wendy and Hodges, Wendy especially, aren't tied to anything, TPTB can do pretty much whatever they want, and can get away with it. They aren't bound to any real history, so they can say and do almost anything without any continuity problems.
If CSI manages, in one year, to kill Warrick, lose Grissom, fail GSR, make casting mistakes, AND screw up Wedges, I might just scream. For a very long time.

You took the words right out of my mouth... I swear I was about ready to lose it when I heard about Grissom leaving and TPTB getting rid of Warrick. It seems like the whole show is changing and I started to see Wedges as something constant. If TPTB screw that up, the show's going to the dogs. Well at least Wally and Liz have some say... I would love to hear their thoughts on their characters.

TPTB can do pretty much whatever they want, and can get away with it. They aren't bound to any real history, so they can say and do almost anything without any continuity problems.

And that's what scares me... though it'd be pretty funny if there were a real Hodges and Wendy. I wonder what they'd have to say about their fictional counterparts... and I'm pretty sure they'd go ballistic if TPTB go in a completely different direction with them on-screen.
I would love to hear their thoughts on their characters.
Which is the complete reason I have $60 set aside to buy S8 as soon as it's out on DVD. The You Kill Me commentary. I am 110% serious.

Wedges has become a constant. It's the only thing that hasn't really changed since the middle-ish of S7. And, if it has changed, it's changed to become slightly better (which isn't a bad thing). While it is worrisome that TPTB will mess it up, they've handled it so well that I'd be surprised if they did something stupid.
I don't think season 8 has guaranteed the actors to do the commentary like in labrats, I hope it does happen...but the fact that the relationship is implied in this episode this time around...whoever does the commentary, you know we'll get a little more insight on both the characters and their feelings toward the other...maybe explain a little more of this budding relationship.

As for messing things up? Yeah it is a little worrisome, but I'm holding that little glimmer of faith that it doesn't happen. And like I said about the actors having a say in their characters, I have learned...being a huge wally langham fan in general over the past number of years (before csi), that he's not shy if he feels the need to voice his opinion or advice on something pertaining to whatever character he portrays. Anything to help better the final product. So hopefully they both have the sense to speak up...if not for them personally, then for their characters sake............................lol!
Liz and Wally seem to agree on the Wedges thing. (Source: LR commentary. I told you I watched it a lot) I think that they'd fight for their right to be the next (more successful) GSR.

As for who will do the commentary for You Kill Me, I don't care if it's one person just sitting in a room rambling. It's a strong enough Wedges episode that they'll have to say something about it. Yes, I did just admit that I'm spending $60 for only one guaranteed sentence. I'm also addicted to Stewart's Orange Cream Soda. Conclusion: Who cares.

Liz and Wally seem to agree on the Wedges thing. (Source: LR commentary. I told you I watched it a lot) I think that they'd fight for their right to be the next (more successful) GSR.

I think they will fight for it... they obviously like their characters and their relationship. I'd love to see them fight for it... I wonder if they offer any suggestions for Wedges moments? If they do, god only knows what they'd have in mind...
Perhaps seeing one of the few commentaries of season 9 will be for "you kill me" there will be some light shed on the relationship...I mean it's a heck of a lot more obvious and in your face, not only to the viewer, but some of the other characters...I just hope we're not disappointed with it. Nah, how can we...it's a huge Wedges episode...they can't NOT bring it up.

*nudges Karu*....if you noticed on the right hand side of this page where it lists news and an episode guide that...if you haven't seen it yet, "The Theory of Everything" episode is on CBS this coming Thursday...the Wedges scene where they talk Spock is in that ep. Also it's the episode where they are all talking about Hodges lookin' for an apartment to impress a girl...including Mandy's quick little phone call to him about it.
That made me laugh. Hodges looks like he's either thinking: "1) How many people know I still live with my mother? 2) How does said living arrangements affect my relationships? 3) No one knows about my crush on Wendy... right?"

He looks so confused and Mandy's just "...yeah".

I have to mention that Mandy's the only one that mentions the moving out thing having anything to do with a girl. Henry, although he might just be awkward around Catherine, seems to think that it has something to do with Hodges's mother, not Hodges himself.
I have to mention that Mandy's the only one that mentions the moving out thing having anything to do with a girl. Henry, although he might just be awkward around Catherine, seems to think that it has something to do with Hodges's mother, not Hodges himself.

Yeah...that is why I still think that if anyone other then the two involved are going to speak up on the matter of this relationship....it'll be Mandy. So she never saw the actual "looks", but she DID mention it having to do with impressing a girl........lol...maybe she'll try and set them up without them knowing.....who'd be the smart one then? :lol:
The smart one would be TPTB. If they did something awesome like that, that is. I was reading some CSI recaps on The Recapist, and really, I am a geek. G-E-E-K. First of all, I read recaps. Second of all, I bookmark recaps. Thirdly, I am a shipper. Fourthly, I still watch Digimon. (What? I'm still 12, too. XD) Anyway, what I was saying about the recaps is that Wedges isn't just something that people here see. There was a joke "Previously on CSI" on the Grissom's Divine Comedy one, and one of the lines was "Hodges was crushing on Wendy". Wedges proof has appeared on CSIFiles recaps and on mostly all of the recaps I've read. While some people can't see GSR, and other similar stuff, Wedges seems to be the one consistent "Oh, well, yeah, I can see that", whether the viewer likes it or not.
this coming Thursday...the Wedges scene where they talk Spock is in that ep. Also it's the episode where they are all talking about Hodges lookin' for an apartment to impress a girl...including Mandy's quick little phone call to him about it.

Really? Awesome! I can't wait to see that one... I already sort of know what happens, but it's much better to see it on TV. You just can't imagine that kind of thing, well at least I can't. Besides, I really want to see Hodges' impressed look.
At the end of the scene, Wendy sort of mocks his antics- is that what you'd call it, DJ? You know, in the half-second before it cuts the scene, she's sort of mocking him. It's hilarious. I mean, I really need something to laugh about today because one of the teachers in my school was killed in a car accident last night, and it's been a really somber day. She never taught me, but she was only 33 years old and I've seen her around school. It must be a funny scene to make you laugh after that, right?
Okay, like a million things run through my head...different scenarios, possibilities about these guys and how and if they get together, who'd be involved or not involved, where, which one would initiate the first move...etc etc etc...

One thought was Grissom giving Hodges advice about getting the girl...which was pretty laughable. Of all people Gris and to who of all people, Hodges! Then I thought a little more about it and soon realized it wasn't such a silly idea after all. If anyone was to give the man advice, I think it would be kinda clever for Gris to be the one. With all he had gone through over the past several "years", he might just tell him to go with his heart and don't wait to long....sort of like how the saying goes "do as I say, not as I do" sort of thing.

Then I thought with Wendy toying with the idea of field work...after hearing about Warrick...will she still want to? Will Hodges be accepting? If she decides to move forward with the idea, will that be the point of no return where he voices his true concern and feelings for her...to her? If he does?

Anyway, just a couple of many ideas being tossed around in my head
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